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Guest Graham Lea

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Guest Graham Lea

For those of you who use the AOPA site for weather, it now seems to be only available for members ( I don't know why they didn't do that years ago actually).


However, you can register with NAIPS (just put it in your browser and it will come up). You can use your Pilot certificate number to register and they will send you a confirmation. In fact, you can probally register by calling them on 1800801960. This will give you all of the things you need for weather fright planning simmlar to the AOPA site.


Of course, you could always actuallly join AOPA - which I have been meaning to do again since Ron bought it.


Blue skies,





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is there anything wrong with the weather page on this site - it is very comprehensive but if it needs improvement please let me know!



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Guest Graham Lea

As I said, this site is excellent but if a person can't logon as they are at a flying school or the computer doesn't allow them to logon here, then Naips is generally available as an alternative - AOPA having been shut down.







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No Ian there is nothing wrong with your/our weather site. I actually found the plain english version under the planner indispensible when learning to decode the encoded NAIPS weather. It gave me the opportunity to practice, practice, practice before the test and I have recommended it to other students at my flying school. I regularly use this feature to update and enhance my decoding ability which really needs constant updating. So far I have found no errors in it, but then we may both be wrong!



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Guest Macnoz



does the airservvices site not require registration -- albeit free?


As such is the link you pasted forward of such log on and password.



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Guest J430

No its a back door........ I use this link for quick lookups, select the area and the items you want (RAIM is not usually needed for VFR) and away ya go. ATIS and Notam Summary is all you need!




And its just quicker than going in the long way, of course if you want Last Light or submit a plan or whatever you need to log in.





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