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Everything posted by justinjsinclair

  1. This has just popped up, might be of interest to someone with a few skills. These threads tend to turn into a quagmire Jabiru witch hunt, maybe we could all be nice and help the dreaming purchaser not spend to much. ❤️ I don’t know the aeroplane but it could be a cheap buy needing just wing bolts and an annual, so maybe $500.00. On the other hand it could end a top overhaul, muffler, carb, new prop, brakes, battery, instruments, tyres tubes and a bit of glass work. That’s $20,000 pretty quickly. Perhaps someone on here knows it’s history be kind Justin https://www.pickles.com.au/general/item/-/details/1995-Jabiru-Model-553J-Light-Sports-Aircraft--TTIS-1398-5/745430/ Under instruction from the vendor, Pickles is offering for sale this 1995 Jabiru Model: 55-3J Light Sports Aircraft. TTIS:1398.5. Jabiru 2200J Engine, TSO: 593.5. Power Assurance #1 78/80, #2 70/80, #3 70/80, #4 72/80. Recreational Australia Registration 55-1845 (Plane in Storage with Wings Removed) Located at Mobray Park NSW, Serial No: 0008 Buyers can bid from anywhere in Australia exclusively via Pickles ONLINE. The start time for this auction is Wednesday, 15 May 2024 at 2:00pm AEST with the highest bidder determined at the close of bidding on Monday, 20 May 2024 at 6:00pm AEST. For all enquiries, please contact Gavin Dempsey. Follow the link below for details. https://www.planesales.com.au/details/Listing/Single-Engine-Propeller/10717/1995-Jabiru-LSA-55-3J-Online-Auction https://www.planesales.com.au/details/Listing/Single-Engine-Propeller/10717/1995-Jabiru-LSA-55-3J-Online-Auction?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR2BD3tdPOtvISGs-1JvBJwZYZu-raMxOFd5JNkhLM8kXMU7QL52zGNaC3c_aem_ARV6pvW_DumoPSsfLHOQMJZdlaNovqnD4aH5AuGJAS6z3TO1KC37J1DWrqcz5jjHOEtoNUdOt5ZndUbjfEdpfoN2
  2. A330, Climb Nav 5000 Blue, nearly as cool as a Jabiru. I think the 380 would have been even cooler.
  3. Did a quick run down to Boonah this morning. 80lts fuel, me 100kg. 25kg tools. No spats. Closeish to ISA, even got to say hello to a Jab going southbound
  4. But it’s a colt ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️, will it be losing the front wheely thingy ?
  5. God knows why my linked in is there 😬😬 please ignore
  6. RF GUY or Guyette or they them are is now 🙏 If we leave the head oil heat GEN123 aside nearly all of the Jabs that I have seen that are regularly flown have beautiful bottoms ends when the top end comes off. i suspect the secret to Jabs is that they must fly regularly, a friend of mine owns a Baron B58 and they get an extra 400 hours on TBO if they are doing 500-1000 hours a year. Perhaps we should investigate something along those lines. 💁 maybe 50-100 hours a year, I really enjoy doing annuals on regularly flown airframes but those 5 hours a year things are hard work as nothing is kept warm or moving . For a Jab there is not a lot of extra work for the factory to open up the cases at top time so if it was me I would be just getting a full overhaul, I am still hoping the 1000 top requirement goes to the normal piston standards. Paul Cherna has opened a lot of engines lately and I think he is a fan of the bottom end. I am no engineer but the crank and rods look a bit like a race engine spec mmmm gear box, turbo, EFI mmmmm🤪 Ohhh I do love a good fuel efficiency chat 😈 The fuel economy question is one of my main passions, yes it’s very sad but it’s what I did for a living for a few years dealing with mainly jets and turbo props. Just like hull speed in a yacht each airframe has a sweet spot for the load it’s carrying. Fuel, power, weight, load CoG, cleanliness, level selection yadda yadda yadda all make a huge difference. It’s almost impossible to measure fuel economy unless it’s done by history and even then it’s hard to measure. I flew my Jab home from Wagga to Brisbane in one hit, it seemed to TAS at 103 at 7500 and seemed to be 15lph. Since then we just call it 17lph for safety. If it was in loiter/drone mode I suspect it’s back at 11 lph at 70kts. That’s over 10 hours fuel 😫, I would have thought a Virus with Rotax EFI would be even better but that’s a guess. In my limited RAA experience it would appear that very few pilots fly long legs with enough granularity to really get down to useful efficiency figures. https://www.linkedin.com/in/justin-sinclair-29aaa175?utm_source=share&utm_campaign=share_via&utm_content=profile&utm_medium=ios_app
