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Over the top of Tullamarine

Guest Jules

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Guest Jules

Hi. This is my first post on this great site that Ian introduced me to. I posted these pictures on another site and Ian thought you guys may be interested in them. They were taken while orbiting overhead Tullamarine and Avalon in a 172. Hope you guys enjoy them!


Unfortunately due to size restrictions they are not the greatest quality, better ones are available here. Cheers













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Thanks Jules 011_clap.gif.c796ec930025ef6b94efb6b089d30b16.gif


The point here is that not only are they fantastic photos but for those that also have a PPL that in these days with security so high at airports (subject of many other threads 051_crying.gif.fe5d15edcc60afab3cc76b2638e7acf3.gif ) and whatever our thoughts are about CASA, ATC etc, that ATC really are here to help us and can be very obliging if we only ask first.


I mean did you ever think that you could ever fly above an International Airport such as YMML - I never thought you would even get a hint of permission to do that!


Thanks again Jules.



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Guest howard

About 5-7 years back I tried to get a track overhead YMML at 3500 when I was enroute Kilmore-Geelong to avoid bad sh!t out to the west but got


knocked back. VH kite and PPL notwithstanding.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Poor VH EAB. i remember sanding and repainiting her all those yrs ago now, the flying fishtank we called her. a shame to see her stitting there at Avalon being used for spares. all those good hours overtime sanding her down. all memories now.051_crying.gif.fe5d15edcc60afab3cc76b2638e7acf3.gif:confused:



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I think it is actually VH-EBU, a -300, EAB from memory was the second -SP. (and before that a 707, and before that a Connie!)


3500 is a difficult level over an airport, better to be higher (6000+) or lower (1500 AGL) - and preferably at a track that is perpendicular to the duty Runway (it helps the tower obtain visual separation through azimuth, and the conflict period is quicker).


The manner in which you plan, request and respond to your clearance will also determine if the controller wants to 'take you on' through their airspace if their is a bit of a fray going on. If you have your procedures squared away and know where the relevant points to track to are immediately, you will fair a better chance.


If it is an Emergency and you need the clearance, the word 'require' will part the seas ahead - but be prepared to justify it after the fact if required (especially if you limit other operations). Paul Willett



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i know there was an E and an B in there somewhere, it was a while ago now, i have done a pretty good job forgetting my time at the red rat. i also remember spending many hrs sanding OJB, since i have left the dreaming paint job has been replicated on one of the ex Asiana aircraft, powered by the CF6's i believe. what has happened to OJB? is she still painted?



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  • 1 month later...
Guest ozzie

The 747 being parted out, would it timed out on hrs or landings.


how many of either is the life of these. just curious, thanks





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