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Guest disperse

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Guest disperse

Feeling a little sentimental here at the moment. And also a little desperate to get get a bit of my chest.....


This forum has been my closest friend for a long time now .... and just being able to log on and say hello. as truly helped my sanity.


And I know I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE. 018_hug.gif.8f44196246785568c4ba31412287795a.gif who's life has changed dramatically lately.


Thanks to Ian first for the truly admirable values that you stand strong for. I would stand beside and fight for you any day. ( you've got my number )


And to "ALL OF YOU" and there a many here that are special to me ... 018_hug.gif.8f44196246785568c4ba31412287795a.gif I love youse all. THANK YOU SO MUCH !!! your help and friendship has given me so much. and not just within the flying field.


Please don't take this the wrong way.... I'm not leaving or going anywhere. It's all good. Just like I said.. "just feeling a little sentimental"


By the way ..... I WALKED !!! Thats right after 8 mths and 25 days ..... I took my first steps without sticks under my arms ... Now thats cool


Anyway, To sum it all up : My life has been pretty screwed up lately. And much of it I can't talk easily about for various reasons. But your friendship and love has ment so much to me . And drives me forward within this dramatically changing life.





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Guest Fred Bear

Aaw Troy. Wonderful stuff mate 051_crying.gif.fe5d15edcc60afab3cc76b2638e7acf3.gif followed by a 018_hug.gif.8f44196246785568c4ba31412287795a.gif(for sentimental reasons). Now if you tell me you cannot or are not coming for a fly with me next Tue/Wed I will make sure you have sticks under your arms again. Keep smiling mate :)



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Guest Fred Bear

And yes, I am still up as late as you on this wonderful forum. Gawd, look at my post count. Oh well. Into the million figure soon enough. The wonderful cyber lifestyle.



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Guest disperse

Thanks Darren .... I've been to various forums of late to do with other subjects,,, phones, computers, Xbox etc.


And being within those forums truly made me realize just how much HONEST mate ship there is here .......



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Good onyas Dazza and Dizzy.;) Man hug time...018_hug.gif.8f44196246785568c4ba31412287795a.gif006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif


I'll stop being flippant now but I know what you mean Disperse. :big_grin:


Must feel great to walk without sticks, having been stuck on em for 2 days myself gave me the sh:censored:, bugger 8 months worth.:;)1:


Keep going and keep having fun.







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Guest airsick

I remember being not able to walk full stop for around five months when I was a kid and then being stuck on crutches for a further nine after that. I don't know what happened to you nor can I say I understand what you are going through but I can say I have great sympathy for what you are feeling at the moment. It is sort of like your first solo - not quite there but you can feel the freedom, you can touch it and you know you aren't far from having it for real.


Good luck with it all and hope you are running around soon. 011_clap.gif.c796ec930025ef6b94efb6b089d30b16.gif







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Good onya fellas.. Its never failed to amaze and inspire me the level of comradery that flying seems to envoke.. The world is divided in two, those who fly, and those who don't, but should..


Ive never had the crutches thing but ive had a few medical problems that kept me from flying, and the one thing that got me through (besides the love of a great woman) was the dream of flying again..


I sufferd from major depression after i had a heart incident...not a heart attack, just an electrical problem that caused my heart to squillion miles an hour..24/7 .. for a 29 year old it had a major impact on my life.. They had to use radio frequency abillation which is basically an angiogramm with another wire that finds the electrical distubance in your heart and burns it off.. pretty scary stuff but a common procedure.. medicine in this century is absolutly astounding..


The depression was the real problem.. not being able to function in even the most basic of day to day task's nearly brought me undone.. but alwqys there was th thought of flying again, and it kept me real, gave me a posative focal point and got me through i believe..


Good onya disperse for your post, the light at the end of the tunnel getting real close now mate (and its not a train)...


cheers lads...;);)



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Good news Troy. I hadn't realised you were not able to walk, maybe I didn't follow your posts properly or maybe you didn't complain enough for me to notice.


I still havn't got round to dropping in on Gary, every time I go to town I can't wait to get back to the bush.


Keep up the good work



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Congratulations Troy.


I must admit I’ve rarely replied to one of your posts (ever?), but don’t let that concern you because I’ve always looked forward to the next gem of wisdom from the guy with the attitude that comes across so positive, and a sense of humor that’s truly infectious, for someone who was really down on his luck the day he went to lend someone else in need a hand.


Anyway crutches are handy for checking fuel drains on Lockheed Constellations!


Keep smiling Troy. We’re here for you if there’s any need to talk through the down times.


Regards, Decca.



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Congratulations Troy.I must admit I’ve rarely replied to one of your posts (ever?), but don’t let that concern you because I’ve always looked forward to the next gem of wisdom from the guy with the attitude that comes across so positive, and a sense of humor that’s truly infectious, for someone who was really down on his luck the day he went to lend someone else in need a hand.


Anyway crutches are handy for checking fuel drains on Lockheed Constellations!


Keep smiling Troy. We’re here for you if there’s any need to talk through the down times.


Regards, Decca.

Just sort of puts things into perspective really... Decca said wot I wanted to (but got there first).





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Iam with Ben, Decca,


it is fantastic place to talk, share and grow our experiences.


Not sure what your challenge is with being on stick,s, however as all have said, with a great attitude as your's is, you will be soaring!


A littlestory, a few months ago a fella turned up here to do his BFR, in his Lightwing, his support crew turned up with his wheel chair. So he could get to the car to go and pick up his car and caravan, as he was moving in for a while to do bit of advanced training. Have flown with a few in the Lightwing's and for his challenges he handles his machine very well. (Caused originally from food posioning, was laid flat for 8 months on life support, lungs had collapsed.)


Not trying to detract from your instance, just a little part of his story, sure he will tell it all one day!


He might even get to the Echuca Flyin, will only take him about 7 hours, wind depending!


You Can Do It! We Know You Can.


God Bless Cheers Guy:hug:011_clap.gif.c796ec930025ef6b94efb6b089d30b16.gif



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Guest David C

Troy ,,


Aaaw mate you had me worried for a while .... You know what ?? .... It takes a REAL bloke to voice their sentiments like that ... Well done my friend, and all the very best for the future . I'm sure it's all going to be getting better from now on .;)


Dave C



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Guest disperse



I'm nowhere near as challenged as others .... ( Unless you take into account living with mrs Sperse 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif ) ....... No God bless her she's got a good heart:;)7:.


The origanal post came after logging in late at night ..... and staring at The familier screen. And just realizing just what this forum and it's contributers have ment to me since I first got here.. ....... Oh ! and I think my other mate "Jim Beam" may have helped me write it .... But regardless .... I Love this place ... So once again 018_hug.gif.8f44196246785568c4ba31412287795a.gif



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Oh ! and I think my other mate "Jim Beam" may have helped me write it 018_hug.gif.8f44196246785568c4ba31412287795a.gif

Ahhh, my friend Uncle jimmy beam....always causes me to become very sentimental and have a big outpouring of love and affection...018_hug.gif.8f44196246785568c4ba31412287795a.gif :big_grin:


Glad we've been of help Disperse. Good to hear that Mrs Sperse has a good heart as well....;)







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