  7. Hi all, I have someone looking for some factory Jab 160 ( I suspect all J series are the same) adjustable ruder pedals. Has anyone got any hidden in a wreck or parts cupboard somewhere, Thanks Justin 0421061811
  8. I completely agree and that’s the whole point. If you are looking at building or buying an aeroplane or thinking about learning to fly by all means use the web as it it’s a great tool. But please seek out qualified advice by a LAME, CFI or someone who has real world experience in or on the thing you are looking at. if someone tells you that something is a bad choice then that’s fine but you really should be asking for facts. Dont trust me either 👍 but I do own a Gen 4 powered Jab. Happy for anybody to fly it as well.
  9. Hey Turbo, I guess the answer is that the new world of opinions not based on fact or backed up by fact on forums is nearly over. If any member wants to give their opinion, that is perfectly acceptable but it needs to be patently pointed out that it is a “ opinion” and not necessarily based on proven data. If members of this forum want to bag Jabiru based on poor data then they should be made accountable. If members of this forum want to hide behind a pseudonym and not stand up when questioned and be brought to account and provide data based on reliability they need to be accountable. There are many pilots and flying school owners out there that are doing it tough because some goose who has less than 3000 hours of instruction and has never owned or maintained a 24 reg or better aeroplane sprouts utter rubbish based on what they have read on the internet. I have just had a beer with a very good mate of mine, GA CFI, RAA instructor and A330/B737 management pilot. He has just paid $2000 aud for a hose kit for his 912. That’s probably ok in Rotax circles but a Jabiru hose kit including fire sleeve is $200.00. I love rotax’s. ( well maybe not given their history 39-45) but am thoroughly sick of internet warriors who can’t run LoP, can’t do a 1:60, can’t fly in CTA, can’t land in max crosswind , leave the cockpit a shit fight after use, can’t make a radio call and can’t use a whizz wheel. i guess it’s like this new age if STOL, what is the point if we fly into powerlines, 😫💁 because we are soy latte drinking city kids who can’t ride a horse, can’t strain a strainer post, can’t set a fox trap and certainly can’t do a good 3’ slope at full flap approach with half power at MLW with rear CoG into the western sun at dusk short of fuel. Without prejudice Justin
  10. Yep, a new engine in a C152 just went 100k, and factory new one is 120k 😰 god knows what a GTSIO 421 or 404 is worth now ?.? makes a Gen4 at 20k or 30k and overhaul costs less than 10 k cheap. maybe ir time to revisit the twin Jabiru for IFR training too
  11. Hi Deano, your quote is about correct, perhaps even a little dear. The 5-7k is for a Rotax turbo working hard at about 100hours a month. If the wings have to come off, EFIS ADSB cert, tyres, repairs and paint work the bill will be higher at the annual time. I wasn’t really having a go at LAME’s but just pointing out that RAA is starting to get close to GA rates at some of the schools. That’s not a reflection on anyone just a fact of life. That why I think the regional RAA school with a hardy composition airframe jabiru or rotax powered will do well. Having said that C150 annual is getting up there as well. Even a glider annual inspection starts at $1400.00 and it doesn’t have a donk. Justin
  12. Hey KG, what an awesome post. In fact the Jab is nearly 50% cheaper 2200 vs low hp 912 if you add up all the costs in a mature way. SD doesn’t want to put the effort into obtaining the facts but that’s his or her choice. Don’t get me wrong, the Rotax is a wonderful bit of kit but now that we are up to $350 hr for a RAA aeroplane dual because the 100’/annual can be $5-7000.00 at LAME rates, I kind of feel a fleet of J160’s is still a great choice for a flying school, particularly if you have a L2 that can maintain the Jabs exactly as per the Jabiru Work pack. Given that Jabiru is so much cheaper inguess in that case we can probably accept a bit of bracket creep as Jabiru costs increase 😢. SD banging on about the top is also a odd thing given that nearly all air cooled engines need work at some stage once they go under that 75 hours per year, having said that the Gen 4 has nikasil bores and the head issues are gone I am betting that the Top overhaul requirement will move as well. as I said I don’t have a vested interest in Jab other than owning one and maintaining a couple, if anyone wants to pm or call me for further info fee free. Justin “who identifies as him” 😅
