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I live in Wangaratta and worked at Precision aviation,that used to be Air World.I lost a few years with a double lung transplant then this year a new single lung,Now it's back to work with some friends at Wang airport with a company they have started called Border aviation doing all types of Aircraft work.I mainly built fuselages for Kittyhawks P-39 fuses and wings when at Precision and probably will do some work there also.4 of the fuses i built are flying including Alan Arthurs P-40,you can Google it or see it on You Tube.





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Hi Mick,


You mentioned some rather interesting warbirds there, the only one ( of any note that is ) that I've flown is a Dragon Spitfire 1x back in 2000, this was a 2 seat modified model with a Packard Merlin. Abslolutely Bloody Wonderful thing to fly, but extremely thirsty, and therefore a rich boys toy !!! The owner was only able, due to bad weather, to do a couple of flights that day, and used 149 gallons. ( Probably my fault, with all the aerobatics !! Time on type ? 57 minutes and thirty nine seconds, although, I wasn't really counting ( nah. . . not much ! ) ( How much did it cost I hear you think ?? . . . . . . . £1,250.00 Sterling. Worth every penny. )


We are not allowed to fly warbirds ( as "Passengers" any longer . . . as the effing stupid EUROPEAN 'ELF 'N' SAFETY rules have diktated that a warbird is not a safe thing to fly in.) It doesn't have guardrails on the wings to prevent you falling off, nor wheelchair ramps, nor cabin staff to make your flight safe and comfortable. Also, the operator would have to pay £50,000 per annum for Elf 'N' Safety insurance.


What a load of airbollox. But, regrettably, the UK is the only country in the Eurpoean Union to take any notice whatsoever of ANY rules and regulations ( 143 new ones every day. . .) whch they enforce here with jobsworth reliability.


Anyway, enough of my Pommie Whingeing,. . . . . Welcome Mick and look forward to you posting and letting us know what you are doing.





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I've got to be honest I wouldn't mind WHAT models they were ! ! ! ! !


I also hope that the efforts to recover the bunch of buried ones that have been found in Burma turns out well, I'm following that story with much interest.





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Phil the practice when they burried those things was to run the bulldosers over them to stop the bad guys from getting them,

Well, someone obviously had other ideas, I hope they are not all flattened !!!!!!!!



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