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Victorian Members Please Vote


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Hi to all,


As I have previously mentioned I am running for a position on the RAA board and would appreciate your support. Most of you should have received your sport pilot mag which has the ballot paper and return envelope included.


I urge all to vote to show you care and hopefully some fresh blood on the board can help with changes.


If you have any questions of me then post them here or call me on 0403 228986.


Yours in safe flying,


Jim Tatlock.



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I wish you the best in your endeavours for a Board position. You are certainly walking into an interesting time in the Board. Are you fully aware of what you are walking into and are you prepared to stand up for proper governance and transparency for the members or will you simply be 'beaten' into submission on matters in the interests of the majority of other Board members?





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David I'm not going in blind. I will do my best as mentioned in my statement. With that in mind I am one vote on matters that the board put to a vote. Rest assured I try to maintain open communications with members and work for the future of the RAA .



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David I'm not going in blind. I will do my best as mentioned in my statement. With that in mind I am one vote on matters that the board put to a vote. Rest assured I try to maintain open communications with members and work for the future of the RAA .

Good man, more power to you and remember if that is your motive there will be a lot of supporters out here to back you up; please don't be afraid to ask for support when you think you might need it.

Remember that just because the Board won't support you on a matter that you perhaps feel strongly about or where the Board may in your view be in error or may be acting contrary to the constitution; if you come to the members on these matters, the members can, where appropriate, collectively have a significant impact on change as I think the Board will eventually discover.





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