  13. That’s ok, Skippy or what ever your real name is. Just like the spelling there is a valid reason for my questions/s If you can’t get a name spelt correctly and want to sprout anti Jabiru and pro Rotax sentiment that’s fine and it’s your right, just as it’s my right to point out that your (just like mine) opinions need to be treated with caution. i asked you on what basis and education you have to post on the subject. Have you built, maintained, flown either of these types. Simple question really ? So many look to these forums to guide them on potential purchases of all RAA style aircraft and that we should all be careful sprouting rubbish that is ill informed and frankly lazy. We need to be more positive, if someone wants to buy a Drifter, Metroliner or Primary glider we should encourage them and if we are going to poo poo their idea then we need to make sure we are not hiding behind some pseudonym, drinking almond soy lattes from our tesla on our way to another Microsoft flight sim session where we think a FW190 is easy to fly. (BTW not accusing you of fitting that mould] I know the costs of both Rotax and Jabiru (actually you can add Lycoming, Continental, P&W, Garrett, CFM and RR to that as well) and think both of them are fine engine’s and both have a place in our world. You are asking me to put in effort to answer questions that you don’t appear to want to put in the effort yourself to answer. If you want me to answer them I am happy to but you will need to pay, happy to invoice you incl GST. I have no vested interest in Jabiru other than they are a fine company that brings dollars into our country that we all need to pay for our Eectric vehicles, city slickers coffee and pensions. Jabiru Australia tare wonderfully passionate people, they are awesome to deal with and absolutely 100% reliable from a professional point of view. They own their product and employ many Australians. Why we as Aussie’s feel the need to tear them down is quite beyond me. I am so sick of the “Jabiru in the paddock joke” perhaps you might like to see where much of the European technology comes from, might be a nice history lesson for you. have a great week -Justin
  14. Hey Skippy, the name is Justin. just out of interest have you ever owned an aeroplane ? Justin
  15. It runs mid 3-320 in the green most of the time, on a long run at 5-7000 it’s probably a bit cool at 2850, circuits in 34’c still way below yellow. it interesting what you say about filters. Years ago when I ran a GC8 rally car we had issues with non Subaru oil filters. So we only ever used OEM, yes it was a pita to find them. That’s why I buy Jab ones. If it splits and it’s black with a jab sign on it then I have a valid argument. If it’s Ryco from my motor parts supplier I am I trouble. As an aside the oil runs too cool. I think this winter I will be blocking up 50% of the cooler. And yes I know we don’t get winter here in QLD 🤣
  16. Hi Glen, I guess we need to compare like with like, I know you are well versed in Jabs 😅 and are Lucid, intelligent and a great thinker. I feel the Avgas point is a bit mute, Rotax’s hate Avgas due the gearbox bearings and other stuff so as a general rule where you find a Rotax you will find a ULP pump, commercial operators get a road tax rebate so that and the price of Avgas vs PULP pretty quickly pays for a fuel truck/ tank. I have seen Jabirus run on Avgas with no issues although I did hear of an odd batch of Avgas in SA that caused a few issues with lots of operators including big 520 and 550 engines. One J160 I look after has now 800 hours, always run on Avgas, always run hard and no issues so far. But I think you will find everyone agrees PULP is the go. Speaking to the Jabiru Engine shop, the