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Security of Aircraft

Guest The Bushman

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Guest High Plains Drifter

Aircraft parked beside road in paddock - engine failure any one ? Dont matter much about keys in ignition. Methinks more info required here :)



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Shrugs. if you say so, mate.


Be nice to think of living in a world where all kids are so nicely disciplined as yours.


But, as you say, unlike your kids, a lot aren't.


Discipline goes a long way. A bit of common sense goes a lot further.


Do you trust everyone elses kids the same way you trust yours?


I don't.


I live in a place where there is grafitti everywhere.


Where cars are stolen regularly, often by kids under age 13.


Where you can't leave windows open when you're out, for fear of break and entering.


Me, I live in the real world.


Nasty place. Not always nice. Wouldn't want to live here.


But I do.




However, getting away from the aviation reasons, are you aware that it is a legal offence to leave a motor vehicle unattended with keys in ignition, motor running or doors unlocked. (Road Safety Regulations 1999).


Criminal offence, you know.


Of course, there's the information provided by the Child Accident Prevention Foundation of Australia.


Lets quote, for fun :)


"Never leave motors of any kind switched on ands unsupervised when children are around. That includes:


Cars in the driveway or in the garage. Turn off and lock a car or vehicle; take the key out of the ignition; and always know where your children are around cars."


Of course, there are sources, such as the Australian Institute of Criminology, that say over a third of car thefts occur from near owners homes. In fact, 25 per cent of the latter were stolen outside the owner's home and nearly 9 per cent from the owner's driveway.




From Car safe,. comes the facts that of the 85,000 cars stolen in Australia last year, over 3/4 are taken by opportunistic theves, often young males, for joyriding and other reasons.




Finally, lets look at the Insurance reasons for not leaving your keys in the car...you might want to check with your own insurer about this. Given RACQ is a pretty big insurer, you can probably rest assured you have the same clause in your insurance agreement:


Again, I quote...


"You ae not covered if...you fail to take reasonable precautions for the safety and security of your vehicle such as but not limited to leaving your keys in your vehicle while it is unattended"




So, to recap, if you leave your keys in your vehicle, you're...


1. Breaking the law.


2. Potentially putting kids lives at risk.


3. Aiding thieves to steal your vehicle


and, my personal fave...


4. Voiding your insurance.


But feel free to do as you please :)





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Guest The Bushman

to all


Just to give you some idea as to location it is a regular strip used by gyros arriving at the City and i would asume as it departed that day it had no engine trouble and it was not on private land just parked on the side of the road 60 Mtrs from a main highway and crown land


And after the coments as to what i should have or have not done Just think as Most of you enjoy the freedom of Flight and if the idot had been the cause of a death and the govt deceided the remove your right to fly as you cannot be trusted to protect your rights and the security of your aircraft next time i shall remove the key or call the local police and report a unsecuried Aircraft and let theCASA look after the problem so ends the Tale


the Bush


A person the beleves that the right to fly is a Privilage and will protect that right regardles of of any idiot:closed:



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Just to give you some idea as to location it is a regular strip used by gyros arriving at the City and i would asume as it departed that day it had no engine trouble and it was not on private land just parked on the side of the road 60 Mtrs from a main highway and crown landAnd after the coments as to what i should have or have not done Just think as Most of you enjoy the freedom of Flight and if the idot had been the cause of a death and the govt deceided the remove your right to fly as you cannot be trusted to protect your rights and the security of your aircraft next time i shall remove the key or call the local police and report a unsecuried Aircraft and let theCASA look after the problem so ends the Tale

the Bush


A person the beleves that the right to fly is a Privilage and will protect that right regardles of of any idiot:closed:

here here bushman


I agree:thumb_up:



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Guest High Plains Drifter

Was the pilot asked if they just foregott to remove the keys ? This one-off incident hardly suggests the pilot is a hardened crim as some posters seem to imply 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif



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Dont have fun, the government will tax it.


Dont ever make a mistake for the force of the law will come down on you like a ton of bricks.


Those who live in glasshouses shouldn't throw stones....


I fly...I vote


I drive...I vote


I own a gun (and that make me a real criminal apparently)...I vote


And when I was a kid, like Skyhog, I lived in a remote area and Dad quite happily left the keys in the car and the house unlocked.


Guess what? the car never got stolen in 10 years and the house was never broken into.....why? Like skyhog put it, a bit of discipline went a long way. Back then we were scared of the local copper and of our old man!! These days with all the equal rights, neither can touch you without fear of reprisals.


