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Class 1 medical


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I just wanted to get some opinions about my situation getting a class 1 medical. I was in a accident about 6 years ago now, which was pretty severe. I fractured my neck and in the process have a very minor brain injury which is completely unnoticeable unless you are a doctor and know what you are looking for. What I have is called Ataxia, which basically affects my fine motor control. The most recent report I have says something about my vision being affected as well, but only when moving my head quickly, which is rubbish. Would you guys recommend I get a second opinion about my vision? Would that be an issue in getting the medical cert?


Any advice would be greatly appreciated :)







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Mmm. Sounds like from your description maybe you may have nystagmus - where the eyes get a flicking movement to one side followed by a slower move back to the start position followed by repeated cycling of the flick and return movements. Can be brought by rapid turning of the head or in many people with it simply turning the eyes rapidly to one side.


Usually related to underlying cerebellar ( the rear and lowermost part of the brain that mostly controls muscle coordination or some of the tracts deep in the Middle of the brain.


I hope it's not what I think because if it was I can't see casa allowing it through. You say you have a report and should you get a second opinion? Have you actually been to DAME yet or is the result you have part of a casa medical - which you have already failed? Or is this report just from your own doctor for a non aviation examination?


Something you need to understand is that second opinions ( even first opinions) from doctors who examine you count for nothing for an aviation medical. The doctors opinion about whether are fit to fly are irrelevant. The dame is employed to examine you and report those findings. The findings are compared a list of allowable clinical findings put up by casa. If you tick all the boxes you pass if you don't you are failed by casa ( by not fitting their list of findings) not the dame. If you have something that the DAME finds that CASA considers a fail it's CASA who fail you. CASA will not take any notice of your doctor's opinion, only what they find.


So until you have a CASA/DAME medical and you fail it, don't bother about a second opinion unless you want it for your own ongoing medical treatment. And if you have a brain injury with nystagmus I would be very surprised if CASA would ever pass you. But I could be wrong. But you have to approach CASA Avmed about it.



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Mmm. Sounds like from your description maybe you may have nystagmus - where the eyes get a flicking movement to one side followed by a slower move back to the start position followed by repeated cycling of the flick and return movements. Can be brought by rapid turning of the head or in many people with it simply turning the eyes rapidly to one side.Usually related to underlying cerebellar ( the rear and lowermost part of the brain that mostly controls muscle coordination or some of the tracts deep in the Middle of the brain.

I hope it's not what I think because if it was I can't see casa allowing it through. You say you have a report and should you get a second opinion? Have you actually been to DAME yet or is the result you have part of a casa medical - which you have already failed? Or is this report just from your own doctor for a non aviation examination?


Something you need to understand is that second opinions ( even first opinions) from doctors who examine you count for nothing for an aviation medical. The doctors opinion about whether are fit to fly are irrelevant. The dame is employed to examine you and report those findings. The findings are compared a list of allowable clinical findings put up by casa. If you tick all the boxes you pass if you don't you are failed by casa ( by not fitting their list of findings) not the dame. If you have something that the DAME finds that CASA considers a fail it's CASA who fail you. CASA will not take any notice of your doctor's opinion, only what they find.


So until you have a CASA/DAME medical and you fail it, don't bother about a second opinion unless you want it for your own ongoing medical treatment. And if you have a brain injury with nystagmus I would be very surprised if CASA would ever pass you. But I could be wrong. But you have to approach CASA Avmed about it.



The report says "no gaze hold nystagmus noted" so I don't have that but the dynamic visual acuity isn't in the normal range. This was all done by a physio so I feel I should see a ophthalmologist about it rather and get a report on my eyes done from them.



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Jaba-who,The report says "no gaze hold nystagmus noted" so I don't have that but the dynamic visual acuity isn't in the normal range. This was all done by a physio so I feel I should see a ophthalmologist about it rather and get a report on my eyes done from them.

Ok as far as a report from a physio goes it carries no more weight than one written by the little old lady who lives next door. Even a report from an ophthalmologist may be treated with minimal importance. ( I am aware of a case where multiple ophthalmologists stated a pilots minimal defect was irrelevant but the casa doctor (with no ophthalmology qualifications) overroad them.


The other thing is that if you get an ophthalmologists report beforehand and casa say they want a report there's no saying that they will stipulate your ophthalmologist as suitable for the report.


I've seen them require a report from a specific specialist even though others were available. Suspicion of you engaging a friend or aquantence to give a better than true report perhaps???


So while I'm not advocating a course of action it's up to you. But personally I would leave it all aside and just go for the medical with the dame and don't overemphasise anything just answer the questions truthfully and let all the pieces fall into place as they do.


To preempt it with multiple visits to potentially irrelevant specialists whose word will not be taken anyway is just an expense you might not need.



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I wouldn’t say anything but answer the questions with a yes or no no more than that, you are not helping yourself to elaborate if not required.


I know airline transport pilots that go to doctors in Singapore and New Zealand to stay away from the prying eyes of CASA.


Tread carefully





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I did exactly as Jaba has advised not to do above for my first medical, and, as he mentioned it was a VERY expensive way for things to proceed, and mostly unnecessary. Do the medical and any additional tests they require once they have asked would be my suggestion.



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