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GPS cleaned with windex!


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My wife thought it would be nice to clean the car and after cleaning the windows decided to clean the mirrors and gps screen.GRRR Now the screen wont acknowledge any touch? any one know how to fix it?



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Guest Andys@coffs

I would suggest that you dont do anything more other than send an email to the manufacturers support team explaining what has occured. They should be able to offer advise.


Now that said if there is no support cause its a cheap chinese jobby then I would suggest that you dont use anything with alcohol. In fact I'll go one step further and suggest that a microfibre cloth, perhaps with one corner with just a bit of water to the point that its damp would be OK, Try that on the screen to see if you can remove the windex residue.


Their are 2 type of touch screen technology, capacitive (best) and resistive (less sensitive and prone to residues) if its capacitive and isnt working then.......anyway if its resistive you can probably clean very carefully so as not to damage the resistance measuring array that are on the surface of the glass....


Ask her how wet did she get teh screen? if it was just misted on then the abve will likely work, if she sprayed heaps and it ran down and puddled under the edges then the quicker you get a tech to look at it the more likely you are to be able to get it back. if its wet, has chemicals in it and has electric currents flowing then before long it'll be tooted! You should, if you can, remove the battery to prevent further electrolysis occuring....





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Yeah was going to suggest the very same - happens if you get it or anything greasy/filmy on smartphones as well.


The capacitance sensing screens lock up if they get 'covered' by something which insulates them - such as wondow cleaner, polish or grease.


- boingk



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Have found that any pre-packaged 'wipes' for cleaning glasses will be safe on phones,iPads,GPS,EFIS,TV,computor screens. But - not for liquid crystal displays.


Currently using Clearwipe Lens Cleaner which come in small sachets.


happy days,



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Guest Andys@coffs

reminds me of when my 2nd born...was born.....Wife asked me to grab the tube of Metsal before the day, and when we were there asked me to rub some on her back as she laboured.......Im not a sporty guy and therefore the power of Metsal was unknown to me so squirted what I thought was a reasonable amount into my hands and rubbed away......Turns out that teh amount I had would have been a reasonable amount if I was applying to an elephant..........she reckons the labour pains were nothing compared to the burning sensation......My hands were buring.....and in retrospect very thankful I didnt need that Male "scratch" at any time while applying......




P.S No pregnant women - Elephant comparisons needed......I dont need to be belted twice for the same crime!



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Ho Ho. . . . . like it, reminds me of a recently deceased aviator friend who liked extremely HOT curry. He asked me if I'd like to try a particular brand of imported Indian chilli sauce, I declined, as if there was such an animal as a" hotness factor" above tindaloo or Fahl,. . . . . then that was what he regarded as normal. . . . . . He stuck his finger in the jar, and slowly licked the lot off, and said " Beautiful" !! About fifteen minutes later, he went to the toilet and came back jumping about in total agony,. . . as he had ( I can only surmise ) touched a rather sensitive part of his male anatomy with a finger which was not, in fact, completely bereft of the aforementioned sauce. ( Ho Ho ) I would not normally find the extreme discomfort of a close friend A M U S I N G. . . . . But I nearly wet myself.


Anyway,. . . . . . SORRY ABOUT THE SLIGHT DRIFT OF THREAD Flyerme. . . . . . I promise I'll try harder next post. . . . . I had a friend with a Rans S6, whose windscreen was rather old, and very "Crazed" looking with tiny scratches. He was advised to get a new one, OR. . . . . try to clean it off with malt vinegar. [ Acetic Acid ?? ] ( True) and strangely enough, after an hour with a clean cloth and the aforesaid liquid,. . . the screen looked REALLY GOOD. It didn't flare into oblivion when landing nearly into the sun in the evenings, ( Rare thing, the sun, in the UK ) and it was still installed on the aircraft when sold some two years later. Rans S6 G- MYHI ( just in case it got exported to OZ, and it smells a bit of Fish and Chips )





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