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8 minute Video Montage of my Flight journey thus far...


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I question the use of aileron in the power on stalling sequence, it may work fine in that aircraft but you might go on to less forgiving types. 

Yes, that didn't look at all good to me either, a recipe for instant spin entry in many aircraft. Also - watch his feet during the aileron input, the first correction with left aileron is accompanied by right rudder - you can see his left knee bend to accommodate the left pedal moving back. 



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Yes, that didn't look at all good to me either, a recipe for instant spin entry in many aircraft. Also - watch his feet during the aileron input, the first correction with left aileron is accompanied by right rudder - you can see his left knee bend to accommodate the left pedal moving back. 

Right you are... that was my first power on stall and I did everything wrong.... yes I was lucky..... I instintively tried to correct with ailerons and thereby increased my AoA on my dropping wing thereby increasing the wing drop.... it is very cringy for me to watch but like I said this is a video of goof ups and all.


here is an updated video 






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Yes sir... absolutely.... I did have trouble posting this as it makes me squirm in my seat to watch the aileron abuse during the power on  stall. I should have stated that it was my first power on stall and yes I instinctively did everything wrong.  Aileron inputs increased my AoA on the falling wing... increasing the drop... but this is learning video and I don't mind showing my goofups.... thanks for the feed back.






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Video Montage of my Flight journey thus far...8 minutes of flying thrills!


alot of my goof ups and successes in the Comco Ikarus C 42 Rotax 912 at Ontario Advanced Ultralights in Kingston Ontario Canada.



Okay I've updated my video link with a better description of my power on stall.... but I cannot figure out how to update the link in this forum... so here is the updated link






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Ah, I see, I thought an instructor was demonstrating a power on stall to you. My concern was that the instructor seemed to be doing/teaching the wrong thing ...

Nope... that was me in PIC... but this instructor had asked me to do a power on stall and I'd never done one before but I was decent at power off stalls... I knew that they were different... all that torque with no control surface authority at stall but I thought I could pull it off... and bango... my lizard brain jumped in scared as a new born kitten and started slapping the ailerons around instead of holding neutral as my logic brain knows.. I was completely surprised at my complete loss of common air sense but live if you're lucky and learn.  It is very hard to watch and then post such poor form but it's part of the gig....


I do appreciate all advice inputs as I'm such a newbie I"m still 200 hours from making it out of the amatuer ranks that I"m in now with my 65 hours!





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