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Not much work got done, when....


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.....working away in the shed and a Hornet flew over at about 1000agl (guessing) and woke us all up from our work!


Ran around trying to find my camera.................................


But then they were to far away, but they hung around for about half an hour, dog fighting and practice bombing runs on the WW2 airstrip across the paddock. Was absolutely awesome to watch, they can come do it again anytime!


There were three of them.





Sorry about the photo quality, but I only had my small point and shoot with me..... And they are soooo fast!



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I'll tell u a quik story about the day i decided i was going to become a pilot (well, the last straw anyway)


I was working on a chook farm in central queensland. About 70,000 caged hens.


One morning i was out collecting the eggs when the hens became very quiet. It was erie because 70000 hens are never quiet. Then from the east i could hear the sound of jets, getting closer and closer. After only a few moments 2 f1/11 's appeared over a ridge and would have only been a couple hundred feet agl, and wings swept back were hauling ass, straight over the chooks. Ive never seen anything so funny, 70000 chicken heads protruding from their cages and in unicen swept from left to right as they all watched these huge birds fly over.


When the planes were gone the noise errupted as 70000 hens told each other how cool those planes were.


lol. I thought to myself as i watched these awesome aircraft fly away, those guys are at work. Some fool is paying them to do that, while im down here collecting eggs for minimum wage..hhmmmmm



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Guest Maj Millard

Thats a great story Motz, I'll enjoy my eggs more in the morning for hearing it. Maybe those chooks heard the F111 radar coming and decided to keep their heads down !!.


Crocs up this way used to do a similiar thing when I flew over them in the Drifter (often quite high )...straight in the water they'd go...must still remember the days of terydactyls attacking them or something.


You old bum-nut picker you !!...........................................Maj...



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Crocs up this way used to do a similiar thing when I flew over them in the Drifter (often quite high )...straight in the water they'd go...must still remember the days of terydactyls attacking them or something.

Nah, they were just improving the chance of you choosing their stretch of water for the emergency landing should your engine fail. :big_grin:



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i did have an eggsellent time.....

talking about eggs. anyone have a recipe for one and a half. my crazy chook lays these every couple of days.






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Well done Ozzie, you deserve a medal.


It's funnier when you say it to someone though, as they don't have time to focus on the word. I've had some pretty scientific answers. Only problem is.......



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  • 3 months later...
Guest Jake.f

I'll always remember a few years ago I was on holidays with family and friends on Fraser Island. We were all sitting around on the main beach when we started to hear a low rumble which slowly grew louder. Then we look up the beach and see two F-111's flying towards us. They flew past directly parallel to the beach at what couldn't have been higher than 300'


It was awesome, but way way to fast to even think about touching the camera



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