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Greetings from Washington State

Guest corbinace

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Guest Qwerty

Gday, Washington State, now there is an idea...may be its not raining there. It hasnt stopped here for weeks and I'm climbing walls.


Welcome, Qwerty



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Guest vhinov

Wellcome to the site!


How long have you been flying? Mustang II looks very sharp on pictures. I have never flown one. I am curious did you build yours yourself? Also it seems that ladning with the tail wheel is different that the landing with nose wheel. It looks like you touch down on the main wheels and wait untill the speed falls down. No flare ups. Looks pretty tricky to me.







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098_welcome.gif.81ff07d492568199326e4f64f78d7bc6.gif 'Ace, Nice to have you on board. What scale is the Mustang11 and is it fully to scale or modified for better(safer) handling? I had, well still have, a dream for a replica Westland Wyvern S4. Maybe I'll win the lotto today:laugh:


Viktor, I found landing a tail dragger no harder than landing a trycycle. Mind you, there wasn't much Xwind on the 3 days that I flew. There was however, enough wind to make ground handling really testing. What's the rule, stick always into wind. In case you're wondering, stopped flying T/D due to lack of funds. Shame 'cause I really liked the SportCub.



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Guest corbinace
...may be its not raining there. It hasnt stopped here for weeks

Nope Querty, no rain here, in fact it has been at least two months since any precip.

Viktor, I have been flying for about 12 years now and no I cannot take credit or blame for the building of this ship. It can be wheel landed or threepointed as needed depending on conditions. It does land a little fast but slower than my Midget Mustang N190A. Conventional geared AC are a bit more unforgiving to sloppy handling but anyone can learn to operate them, heck they flew them that way for years before the tricycle came along. Just a thought; when was the first tricycle airplane flown and what was it?


Deskpilot, Ah yes, the lottery and how did you do today. I guess I have not won because I have not played for a long time. That would definately be a craft worthy of a lottery dream though. Personally I am still looking for my long lost rich uncle:big_grin:.


Not sure on the query about scale of the Mustang ll, it may be that we are talking two different ships, mine is similar to this one only with a different canopy and cowl.


Mustang II


Thanks for the rousing welcome. I am getting ready to embark on what for me is an epic adventure. I will be flying from home here in Washington to North Carolina and make a sweeping turn back seeing three old Marine Corps buddies that I have not seen for 25 years and two relatives. 30 hrs in the ship and almost 5000 miles. I have never flown myself that far from home or to the east coast of the US, so this is a bit of a stretch for me. Hopefully it will be two weeks remembered fondly for the rest of my days.


Thanks again for the great welcome, Tim (buried in sectionals) Bovee.



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G'day Mate! Great to have you on board. I hope you have a great trip, sounds like a lot of fun!


It hasnt stopped here for weeks and I'm climbing walls.

Hey Sqwerty! You can send some of that rain up here! we got fire's and dust to play with at the moment!thumb_down



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G'day corbin. It must be a pretty compelling reason for you to travel to the Eastern States. I have seen a little of Washington State and found it very beautiful, friendly people and the only thing I could'nt understand was the licquor laws. One bar for beer and another for spirits.



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