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I have one for you, a mate sends me a fair number of emails, over the last week evey one is duplicated so i get two of everything. He is not very computer savy, he knows how to turn it on and do his emails thats it. Any help would be appreciated. Oh he uses IE7 with XP Pro and Microsoft Office2000.





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Hello Bob,


Here are a couple of ideas:


(1) if your mate sends those emails to other computers and they are not duplicating there, then maybe you have your email program is set to leave a copy of all messages on your server...then each time you download mail you will see the message again.


(2) if your mate's hard drive is almost full and Outlook Express has insufficient space to move the sent message from the outbox to the sent items folder then the message will remain in the outbox and will be resent each time he selects send/receive.





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Hi Guys,


Thanks for the help, the server time out was set to 1 minute, I increased it to 5 minutes and it looks like that has fixed the issue, he also informed me that from time to time he looses the mouse icon on his screen and the only way to get it back is to restart the computer - yes I know find the box and send it back:laugh:





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i have a good problem for all those computer people out there! i have a Imac running Leopard, and connected to the net via ADSL modem and an Airport express, it was very easy to set up on the mac, just turn it on and it was all auto detected and setup, no i have revived my old PC, and have a wireless receiver, though i cannot get it to connect to the net via the airport express. it keeps asking for network keys, WMP access hexadecimal codes etc....


is it at all possible to connect a PC running XP to the internet via a wireless, be logging into the network between the Imac and the airport express???



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The shady black art of wireless networking.....


You picked a sticky one, hence the lack of replies here.


You are going to have to check that your airport express is configured to allow your Win host to connect. I have found a post that details what you should check.


Its complicated and fairly long winded (like most things wireless). But stick with it, a bit of trial and error and you should be fine.





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  • 11 months later...

I am trying to get a new computer and would like the ability to run Microsoft FS X.


Not being computer savvy I have talked to HP and Dell, but never get any answers.


I want to know what computer they build that will do the job.


They all quote video cards such as ATI Radeon HD3450, but I have no idea which cards are usable. What should I be looking for?



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