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Medical question ..

Guest rocketdriver

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Guest rocketdriver

Does anyone know if there any restrictions to your flying if you have a stent in your corony artery?



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For an RAAus certificate - no problems (as long as you could still get a car licence).


For GA, the DAME Handbook Section 2.2 deals with coronary artery angioplasty at Page 10. Looks like you need to wait at least 6 months after the op, and then get checked out by a DAME and a cardiologist.



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Guest airsick

I would think it depends on your definition of "heart condition/disease or paralysis". The ops manual clearly says you must not exercise the privileges of a pilots certificate until a doctor has said provided the RAA with a certificate saying you're good to go.


My understanding is that coronary disease refers to the blood vessels surrounding the heart which makes it a heart condition and therefore the above applies.


That said, I'm no doctor so I'd be asking the question of an expert...


The relevant part of the ops manual is Section 2.07: Flight Crew Certificate, Pilot certificate. Go to part 5 d iii for more info.



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For VH it is a "renew by CASA" situation and you are out of the air for 6 months and then do a stress ECG (bruces protocol). Same as if you drive a Semi-trailer.


For RAAus as long as you comply with the RTA requirements for a Non-commercial car licence., you meet the requirements. The delay is only for a short time and the information that you seek should have been with the paperwork that you were discharged with. This delay has more to do with the collagen thing on your femoral artery healing, than the stent, and I think it is about a week. (Don't take my word for it) You should inform the RTA of your condition (By law) (Your cardiologist should do that). RAAus may want a statement from your cardiologist about your fitness to drive. Nev.



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Guest rocketdriver

Thanks everyone ... my discharge info said nothing about a no driving period .... I am trying to persuade she who must be obeyed that I can not do the mowing or washing up, but so far, she is not convinced! ..... More seriously I don't intend to go swanning off into the blue yonder quite yet, but ..... pehaps I'll stick to a bit of dual time for now ... and let the school know too ....



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Well l passed my leval 2 medical yesterday as far as the Doc was concerned.


l may get a please explain from CASA on the opiate use late last year.


Had both hips replaced, l am now pain free and drug free and can move again.


regards Bruce



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I had 3 stents fitted due to chest pain in June last year. After 6 weeks rehab, I asked my cardiologist for a clearance certificate to drive, work and fly. he checked me out and was happy to give me one but said just to make sure that no-one can argue against it, I had to do a heart function test (nearly killed me)


I passed that and 2 months after my heart event I showed my certificate to my CFI and he tossed me the keys to the plane and said OK


I wanted to try for GA and passed a level 2 medical but Casa said I would not be able to exercise the privileges as a pilot until six months after the heart event and then I would have to do another heart function, pass another level 2 medical, get a statement from my cardiologist attesting to my health now and my health before the event (how would he know, I never knew him before I had my stents fitted) and then it would be up to Casa to make a decision.


I gave up and now enjoy flying RA only.


(I wanted to get a GA license to fly aerobatics to improve my handling skills)


I would recommend a heart function test for your own peace of mind and once you pass that, enjoy your flying



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Thanks everyone ... my discharge info said nothing about a no driving period .... I am trying to persuade she who must be obeyed that I can not do the mowing or washing up, but so far, she is not convinced! ..... More seriously I don't intend to go swanning off into the blue yonder quite yet, but ..... pehaps I'll stick to a bit of dual time for now ... and let the school know too ....

I wasn't allowed to drive until cleared by the cardiologist (after rehab, (2 months)), but I wasn't allowed to mow the lawn, wash the dishes or for the wife to argue with me for at least 3 months (she really struggled with that 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif006_laugh.gif.d4257c62d3c07cda468378b239946970.gif006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif)


I asked for an extension of time with the mowing washing and arguing, but he could only give me what the law allowed:crying:051_crying.gif.fe5d15edcc60afab3cc76b2638e7acf3.gif051_crying.gif.edc6b33a234e272ee13f0ec0ae40b12a.gif



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Guest Elk McPherson

To extend slightly what the others have said, CASA will give you a medical subject to conditions etc etc etc.


I have 2 students currently doing their PIFR and both have stents.


Tootle pip!



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Guest rocketdriver

Glad that all is well for you ... its a bit of an eye opener, and for my wife too as she was really worried ... more so than me I think!


Rocketdriver,I had 3 stents fitted due to chest pain in June last year. .

Sounds that, like me you caught it just in time. I had an agiogram done a year ago 'cos I suspected a problem, but there was little to show so off home I went. I went to my gp 6 months ago as I was still getting breathless after very little exertion (windsurfing mostly) ... again nothing to show. Then I started to get a bit of an ache in the chest after walking 50 meters or so ... so back I went and this time they did an exercise test. BINGO. When I got to the table, the cardioligist said "I don't know what I'm going to do if I find nothing" and afterwards he said he was a 'humbled man". He said that only once before had he seen an agio that, in one year, went from "excellent for your age, slight arterial thickening but nothing to worry about" to "Severe" ... and how necessary it is to listen to the patient. Luckily just one stent and no anaesthetics.


I would recommend a heart function test for your own peace of mind and once you pass that, enjoy your flying ... don't worry I will!



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Having a PIC line inserted into your arm will also throw a spanner into the works. I was not allowed to drive while it was present as it sat in the artery leading out of the heart. Specialist was happy for me to exercise etc but rules are rules.


You go in for a simple day surgery on a cartlidge and come out of hospital none months later with thirty other problems. Grrr





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Guest Elk McPherson
That is what happens following any medical event, and it is renew by CASA for the rest of your medical history.

Not true!


I had cardio-thorasic surgery in 2004 to repair an aortic aneurysm. After 3 months I was back in the air with a Class 1 (commercial pilot) medical, endorsed "renew by CASA only".


After 3 years of annual echocardiograms and cardiologist asking "Why do I have to see you every year? This is crazy..." I suggested that if he wrote to CASA expressing that opinion they might accept it.


He did... and they did. The "Renew by CASA only" was lifted.


We are now approaching 6 years post-op and CASA are not exerting any undue influence on my medical certification at all. 011_clap.gif.c796ec930025ef6b94efb6b089d30b16.gif


Nothing at Fort Fumble is permanent - if your Cardio (or other specialist) believes the extra/annual checks aren't warranted, make sure he says so to CASA. You might be pleased with the outcome (even if he isn't).


As for the conspiracy theories - forget it. CASA aren't trying to drive people out of GA, they just manage to do it naturally 067_bash.gif.26fb8516c20ce4d7842b820ac15914cf.gif



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