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Ever notice how any pilot who lands an aircraft with problems is claimed to be a hero by the passengers.


I always thought that self preservation was a good way to bring out the best in pilot ability, but it seems that doesn't count now. Personally I believe I am a hero every time I get the beast back on the ground without killing myself.


How do you define heroism?



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Guest Mad Dave

A hero is someone who knowingly, and deliberately puts themselves in danger for the good of someone else.


A hero is NOT a footballer, cricketer, etc. etc. (this is a subject that really irks me!!)



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Selfless people who get up every day and help others with no reward that's what i think a true hero is.


I am truly honoured to know some people who are like this.








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Guest Maj Millard

Sorry but I get a bit errked when I see members of the constabulary get hailed as heros. They're in the business of assisting the public aren't they ?...that's their job isn't it ?..it's expected of them. A real hero to me is the bloke who climbed out on the wheel frame of the Southern Cross in freezing air at night, over the pacific ocean, to transfer oil from one engine to another, in a coffee flask to keep all the engines running.


That had to take some big kahoolas'................................024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gif024_cool.gif.e4faea8b8d6d5d6e548e269d4b8acbd2.gif



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Guest Maj Millard

Yes Tracktop, it probabily was self preservation as it would have been a LOT colder in the ocean, and they did make it !. Hey that looks like a pretty small wing on that trike ?...............................................................024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gif



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maybe not hero but definitely a first class act - smart and resourceful.


Standard streak ~ 3 wing 9.95m span - photo shot aspect no doubt, maybe I was up (on a) high when I took the photo ---- ( just finished a flight)








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Guest watto

Most of the real hero's you won't even hear about as they do not consider themselves as such and do not talk about what they have done.


I know a few people like this and the fact that they can do the things they do and as it was said already they expect nothing for it and a pat on the back would turn them red in the face.


They are just content to know within themselves that they do the best they can with what they have, when it counts.


Real hero's





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My idea of a hero is a pilot who steers his broken plane away from a populated area at great risk to his or her self before trying to eject or sometimes even going down with the plane.



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My idea of a hero is a pilot who steers his broken plane away from a populated area at great risk to his or her self before trying to eject or sometimes even going down with the plane.

Having lost someone who was close to my heart, and having had the news run the story with that line...I can tell you that really in my opinion this is just the media being sensational...I mean when an aircraft is stricken with a problem you aren't exactly going to look for a built up area and try to put it down there are you?


Sorry...but I think that again it is self preservation...the pilot I knew was just trying to put his aircraft down in the only clear area available...that is why he turned away from houses...He just wanted to go home to his kids.


When the news with the "hero" pilot was first aired it was comforting...but after a while I realised how hollow the whole "hero turns away from houses" thing is.


To me...the real heroes are everyday people that go about the daily grind...day in...day out in order to provide for there offspring...even if it means going without themselves.



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I'm not quite sure what news line you are referring to, I am referring to a pilot who has the option of ejecting out of his broken plane and floating gently down to earth but instead waits sometimes to long and steers his plane away from people before trying to eject ( it has happened more than once).



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To me the hero is the person who runs into burning house to rescue someone, or dives into rough water to do the same. In the military case it seems to be the man who has had enough of the fight and decides in a rush of blood to attack the enemy, no matter what the odds.



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