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Guest BaronVonEvil

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Guest BaronVonEvil

Hi Everybody,


I just found your site and it looks really good. My reason for joining is to learn about what others are flying and how they solve those little annoying problems that seem to pop up every once in awhile in an airplane.


I currently own two Ultralight-Light sport aircraft. One is a Kolb Firestar II and the other is a Maxair Drifter 447. I also fly and maintain a friend's Challanger II as well. I just recently completed gettiing all three through the US registration process for the experimental light sport aircraft category.


I am a licensed airframe and powerplant mechanic here in the USA but work on boats to make a living. Such is the way of life sometimes.


With any luck I hope I can contribute in some small way to the enjoyment of aviation.


Best Regards,


Carlos G







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A BIG G"DAY to you Carlos ,welcome, hope this forum will give you an in sight as to what is happening Downunder in comparison to your what is going on in Stateside.


From what i can gather much happening with converting to the new regs. it sounds pretty involved. just wondering if they will change or eliminate the current no license and rego regs for ultralighters? (far 103?) I hope to try and make Airventure this year and maybe get the loan of a Lazair and do some hassel free flying whilst there.hense the question.


blue skies Ozzie



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Carlos Welcome from Down Under


Sounds like you are enjoying yourself, airplanes and boats, most people would be tearing out thier hair to either one.


Sure you will find the forums enjoyable with loads of information and lot's of disscussion about everything, along with some mateship.


Have a Great time Good to have you on board.


Cheers Guy;)



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Guest BaronVonEvil

Hi All


Thank you for your warm welcome in to your forums.


Ozzie, FAA Part 103 is still a viable category here in the states. I suspect the real reason for the registration of overweight ultralights and two place ultralight trainers has more to do with the goverment wanting to know what is flying in the sky around here.


The skies are still open. Come up and visit Air Venture and have allot of fun.


Our US dollar is in a decline against most currencies so a visit here should be a fantastic deal.


Someday I would enjoy visiting your country and seeing the sites and the people first hand.


Again, Thank You all for the Welcome.


Best Regards


Carlos G







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Welcome Carlos.


Not much chance of me visiting, at least not at this time of year. Washington makes me think of drizzly rain falling through monstrous trees. But I have seen it in summer and it is grand. That was before the mountain erupted.



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Guest BaronVonEvil

Hi All,


Here are the Google earth coordinates of my homefield, Martin Airfield, College Place, Washington, USA . The picture is somewhat dated as there are more hangars at the west end of the airport.


46 degrees 02'50.97 N 118 degrees 24'45.65 W


Sorry I haven't got a Degrees symbol on my keyboard or at least I haven't found it yet.


We have both pavement and grass to fly from and fairly wide open spaces in which to dance around the sky. There are mostly wheatfields around here and to the east of my home strip we have the Blue Mountains to cavort in should the feeling strike us.




Carlos G



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Guest BaronVonEvil

Hi All,


Yes there are allot of farmers here that put little patterns in their fields. There are a few who set up mazes in corn fields in the fall to entertain the locals.


I guess we have to wave the flag once in awhile in our own way.


Occasionally, in the late spring just before school lets out and early fall when it is still warm you may see a young lady coed sunning herself atop the college dorms that just happen to be below the flight pattern at our field.


Gives a whole new meaning to "Extended downwind leg" :-)


Enjoy Your Flights


Carlos G.



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