oil pressure issues seem to be solved, every time I have a technical question the Jab team are awesome. They are patient, listen and always have a solution. As far as mechanical costs go I feel the Jabiru is way in front per hour. At the moment a Rotax goes for 2000hrs (assuming 80-100ho) and price is roughly 40k, a jabiru is 20k and needs a top at 1000. Current jabiru pricing is 2200 Engine Gen 4 ** Top End Overhaul from $5,200 ** Full Overhaul from $6,300 ** Bulk Strip from $6,300 **Does not include replacement of substantial items ie. crank, cam , conrods, cylinders and heads. Engines must still be running.. so in actual fact the Gen4 is cheaper to overhaul every 1000 hours by about $15,000. The new Jab warranty is a really good deal too. We all know the Rotax is awesome but man the parts prices are eye watering, to be honest I think they are not far off a 0235 cost now. Don’t forget hoses, radiators, dual carbs, oil, yadda yadda yadda. The jab only takes 2.2/lt of oil and the filters are 7-$16.00, the 2 yearly hose replacement is $10-100 depending if you want to us new fire sleeve. The plugs are cheap as well. Well all know the Jab airframe is awesome, sure it’s not as light to fly as some of the European stuff but its maintenance is essentially nil. Tyres, bolts, and that’s about it. What don’t understand I why we have people running old engines, older than your Mitsubishi Magna and we whinge about support. These people don’t ring the factory and rely on what written here on the internet. All jab engines maintained to spec and run to spec are a good thing, New heads are available now. I don’t know if anyone has tried to rebuild a new engine lately but just finding a 0235 cylinder is a miracle. I used to own a Cessna 402 which is for sale again. The aircraft with running engines is $90,000.00, it had $300,000 spent in it 600 hours ago and it needs another $400,000.00 spent in it now to make it legal to carry pax. Thats stuff is pricing 402’s above C441 conquests now 😫 I think there was even a reference to TBO’s being some made up factor to gain profit. 😬. I challenge any pilot here to fly NVFR SYD-CBR, MEL-LST, CNS- TSV or Adelaide - Ceduna on an engine with more than 20% over TBO. it’s amazing how your appetite for risk changes when it’s your arse in the seat at night when that engine gives a little cough 😰 It sounds like I am a Jabiru agent but I am not, I just worry that a new glider is now $600,000.00 a new RAAus rocket ship is $500,000 and a reasonable trainer is $2-400,000.00. How any flying school makes money is beyond me but if we don't support local then we will all end up the poorer. i would really like to sell my J160 Gen 4 to get a 230 with Gen 4 but the prices now reflect the appeal of the airframe. Justin
  17. Having owned both LCH and Gen 4 so I feel there are a few things to point out. Treat everything written on line with absolute suspicion, believe no one and trust no one, including me 🤔, unless it’s written down in a RAA, CASA, ATSB report or on a Jabiru or Rotec letterhead don’t believe it. I find it absolutely criminal that both Jabiru and Rotec are small Aussie companies making awesome products and yet we as Aussies praise the stuff made in Europe (which by the way have just as many issues as everything else) and poo poo the local product. Then we all whinge about no Aussie made cars or products whilst not supporting Aussie products in the supermarket and complain about the price of Rotax stuff 💁. i have never had a bad experience with Jabiru or Rotec, if you write them an email with all the information that they require including part numbers, dimensions, Serial numbers just as you would any engineering parts supply company they will get back to you asap. If you ring on Friday arvo with no information in a bad mood you can hardly expect great service. The Gen 4 is really hard to beat, it’s an awesome engine. It’s currently in production and all the parts are available. I just ordered an annual inspection kit including four oil filters, plugs, oil hose plus clamps and fire sleeve. All up delivered the next day to Brisbane was under $400.00. Yes I could have hunted around supercheep and saved a few dollars but all of my parts come from the manufacturer with paperwork and are traceable if there is a problem. The