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New Guy--Needing licence help---Kinglake

Guest dracer

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Im brad and i live in kinglake with my young(and very loud) family, i have been down to lilidale and coldstream airport many times to enjoy the aircraft coming and going. i have always been dreaming of flying but other less meaningfull hobbies have got in the way(dirtbikes.skiing.motoracing)


basically i have learnt i need my ultralight licence then go up to the next level?


budgets obviously a constraint but im prepared to sell my bikes and a few other things around the place.


what can i or should i do? join the taliban? JOKE iv been trying to win tattslotto but im not doing much good!!!


should i just grab a broom and start sweeping you guys hangers?







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What should you do!




I was in a similar spot to you. Sold my dirtbike, sold my boat and got right into training. I started to do GA but spoke with a stranger who explained the benefits of going RAA. Then if you want cross to GA (save lots of money) you can carry your hours.


My GA training was $258 per hour learning in a 30yo+ Cessna152. When I changed to Recreational my lessons where $155 per hour in a late model tecnam92 which in my oppinion is a much better aircraft.


Go for an intro flight. See if you like the instructor then get into it. Try to train at least once a week, more if you have time and money. If you are like me you will not look back. I have just finished my navigation. PS if they have a Gazelle they are great fun to fly.


Good luck.





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I srarted with GA and gave it away for a few years as I wasn't keeping current. Took it up again when I found all I had to do was quote my ARN, do a Biannual and get my medical. Flew GA for a few more years but it was too expensive so I switched to what is now RAAus. much cheaper and I can keep current easily. The only drawback is no instrument or night flight.


Have a look at the light end of RAAus rather than the high tech, glass cockpit stuff. It is my belief that it will make you a better pilot. The old C150 was a great trainer, as was the Chipmunk or the Victa. Sadly I have never flown a Tiger Moth which was the best trainer in the opinion of all the old blokes.



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Hi Brad


find somewhere you like the feel of have a couple of TIF (Trial Introductory Flight's), to make sure it is the way you wish to go. Get the theory books (we are using the Jim Davis book). He has managed to put alot of the often difficult information in to easy to understand terms, plain english not mumble jumble. Well that is how we feel anyway.


Do some reading prior to your next lesson and ask plenty of questions, your instructor will appreciate this, as he/she will see you are interested in learning and they will put in the appropriate effort to make your learning enjoyable. When the instructor goes in a little to deep, just ask for clarification and slow down or re hash the point a little later.


Hoping this will help!


Cheers Guy



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ok, thanks for all the replys, i have 200dollar credit on freemanx and realised they have trial intro flights in melbourne or ballarat, i will book tonight for the weekend, RAA is the way for me plus some hard work, i pretty sure some enquiries at lilidale wouldnt hurt after my trialflight and start getting a few hours up.





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Dracer, Ive been off line for a while but have a chat to the guys at Lilydale. i have not flown RAA with them but their GA school was very friendly and only hired competent instructors. They have been offering RAA for a year now so give them a go. As far as I know there is only GA at Coldstream at the moment, although they have aircraft that could be regersted RAA.



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If you just want to go for a run in a Jabiru or something, I fly out of Tooradin and am more than happy to take you for a fly. Drop me a PM if you're interested...even if you just want to sit down and have a coffee and a chat...I'm good at that too... 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif







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