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Guest jennyawburn

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Guest jennyawburn

Hi everyone,


Not sure how you will all react to me registering, I am an ATC at Albury Tower. I originally posted here last year because I was trying to contact a Tec-Nam owner that had been wind-damaged on the ground here.


I am interested in aviation in general but do not fly myself. I see some of you were interested in coming to the airshow we had last weekend, I wonder if anyone made it?


Anyway, I look forward to reading your posts although probably won't contribute many myself. Happy flying.





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Hi Jenny, everyone is welcome here!...oh, and thanks so much to you and the rest of the guys in the tower for letting us scrape in on Sunday morning :thumb_up: it was very much appreciated. I'm pretty sure Karen has also sent a thanks email to you all as well.









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Hi Jenny, welcome to the forum. It's always good to have new member and I'm sure you'll be a valuable contributor when there is an ATC procedures debate going on!


We really enjoyed the airshow and I thought it was run execptionally well with little "down" time between displays.


I must congratulate the person who was on ground at departure time (I think it may have been you) for their patience and professionalism because I was ready to get on the radio and yell at some of the pilots for the vagueness they were displaying!:hittinghead: That said, it was the quickest and easiest departure from an airshow I think we have ever had!







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That'd be the "which part of contact the tower when number 1 at the holding point don't you understand?!?!?!" discussion that was going on in our cockpit as one after another each aircraft in front of us contacted ground instead of the tower...why is it that the simplest instructions seem to be the hardest to follow :confused:



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Hi everyone,Jenny,

Good on you for joining up Jenny. 098_welcome.gif.81ff07d492568199326e4f64f78d7bc6.gif




I'm sure there will be discussions here where your expertise will be invaluable .... and some of these posts will give you a good idea that many in this recreational caper are very serious about flying well.




Regards & I hope we can chat some time when I sneak around under your step to Mt Beauty.




Regards Geoff



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Guest jennyawburn

Thanks for your replies. No worries Matt, I remember you well. You weren't the last to scrape in by the way!! I was a bit worried the opening act parachutists would get chopped by the Seneca taxiing in at the last second.


Yes I was on ground for the departures. It was actually a pretty fun day for us, I like a challenge, and some of the aircraft probably had never been in controlled airspace before so it really wasn't too bad.


I thought the airshow was good too, a shame the Hornet didn't get there. Beautiful day too.



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hi jenny welcome reaction the more the merrier


does it realy matter what one does your contribuation may help some one out being atc at albury you would have some interesting stories looking ford to your writing


i found it very hard the first time i went to atc controled area





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