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I struggling to understand the difference between the requirements for an asic.


As i plan to fly in/out of airports with passenger movements say Mt Gambier you must have an Red ASIC as the council demands it.


Now as a RA Aus pilot i dont need no fancy medical cert and Mt Gambier as far as i know is a class g and not class d due to the tower closing back in in the late 80s im not sure but they have a ra aus school there.


But if i go through CASA they word the application process as such i must have a class 2 medical before getting ASIC but if i go through Dept of Transport etc All i need is the correct identification.


Why such different standards?


Is it because CASA dont see ra aus as real pilots and trying to scare us away from such airports?





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No medical requirement for ASIC. Stangely you need a reason to get an ASIC like working at an airport or flying into one. For a PPL to be current you need a medical so the people who issue the ASIC see the medical as a sign the licence is active. Tell em you don’t need a medical for your RAAus certificate but still need the ASIC to fly into YMTG.



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No medical requirement for ASIC. Stangely you need a reason to get an ASIC like working at an airport or flying into one. For a PPL to be current you need a medical so the people who issue the ASIC see the medical as a sign the licence is active. Tell em you don’t need a medical for your RAAus certificate but still need the ASIC to fly into YMTG.

Thanks I suspected as much but some days it's hard to sort the wheat from the hay when your new to it.
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Guest Guest

Most know the ASIC is just a wank and designed to keep people in a job and make the general public "think" they are safe! But if you have to have one do as the above poster put a link to, avoid CASA like the plague!!



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