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Non aviation computer problem

Guest Qwerty

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Ian, Moderate this off if it is an inappropriate post for this site, I don't know who else to ask.




I need some help with some computer problems. I have a new laptop on the way and I dont know how to set it up.


1. How do I get a fairy large amount info off my old PC onto the lap top. Can I do it with my mates green USB cable?


2. How do I load XP and get rid of vista, I am told that I should do this.


3. Is there a share ware anti virus program that I can get and how do I load it.


Any help would be very much appreciated.


Cheers, Qwerty



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qwerty - you're a pilot and you need help with something so no probs.


Firstly before I answer any of these can I ask if you are coming over to Melb at any time in the near future - if you are then I can do all this for you.



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Sent PM qwerty


For others if you need a free anti virus have a look at AVG if you haven't already. Select the FREE version from here:


AVG Free - Download AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition for Windows 7, Vista and XP


(NOTE: preferably completely uninstall and remove any other anti virus application before you install AVG)


I use Vista and it has come a long way since it was first released so stick with Vista if you can but just make sure you keep it completely updated with all the latest patches etc. You can always switch over to XP if you have trouble with Vista after you have used it for a little while. Also remember that upgrading to the next Windows release will be easier if you are on Vista.


If you already have Vista installed then the only way to completely get rid of Vista and go to XP is to reformat the hard disk which erases everything on it, install XP, tweak XP to its best, install your other applications like Office etc if you have any.


To transfer data across there are many different ways like using a router between the two, using the internet to upload your data and then download onto the other laptop, use wireless if both laptops have that capability, use a memory stick (the easiest way) as you can get very large sticks these days like several gig.


Hope this helps!



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Guest Brett Campany

Best way to transfer fils is by USB thumb drive, you can get 4GB drives for $20 at Hardley Normal.


A lot of new laptops won't do XP so you're kinda stuck with Vista.


I've used Avast anti-virus on my old Windows based laptop, it works a treat and is free as well.


My advice, even though I know you don't want it.......


get an Apple buddy. The wife and I have had them for about 6 months now and they kick butt!!





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Some of our clients only want xp in their network as part of the standard operating environment so some manufacturers (toshiba I know for sure) will supply an xp rollback disk if you want so you can roll it back to xp but I'm not sure if they still do this. I would personally frogleap Vista (i've had issue after issue with vista) and go windows 7 due to be released soon if not already. I have been using the windows seven since they released the Beta and now am using the rtm (release to manufacture) version and its fantastic, looks great but uses about the same resources as xp. I could go on but in my opinion you should get rid of Vista, go xp if you can or give windows 7 a go



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I got a new laptop recently and had to transfer my old files. I connected both to the internet and made all the folders I wanted to copy shared folders which meant that I could see them on the other laptop on the network. Then I just copied the folders onto the new laptop.


This might help: Windows Shared Folders - Find Shared Windows Folders


If you do this, then you can just start everything copying and leave it overnight and it should be done in the morning (if you have lots of stuff to copy...)


If you stay with Vista (which I have done and I haven't gone completely crazy with frustration yet), one of the first things you should do is to turn off the annoying "do you really want to do this" popups that will popup whenever you try to do ANYTHING and basically drive you up the wall.


Here's a link how to do that: Windows Vista Tip: Disable annoying "Need your permission to continue-" prompts - Gizmodo - Lifehacker


I would also recommend AVG Anti-Virus which I see Ian has already put up a link to. I use it and it works well.


Hope some of this is helpful :)



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Hi Qwerty,


By the sound of it, you're a normal human, not a computer geek, so I'd suggest the following.


1) Get a large capacity USB Flash Drive (also known as Thumb Drives or Memory Sticks). Capacity depends on how much data you need to move. 4GB will be about $20, 16 GB about $55.


Plug the Flash Drive into a spare USB port and simply Drag and Drop all the files you want off the old computer onto the Flash Drive. Reverse the operation on the new laptop.


Alternatively, buy an external USB Disk Drive ($100 will get about 250GB). Use this to do the data transfer, then keep it and USE it for doing your backups. Specially all those irreplaceable photos.


2) Don't even think about doing this unless you have lots of time, patience and a friendly IT expert to call in. You'll need to have a kosher copy of XP on a bootable CD, and ALL the relevant drivers for your new laptop, otherwise half the features like sound, screen resolution, inbuilt modems, and CD/DVD burning won't work properly.


3) AVG Free and Avast Home (free) are both good. I have found Avast a bit better at handling viruses, and less of a drain on system performance than AVG. Avast has to be registered with an email address every twelve months while AVG doesn't.


Download FREE antivirus software - avast! Home Edition




Bruce (25 years in IT)



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I dont have a router but a mate has a USB cable (green) that is apparently made to do what destiny did, ie plug the computers together and just drag and drop. Will this work without a router? On the other hand $100 for a USB driven 250 GB hard drive that I can later use for backups sounds like a prudent course of action. This is basically what Ian advised me to do.


