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ASIC card problems

Guest Rocko

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Guest airsick

Well before Osama's time I worked at Brisbane airport. When someone rocked up to work and had forgotten their ASIC they'd just borrow one from someone on the previous shift then leave it in the draw for them to pick up the next time they were at work. I would say it happened all the time but it wasn't rare either.



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Guest ozzie

same here as Pylon, never ever ever. Time to force some rethink on what this card is for and it's cost. time to flex our political weight.



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Guest airsick
same here as Pylon, never ever ever. Time to force some rethink on what this card is for and it's cost. time to flex our political weight.

It works for some but this will mean I get locked out of the airport. The cost of an ASIC is small compared to the inability to fly for me. That's not to say I agree with it but I for one will be keeping mine current for as long as it is a requirement.



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What use?


My opinion of the way this was introduced and it's effectiveness, is close to unprintable. There was an instruction that went out from the department saying that after a certain date non-possessors of the card would not be allowed in the AIR. This was corrected (with some well-deserved embarrassment). The organisation of each airport is left up to the local authority, and there is a wide variation. It would seem to me that certain MINIMUM areas could be designated off-limits, and operate that way, but that would only be common sense.


As to not having one, I do have one because I may be forced into an unplanned fuel or weather stop and it all becomes too much hassle. If they are a bad idea, we should ALL try to bring about sensible change. My Transit van is far more deadly. Nev..



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Guest airsick
If they are a bad idea, we should ALL try to bring about sensible change.

Couldn't agree more. My point is that until this change comes about I will be keeping mine current, I am not going to forsake flying just to make a point. In the meantime I too will be arguing for sensible policy.


Maybe we should do what the farmers do and fly to Parliament House. And without a transponder too! That'll make a point...


My Transit van is far more deadly.

With or without explosives? 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif



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There is little chance of getting any sanity into the ASIC system. It is a cash cow for CASA.


Maybe what we should do is keep writing to the minister A Albanese with queries and statements about it.


Maybe point out that a terrorist who has a card has to tell them when he gets convicted, otherwise they wouldn't know until he tries to get bit renewed. If that is not stupid I don't know what is. Well maybe I do, some of the things done by our previous government, such as banning Habibe from contacting Osama Bin Laden. I would have thought it would be good for a terrorist to contact OBL, then they would be able to find him.



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Well I like my card which only took a few weeks to get through RAA as it has paid for itself time and time again through discounts in hotels overseas, works better than an AOPA crew card. It's also good for opening doors without a key. There is always good to be found in everything in life. Maybe we could start a thread on the secondary efects or uses of the ASIC card 114_ban_me_please.gif.0d7635a5d304fa7bdaef6367a02d1a75.gif.



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I lot of my mates would say ,"Oh we hadn't noticed that you were gone". But they are a quick-witted bunch (compared to me) and I would only say it in jest whereas they would mean it. Besides, who would look after the Auster? Cheers Nev ...



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I'm actually more surprised that people are renewing their ASIC cards?:raise_eyebrow:


I mean, if you walk around with an expired one, who would know?


Are new ones a different colour?



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Guest airsick
I mean, if you walk around with an expired one, who would know?

Tried this. My brother and I forgot to renew ours. They both fell due around the same time and we just simply overlooked it. From memory we didn't even get a reminder notice. That said, I guess the responsibility is mine nonetheless, just like car rego etc.


Anyway, we were wandering around Canberra airport one day going flying or coming back, can't recall exactly, and we got stopped. The AFP asked for our cards which we promptly showed him and he pointed out they were expired. He then asked us to pack up our gear and bugger off. Never fined us or anything though.



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Guest ozzie

Don't know about you but i get my rego and license renewals sent to me before they run out. same goes for my RAAus stuff. My credit and efpos cards are replaced before expiry. if i don't pay a bill i get reminded before i find myself sitting in the dark. servants of the crown need to be reminded that they have a duty of care to the people they serve.


be interesting to see just how many people have been fined or jailed for infringments against this card. where are the figures to support the continuation of this card.


if they want a security check they can easily incorpate it with license renewal at THEIR cost not bloody mine. i am tired of putting my hand in my pocket to support some useless kneejerk ruling.


Stand up for yourselves.



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The legal situation is that the ASIC card is supposed to be returned on expiry. That is different from what the original cards required, as they required the card to be returned within one month of expiry.


I believe the reason for this is that once you return the card you cannot get legal access so you will have to apply earlier. That way CASA can rip you off for more money.



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Guest ramcam

then you don't have one for 2 weeks. 2 weeks without flying?


Anyway all my terrorist friends have them anyway! (oops)



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My new ASIC card shows Jun 10 on the face. I assume it is the same as the old one.


I sent off my application for a new ASIC card on 23rd May 2008 with authority to charge $160 against my Mastercard.


My MCard account was debited by $110 by RAAust on 30th May.


RAAust sent a letter dated 13th June to say it had been processed and was ready to be sent out once I posted in my old card.


I posted the old card the day the notification arrived.


The new card arrived about 26th June 2008 - just over 5 weeks.



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then you don't have one for 2 weeks. 2 weeks without flying? Anyway all my terrorist friends have them anyway! (oops)

Mate, a word of warning, please don't make such statements even in jest.


In this world we live in today certain statements are taken seriously first and never now treated as a joke.


There are now a number of people in prison in this country for making statements along the same line.


Remember when it comes to this particular topic you are deemed guilty until proven innocent.


This is not a paranoid view taken by our government it is a fact of life now as it is right on our doorstep and knocking to come in.


When you have seen the results of an act of terrorism first hand, innocent adults and children burnt and dismembered, you will understand.


Please don't take my post the wong way or as being directed totally at you it is a word of advice to all as the issue of terrorism is a deadly serious matter.







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Guest High Plains Drifter
When you have seen the results of an act of terrorism first hand, innocent adults and children burnt and dismembered, you will understand

rick-p, theres 10s of thousands, probably 100s of thousands of innocent dead Iraqys that would probably call Australia a terrorist country.


Lets not foreget that the same silly mindset that gave us the Iraq invasion, also gave us the ASIC.



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