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First solo.....COMPLETED!! What a day!

Guest Brett Campany

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Guest Brett Campany

Started off very well this morning, Mike followed me down to Bunbury today with an awesome camera set up ready to record my first solo. Andrew, a mate of mine from my Navy days, also tagged along to do some filming for me as well.


By the time we got to the school it was already about 28 degrees. It was going to be a warm one!


My second instructor, Trevor, and I spent 10 minutes briefing on short and soft field landing and take off's before I did my pre-flight and camera set up.


It was a perfect day, very light breeze and we kicked off using RW25 and joined 2 other aircraft in the circuit. Already things became busy with the immediate change of runway, relevant radio calls and re-positioning to maintain the circuit on RW07.


First up was a standard circuit....well I thought it was. Trevor pulled the throttle back to idle as we went abeam the threshold and had me do a glide approach. I talked the whole thing through on the way down, then 200ft to go, powered up as requested and did a go-around.


The second circuit was great, normal landing, nice and soft as the wind was still slightly from the left on RW07. We touched down, flaps up, full throttle and at about 200ft, the throttle again went back to idle. I dropped the nose slightly and aimed for a small paddock about my 11 o'clock. Trevor was happy so I applied full throttle and away we went again.


Third time around was another glide approach, touch and go and around again, then the 4th was a flapless landing, full stop.


Trevor looked at me and told me to taxi to the apron. Once we were clear of the runway he made the call "Bunbury traffic, Sportcruiser 5323, taxiing for runway 07 for first solo, Traffic Bunbury" . "One circuit, go for it"


I was on my own......this is great. There's no one next to me.


It was very quiet but I was confident. Surprisingly enough, I wasn't nervous either.


There was two aircraft at the hold point so I sat behind and waited and just absorbed the fact that I was on my own.


Finally it was my turn, I moved to the hold point, did my checks and run up and made my back track call.


The air was so still, not a cloud around, I lined up RW07 and made my rolling call. 80KG less in the cockpit and she came right up!


My circuit was smooth and level, it felt so right. This is the beginning of something amazing.


On final, everything looked sweet, as I approached, there was the usual sink, 65kts, looking good. Float over the keys, level.....wash the speed off....touch.....back pressure, keep that nose wheel up.....flaps up, steady brake.


I called clear of RW07 when one of the other aircraft passed on a Congratulations call, then I smiled. I'm still smiling!


I've waited the better part of 15 to 18 years for this, I wish I had done it sooner but now, here it is and it's just awesome.


I'm off to have a cold one! :thumb_up:



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Hi Brett


Well done








didn't you want to follow my lead on solo


on second thoughts. that's right i read somewhere that your not supposed to park the aircraft upside down after landing.



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Guest Brett Campany

Thanks fellas!!!


Hi BrettWell done








didn't you want to follow my lead on solo


on second thoughts. that's right i read somewhere that your not supposed to park the aircraft upside down after landing.

I did think about it but thought I'd better keep her on her wheels!



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Guest Maj Millard

Good job ace , you've probabily done the best landing of you'r career !!....but many more ahead, I'm sure. Cheers....................024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gif



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Guest Brett Campany

Cheers guys, will be back down there again this Friday afternoon to consolidate more training and do some more solo circuits.



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Guest mike_perth

Although I was a witness to said solo event I thought I would still say congrats mate - the look on your face afterwards was priceless!:big_grin:











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