parts team at Jabiru are fricken awesome. To get angry at them because you have a 15 year old engine that has not been maintained, installed and run as per the book seems a bit silly, btw I note that heads will soon be available again. Having said that nearly all parts for all the Gen engines are still available or an upgrade is still available. Yes a Gen 4 is now 20k but a Rotax is now nearly double that, a O235 can hit 100k installed and a Chieftain engine can now be 250k. I think it’s exciting that Jabiru are now working on fuel injection, I wouldn’t be surprised that the Gen4 2200 will now be a 2000 hour (no top) 100hp engine stock just with EFI. if you can afford it buy a Gen4, install it properly and maintain it properly and it should give you 2000hours of love. The Rotec kit is fricken cool, Paul and Tony are awesome to deal with but you need to remember you are moving into the experimental area. So just like Lotus 7 kit cars, racing skiffs and home built verandas you need to understand how to do stuff. Paul is still developing the kit and there is no doubt that it solves the head heat issues. You can fit the kit for less than the cost of top overhaul but whilst you are there you might as well put new pistons, rings and valves in. It will probably cit you 3-7k all up including paint but you will have a weapon of an aircraft. Having said that you will now need to be even more fastidious at annual time, hoses, clamps, mounting brackets, fibreglass, pumps, wiring and the rest make it more like a Rotax. I am not sure if Rotec have established a hose replacement time yet but that’s the sort of stuff you need to think about. 5 years might be a good start. A 3300 , EFI, a gearbox with Rotec should be a 200hp engine 😁 yeah baby ❤️ i guess it’s just like all these rotax’s running around at 3-4000 hours with no issues, sure there is luck involved but the truth is that some engineer in some dark corner of the office designed a brilliant engine and put a TBO on it, we as owners can ignore that in our private flying worlds but at what cost. The rumour grapevine says that there have been many Rotax issues lately both with new builds and old engines, are they true or is it online rubbish because my aunt Mildred’s book reading mate heard from the barmaid that a Cessna powered by a Rotax had an engine failure. anyway just my thoughts, Justin SP500, J160 gen4, heaps of other flying machines
  18. Ian Linke in SA, has most moulds for gliders, lots of aircraft too Aviation Acrylic Mouldings 08 8251 3780 Contact company 16 Red Wattle Place, 5127 Wynn Vale, South Australia I have his mobile details if you pm me, he is the guru
  19. Hi have 5 spare heads(well 11 if the LCH conversion goes well) here in Brisbane, 5 of them have about 500 hours with some recession and the other 6 have 125hrs also with a little recession pm me if you want - Justin.
  20. Hi KG, I am doing a new panel, I haven’t decided if I am keeping the 80mm ASI and Alt, the Tacho takes up a lot of room and I have a pretty healthy case of OCD when it come to instruments. At this stage I just want it all neat and tidy.
  21. Hi all, I am in the process of rebuilding a Jab SP500 with 6 cylinder. I have ordered a Rotec Kit for it which will have alternator and elec ignition. The current Tacho size is 80mm and huuuuuge I am hoping a std vdo or saas 52 mm tacho can be programmed to run off the coil or alternator but I thought I would see if anyone has used the original pickup on the smaller tacho. pics here on yousnaptwitfacebook https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.434038505494427&type=3
  22. It’s a SZD55 which is the modern version of the Polish built Jantar, Hornets are hard to find now. A bunch of new guys started a comp down at Leeton called F1.0 it’s a handicapped HP race format aimed at older gliders. It’s very popular so all the older gliders are snapped up. Modern gliding is very different now, most have double GPS, moving map with airspace, ADSB, ect ect. Say mate of mine has done Kingaroy to Benalla in a day. Most days the minimum speed is 100kph with the guns doing 140kph. Down south they go faster and further due longer hotter days, but we still can do 3-500 in winter in Qld. This is my panel
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