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Everything posted by GoFly

  1. This is a wonderful opportunity - thank you! I'd like to promote our online flight training platform at www.gofly.online GoFly Online was dreamed up by a team of professional aviators and content producers with the aim of giving you the most beneficial information to supplement your current or future flight training. Throughout the year, the team at GoFly Online continue to create and upload stunning content, which will add further value to your Basic or Premium subscription. There is also 25 blogs and over 70 FREE videos for pilots including interviews, and tips. If your flight school closes down during the coronavirus spread, this is the perfect way to keep enthused, keep learning and to memorise your procedures.
  2. Thanks! It's a risk releasing the video, but the feedback we have had so far (2,200 views in 24 hours) is very positive towards Kyle, the Sling aircraft and our training. 8668 is back in the air without a scratch. Had more damage in last November's hailstorm. The farmer was happy with a slab of beer.
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