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Business Community calls to lift restrictions on Sydney Airport


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IF cost is the issue (and where isn't it?) you shouldn't have a curfew of a very expensive asset that affects a whole range of aircraft activity originating a long distance away as well as the local connections. Mascot aerodrome has been there a long time. so any recent purchasers of property know where aeroplane's operate and the newer ones are significantly quieter than the older stuff and can climb much more steeply on take off.  EVERYONE wants cheaper flights don't they? Nev



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This link below from 2018, apparently some residents prefer to sleep at night:




Our submission against these changes were to:

1. NO “private and business charters”  as the right of Sydney residents to a decent night’s sleep outweighs the privilege of allowing commercial flights through the curfew, and

2. phase out the shoulder period of international arrivals from 5 to 6 am operating over Botany Bay, this was only introduced in 1988 after a promise (later broken) not to build a third runway, and

3. stop the ground running and testing of engines during the curfew period.




Its interesting to note that the review of the restriction and curfew was supposed to happen this year and so far, it hasn't. 


The (glorified residents action group) noted that while the new planes are quieter, they are still quite noisy. Having been subjected to a 777 flying over my head most mornings, with its wheels and things dangling down I think that is a fair statement. That is to say a two aisle plane that is landing still makes a lot of noise. 


I don't mind the noise and I'm quite used to it. Having grown up under the flight path of Boeing 727s, Fokker Friendships, DC-9s and a bunch of other JT-8 equipped thingies I can say you can keep the kerosene soot. That stuff is nasty. 


But really, since the last review what has changed?



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You are looking at significant costs with aircraft that fly the major part of any 24 hour day near full to make money. People DEMAND cheap fares. Everyone buys on the cheapest fare. You won't compete as a Port if you make the show stop for part of the day, so there's a certain inevitability where this will tend to go. Sydneys second airport at Badgery's Creek won't help Sydney be a nice place to live either. I personally don't like living in cities, myself but have on occasions. IF you live in one you eventually take the good with the bad and do it, or you don't . Power is used on final but usually (ideally) ALL of the descent is designed to be done at flight idle. Low level manoeuvering "dirty" is a noisy expensive process.. and also landing into a strong headwind will see high power on approach. Nev



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