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CPL Theory training

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Hello everybody,


I have already passed my PPL theory and now I'm interested in completing my CPL theory subjects. I know I can go off and buy the appropriate books and continue with self study but I was wondering if there were people out there who can share some wisdom as to alternative ways of CPL study - online or courses etc.


Also can anybody offer advice as to the best approach for this ie should i tackle one subject at a time.


regards F



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Guest Howard Hughes

Hi Furio,


There are a number of flying schools around which offer commercial theory courses, where are you located? I would recommend attempting some of the easier subjects via self study (Human Factors, Met, FR and Air Law, possibly Nav depending on what training you have completed already) and doing courses for the harder subjects. When I did mine (many years ago) we did one subject each week and sat the exam at the end of the week, this meant all subjects were completed in six weeks.


Cheers, HH.


PS: There are seven subjects now!



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I did my theory subjects with Dyson - Holland - one book per subject. I found the books easy learning complete with sample exams at the end of each chapter. Having said that it was 30 years ago so I am unaware if they are still an option





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I self-studied all my exams for PPL and CPL, I found that worked best for me. I highlighted stuff that needed clarifying and asked my instructors when I went out to the club to fly.


I only studied one subject at a time.



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Thanks everybody for the tips and leads. I will follow these up. I used the Bob Tait books for my PPL and found them very easy to understand so i will investigate this a bit further.





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In my search i came across a Diploma of Aviation Theory course at the Central Queensland University. They also run a Associate Degree in Aviation. both of these courses seem to cover the theory side of the CPL.


has anyone hear of or had any experience with these or similar courses?







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Guest Howard Hughes

University courses would cover theory to ATPL standard. If you are in Queensland and looking to do a University course, also look at Griffith University, I believe their courses have a good reputation.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello folks,


So I have done some research now and have decided to do the CPL theory at a local flight school at Bankstown. I start the first subject - Human Performance and Limitations - tonight. doing one subject at a time (stuying part time) so if all goes well expect / hope to complete all subjects this year. Each subject runs for a couple of nights each week over a number of weeks depending on the subject difficulty and content.


Thanks for your feedback.





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  • 4 weeks later...

Lionel Taylor at Moorabbin Airport.


I did all my CPL throry with him, and he is well known. He is fantastic and worth every cent!


He also does ATPL and IREX which I am about to start with him.


If you want to get hold of him just send him an email at: [email protected]


His next courses are:


- ATPL MET part time – Feb 5th


- CPL Air Law Fulltime – Feb 6th


- PPL (H) Part time – Feb 11th


- CPL Nav Fulltime – Feb 18th


- ATPL Nav Part Time – Feb 26th


- CPL Met Fulltime – March 1st


- CPL Perf/Loading Fulltime – March 12th


- CPL Human Perf Fulltime – March 21st


- IREX Fulltime - April 6th


Hope that helps.




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Chrissy, thanks for that. unfortunately i'm based in Sydney. Have now been going to classes for 4 weeks. last week completed the HF course and sit the exam in a little over a week so trying to put time aside to study and revise. just started aerodynamics this week with second class tonight.





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  • 3 weeks later...

ok so here's an update. Had to postpone my HF exam due to work commitments - however managed to sit for it this morning. passed with 90%. very pleased with that. currently about to finish the aerodynamics course this week so hopefully will sit the exam in a couple of weeks.



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ok so here's an update. Had to postpone my HF exam due to work commitments - however managed to sit for it this morning. passed with 90%. very pleased with that. currently about to finish the aerodynamics course this week so hopefully will sit the exam in a couple of weeks.

:happydance: well done Mate and congratulations



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  • 1 month later...

Keeping the updates coming. Had to postpone the aero exam for a couple of weeks due to work commitments however managed to sit for it late laste week and passed with a respectable 85%. just about finished the nav course and have the exam booked in at the end of April.


keep flying folks.



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  • 3 weeks later...

the next installment. Sat my cpl nav exam this morning and passed 80%. a bit lower than i expected given the amount of work that i put in. strange exam however - there was not one question on radio nav aids. lots on vertical navigation and BOD/EOD and one in sixty plus the (very) odd question which didnt seem to be mentionedioned in the study guides/textbooks etc. finished the exam with only one minute to go - felt drained after it. however a pass is good and now that lets me move onto the next subject - performance.



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  • 4 months later...

G'day all, it's been a while since i last visited this site and a lot has happened since. i now have just two weeks before i sit my last cpl exam, air law. So in the past few months have finished performance, met and agk and now jus two weeks to go hopefully air law. wow this year has just flown. no pun intended.





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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Howard.


This morning I sat for my final exam - air law - so much to get thru. However i managed to pass with flying colours (once again no pun intended). The exam was straight forward - the trick is to read the questions carefully as there are subtle differences between the question and what the answer should be. finished and cheers for now.





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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 years later...

In my country crop dusters and pipeline patrol pilots are considered by our Federal Aviation Agency as "Those of whom we do not speak." If your are interested in the stinky side of aviation, read Safe Maneuvering Flight Techniques. I expect you are aiming high like most pilots. I spent my time low and loved it.







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