We all bitch about knee jerk reactions, well maybe we all better take a damn good long hard look at where this thread has gone and see wether we might just be having one of those stupid knee jerk reactions here.


It might be as simple as HPD suggests, maybe he forgot to take his keys with him.....who here can put their hand up and say they've never forgotten their keys??


Fair suck of the old sav fellas, lets get some fair dinkum solid facts before you bury the poor bloke.




Nuff said





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Of course not HPD! No one simply forgets to remove their keys from the ignition!


It was a plot to kill umpteen thousand cottonwool wrapped brats who otherwise would be culled by natural selection.


Bloody terramysts I tell you!




Sensible reply!





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Guest The Bushman

Hi plains Drifter


Yes I had though that too But the Aircraft was parked there all night as frost was on the Windscreen and and on passing some 3 hrs later the aircraft had been moved closer to the highway key still in


The bushman



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Mate those points were great but as said before they were the "good old days" and as far as the whole idea of jumping to kneejerk reaction if everyone including HPD read the very first post there was frost on the gyro. Long time to so call forget you left the keys.


I can understand we all forget to do things but I believe the idea of these forums is to discuss situations and their possible outcomes so we can all learn and hopefully not repeat them ourselves. So if people are so called jumping to conclusions-good the more input the better we can all become:exclamation:



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the real criminals


Dont have fun, the government will tax it. I own a gun (and that make me a real criminal apparently)...I vote



this puts it in real perspective huh





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Although, in total honesty, all seriousness, and no sarcasm at all....


Would you leave the keys in the ignition of your car overnight, with the door unlocked, parked "just off the highway" somewhere?


Although be sure that "Just off the highway" isn't "Just on the runway" ;)


Umm, unless it's my Holden Frontera. Damn, that thing begs to be stolen. Makes the Leyland P76 look respectful! ;)





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I'm a wee bit confuzzled now. Since when did he do all that stuff?


He reported about a Gyro left near the road with keys in the ignition.


He didn't identify anyone here. He just reported what he saw.


He didn't bag any particular association, but just reported what they said when he reported it.


He didn't steal his lunch money.


He didn't leave the keys in the ignition of his Frontera hoping it would be stolen (Oh, please...someone!)


In fact, what he said was exactly what you said. That he thought it should be reported. Go back through the forum, over the past years. You'll see many reports just like that on here. Someone saying someone else did something stupid. If you can't find any yourself, I'll gladly look back and find a few dozen for you.


Don't see how anything like that is "them against us".


I report people with smoking cars to the RTA when I see them.


I also report hoons and road racers when I see them.


I've actually been to court for reporting a drug affected tool driving recklessly with his small kids unrestrained in the car, who then tried assulting me with a metal bar, before driving home and passing out unconscious, with his under 5 kids still in the car.


Wouldn't hesistae in doing so, in fact.


And, being totally honest here, if I saw any pilot doing something I thought especially stupid, I'd probably make a call to the RAA and have them ask him a few Q's, too.


In fact, personally, I'm more surprised that people don't follow up on such things.


How many times have we heard the RAA over and over remind us to ensure not only that we personally fly safely, but that those around us do so?


How many times have they told us to get involved when we see someone do something unprofessional or, lets face it, just plain dumb.


Over and over and over, they ask us. Yet, people still ignore such things.


Which don't go away generally. Most of these people will do the same thing over and over. Until something stops them. Hopefully not the ground.


Which then makes it to the papers, or the news...which puts recreational aviation into disrepute.


So, if we see something that isn't kosher, how is it a good thing for recreational flying not to report it?


That's not dobbing. It's common sense.


Not to mention protecting our interests....Flying!


Look at the twit who landed on the mud flats up here in Queensland jusy yesterday. He left the aircraft, that didn't even seem registered, behind and vanished. The police are wanting him for questioning, apparently. In fact they are asking the public to help them find the guy.


Is this dobbing? Tracking down somone who puts recreational flying into disrepute?


Are the boaties who saw him do it "dobbers"?


Are the police being "anti flying" for reporting to the public they want to question him?




Perhaps the RAA need a "Dob in a dipstick Day"


Get a few twonks out of the system.


Couldn't hurt any more than the dipsticks making a mess of it themselves.



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Does that mean I'd dob someone in who did something stupid, without approaching them first?


Course not. I'd give them the benefit of the doubt first. Who knows. Perhaps they're right, and I'm wrong. Wouldn't be the first time. Then again, perhaps I'm doing them a huge favour in doing so?



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