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**video** drifter flying!

Guest keeffe

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Yes me too ;) however such activities would be considered illegal under RAA.


You could always go out and impress yourself with envelope pushing, sorry this clip was boring for you.





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Who knows what i'll be flying like once I log 40 hours.Mike

I have seen a few GA guys who have come down to where I fly. These guys have 100s of hours flying time and when they hop in a small Jabiru, they can't even land the darn thing. Its just like driving, some people have many years driving but all they can do is go from A to B. If they were faced by a tricky situation they would not no how to react. But someone with not as much time can be a better pilot, if they take advanced lessons to hone their skills. Aerobatics, mustering and crop dusting skill call all be learned at various schools around the county. If part of your 40 hour included these lessons you would kick butt.



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Clint, evrything in its place mate.. You aren't allowed to do aero's in an RAA acft..


Even with aero endorsements in GA..


Im a little concerned about you my friend.. Take your time to gain knowladge and experiance. Your statement about the GA pilots not landing jabs is correct. But it has nothing to do with thier experiance, its just they have never flown the little beastie..


Ive said it before and i'll say it again, its very rarely stick and rudder skills that kill pilots, its the descisions they make..Good descision making comes with experiance..


unfortunatly most guys learn the hard way, give themselv's a scare or two..


We'd all hate for you to hurt yourself mate..





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I'd have to agree with Motz... Just relax.


These aircraft are designed to get you in the air and have fun... but even beat ups and steep pull ups can kill you very easily (esp in high drag low weight types) If that engine stops at the top when your hanging at about 30kts you are going to hit the ground hard no matter what you try!


If you want to push the limits go join the airforce... or at least GA and do aero's legaly.


On the note of the thread though nice video (pitty about the music ;) )


and I can vouch for not being able to land a Jab (Just ask Motz!) I will get back out for another try just waiting for the nerves to settle!





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guess I'm being little bull. The drifter I saw going for it now that I think back, was YH registered and certified for aerobatic, so to compare its not fair. Also I looked up the pros and cons of participating in advanced skills courses as opposed to people who didn't, in germany they found that the people who took the advanced courses were twice as likely to be killed as the people who didn't. So I guess I was double wrong.



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Don't sweat it clint.. Your young, i made some terrible mistakes when i was young, which i put down to the bravado of youth.. was lucky to survive myself actually..lol..


There are avenues you can take if your interested in some of the more exiting aspects of flying, and it can be done legally and safely..and will no doubt improve your skills..


I think waynes video of him doing aero's in the drifta were more an attempt to demostrate just how strong and manouverable these mighty acft can be.. And as you said it was a VH reg plane..


I have a student, a young guy, who for the stage he's at is an exellent pilot. He wants to fly in the redbull..hehe, its a goal he has set for himself, and we have mapped out a plan of action to see him get as close to this as possible..


When i took him over he had been in trouble twice for low flying, buzzing mates houses and also a town show.. not the cleverist of things to do.. I have spent a hell of a lot of time on him, trying to adjust his attitude, to keep him alive basiclly.. Im not directing this towards you mate, just a point in case..


Anyway, he is now approaching his flying with a far better attitude, and having a plan to follow the correct paths towards his goal's is a real key i think.. I doubt he will fly in the red bull comp, but if he only makes it 80% of the way there and lives to a ripe old age in the process then i feel ive helped him out..


sorry to hijak the thread..


ps, Adam, wheneva ya ready mate.. what nerves??..lol..


Anyway, cheers mate..



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Yes, as long as the fan is going anyone can fly anywhere, flying is not hard. But making the right aviating decisions and remaining respectful of it at all times is what makes one an aviator, and keeps one alove to tell stories as an old 90 y/o





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Isn't the GA registered Drifter Wayne has "beefed up" structurally for aerobatics? Someone once told me it's one hell of a strong machine, even for a drifter? Not just "Straight out of the factory" so to speak. Be interesting to compare it with a standard one, if it has been modified, purely just to see what makes an already very strong machine even stronger ;)





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I have an article out of a old book all about Wayne Fishers Drifter (I will try and scan it to this post later) It is NOT the same as the certified. Extras stated are


  1. Extra Ribs
  2. Over Sized cable stays
  3. Modified Wing Mounts
  4. Modified Pod and Seats
  5. Modified Fuel Cell
  6. Larger mounts on the control surfaces
  7. And Larger control Cables


This was one highly modified Drifter



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I own a fisher mkI pretty much like VSI that he used to do his aero's in. There is a substantial difference between it and the certified drifter that I just sold. The fisher has symetrical aerofoil, a smaller wingspan and no dehidral on the wing. It is actually lighter in many places but stronger than the normal fisher that he sells in other places to support aerobatics.


Even if you are not going to do aerobatics in them they are an amazingly fun machine. Wayne has one the same as VSI for sale at the moment.



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Does Wayne still sell a beefed up Drifter, as a factory option? Given the option, between a standard aircraft and one suitable for aerobatics, I'd probably choose number 2. Never use it, but it'd be nice to know it'll handle a bit more load


(And sure, I could go to his web page and ask him, but I'm chronically lazy ;>)





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Yeah he still sells them but I believe he is going accross to 582s now. As I said, there is a fisher sport with less than 100hrs on it for sale at the moment, these things are so much fun! If you are around gatton sometime I could show you mine. Ive been meaning to head over to cominya sometime, have the low-down from john to call before hand to confirm the airspace.



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