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Lorraine MacGillivray - Victoria RAA Board Candidate

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Victoria sends out failure to submit Notices together with a warning of the penalty.


I don't think they go as far as checking the figures for every cricket club David, but if something blows up they have the hard evidence.



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I am also concerned about what seems to be a rift with some board members... there seems to be some definite side taking and some hostility towards this site and its admin... How will the potential candidates deal with this situation?



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i reckon the ..."half the bored this year, the other half next year" thing is deliberately designed to stymie the members..that is, systemic change is impossible. forgetting the senate(which most of oz does) our reps are elected as one group, their may be the occasional coronary or sex scandal that forces a by election but the system allows 'the will of the electors' to be heard.do u reckon we would have the current membership apathy if the whole bored was up for election every couple of years??...i doubt it...


the current system is designed to perpetuate wats happening now....


just some thoughts.................

I agree 100%... Watching the current election process is enough to convince me... What say members reps?



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Guest davidh10

There's no doubt that the "half board election" is aimed at keeping some continuity. Usually that is a good thing, because an organisation does not want all the good experience to depart at once. Unfortunately, it is a double edged sword with the current scenario, but two years should be able to rectify the issue, if enough members realise the issue and vote accordingly.



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i reckon the ..."half the bored this year, the other half next year" thing is deliberately designed to stymie the members.

Let's move this over to the questions board





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Finally made it back.


First the members come first. It is your RAA. I was the Finance Manager at what was the Training Aircraft Logistics Management Squadron at RAAF East Sale for 7 years. I managed the support for a total of 76 aircraft. The reason I mention this is how many people on the Board have a financial and/or business background as well as knowledge of the industry and the members needs?


It is often s big call to have Board members that have the additional skills required to be able to make informed, educated and sound decisions. Or you get hopefully Board members that are willing to learn and are well intentioned, then unfortunately sometimes we get people that have a personal agenda or just want an opportunity to feel power and importance. I have no time for the latter and if we have any of those they will be fair game for me.


RAA certainly needs to have its structure looked at and inefficiencies in the organization. Pilot Examiner numbers should be increased and this be a fee for service job as it is now. The Ops Manager cannot be everywhere, probably one of the reasons Mick Poole is moving on where he may also be able to have a life, spend some time at home with his family. For a start this would ease the what must be a huge travel budget. The Ops Manager should not be doing every school check, flight test etc. Grossly inefficient and I would suggest costly to the members, that is just one example.


As for financials they should be transparent. It is your money, you are the shareholders. I was a Shire Councillor for a term and one of my beefs was the lack of transparency, the funds expended that ratepayers never see. It is interesting how an administration can manipulate Councillors, the weaker ones to run their agenda for them. The same applies to Boards. Employees of organizations need to remember who pays their wages.


Transparency and communication are significant issues, without those you don't have trust. That seems to be what is a current issue with the present Board, and that needs and must be addressed.


That's it for this post off to get a coffee.


Cheers Lorraine



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