Comments anyone?



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Thanks Bruce, A 250 GB backup drive sounds like a good ldea. You recommend avast anti virus?

Hi Qwerty,


I'ved used both AVG and Avast for many years. Installed both on many customers systems as well. I personally prefer Avast for its speed and ability to clean difficult to eradicate viruses by doing a special scan at boot time, and BEFORE Windows starts loading.


Some people don't want to have to register with an email address, therefore don't want to use Avast. Both are pretty good products for the price. :)


The green USB cable your mate has is a special cable made for the job. It may need some software installed before the PC's can communicate, but that should come with it.


I recommended the external drive because it is simple, can be done in stages if required, and most of all, provides you with a backup solution to use after the changeover. I've seen too many upset people who've just realised how much they've lost after a disk crash, or in the case of a laptop having the whole thing stolen.


Happiest laptop story: (Warning - long and probably boring)


Brother-in-law rocks up one day with a rather sad looking laptop.


"Found this beside the road near home. Police not interested. Think it's fixable?"


"Dunno, let's have a look"


Once I'd worked out the laptop had been dropped from a fair height, then run over, suffered a cracked the LCD, cracked motherboard, shorted internal power regulator etc etc, gave the verdict.


"Nup, its stuffed"


So, removed the disc drive and connected up to a little converter gadget.


Plugged it into another PC and rescued a whole lot of documents and about 500 photos of somebody's overseas holiday before it too died. No joy looking through the photos, but one of the documents yielded enough clues to possibly identify the owner of a local business.


Couple of discrete enquiries later and one very happy camper re-united with a couple of CDs full of his only copy of all the photos taken on a once in a lifetime trip back to the old country to see a new grandchild.


Had borrowed his wife's laptop, put it down on the roof of the car while he got out his car keys with a mobile stuck to one ear, then driven off.



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I have just had a look at Avast but please correct me if I am wrong but it seems with the free version you can't schedule a time to scan - you can only schedule a scan on boot up.


I use AVG and it takes 30mins to scan my PC - I keep it trim and taught 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif and I set the update to 6:00pm and the scan to start at 6:05pm every day as this is when I go and have dinner, start the shower for the kids etc and come back to the PC to work at around 6:45pm and the scan is all finished.


I can't afford the time in the morning as I get up, turn the PC on, make a cuppa and then start work on the PC.


Before I uninstall Avast and reinstall AVG can someone confirm whether you can or not schedule scans to start at certain times in Avast - thanks!


Also for qwerty, I have recommended a mem stick to him as they not only provide the ability to backup/transfer your data but they also provide portability - have all your data with you where ever you go - and for a $100 usb disk you would get a mighty big sized mem stick for that money.


The only problem of course with a mem stick is it's great for portability but no good if you lose it as all your data is on it - just as bad as losing your wallet.



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Hi Ian,


No, scheduled scans are only available in the paid version.


I don't usually use scheduled scans, because I work on the basis that once a system has been cleaned, or checked as clean (which the boot time scan will do) then there should be no need for further scanning provided the antivirus software is always running.


If the software has been switched off for some reason, and a virus did get installed, then it will get picked up once the anti virus software is re-started, because the av software is checking all memory resident programs.


For business users I'm now using Norton av products. Norton was rubbish a few years ago, but has improved greatly since then.







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Hi Qwerty,By the sound of it, you're a normal human, not a computer geek, so I'd suggest the following.

1) Get a large capacity USB Flash Drive (also known as Thumb Drives or Memory Sticks). Capacity depends on how much data you need to move. 4GB will be about $20, 16 GB about $55.


Plug the Flash Drive into a spare USB port and simply Drag and Drop all the files you want off the old computer onto the Flash Drive. Reverse the operation on the new laptop.


Alternatively, buy an external USB Disk Drive ($100 will get about 250GB). Use this to do the data transfer, then keep it and USE it for doing your backups. Specially all those irreplaceable photos.


2) Don't even think about doing this unless you have lots of time, patience and a friendly IT expert to call in. You'll need to have a kosher copy of XP on a bootable CD, and ALL the relevant drivers for your new laptop, otherwise half the features like sound, screen resolution, inbuilt modems, and CD/DVD burning won't work properly.


3) AVG Free and Avast Home (free) are both good. I have found Avast a bit better at handling viruses, and less of a drain on system performance than AVG. Avast has to be registered with an email address every twelve months while AVG doesn't.


Download FREE antivirus software - avast! Home Edition




Bruce (25 years in IT)

Current price on eBay delivered is $1.00 per GB on USB sticks size 16GB or 128GB for some reason the 32 and 64 are going for $2.00 per GB



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