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Posts posted by slartibartfast

  1. I did it this morning on my non-Apple phone. Needed to check a radio freq because by 20 miles I still couldn't hear anything on what ERSA told me was right so thought I'd double check.


    A quick browse to Airservices, go to ERSA section, download FAC for Mudgee. PDF opens right up.


    Get a real phone.:devil:



  2. Hi Adrian.


    I just have to point out that while you did everything right, it was not legal.


    I hear people doing it a lot, and ATC are all too happy to oblige, but if you don't have a PPL with CTA endorsement or higher license, you can't enter CTA.


    Not your fault, but we don't want people reading this and thinking it's OK. It can only harm any chance of getting our own CTA endorsement one day.


    You did great prearranging it and having a transponder and knowing how to use it.


    Remember ATC are not there to enforce rules/laws. If you ask, they will likely be very helpful and grant your request. But if something happened, you'd be in a spot of bother.







  3. Hi Jay.


    I've got the medium one which will be on special soon.


    I'd say it will fit what you want in it.


    I give a big thumbs up. It has lots of compartments, a big main one, well put together and strong. I carry all sorts of crap in it, and still have room when I need to add more.


    One of the compartments always has at least 25 WACs, VNCs and VTCs, wizz wheel, ruler, spare GPS and other nav gear, but will still zip closed and keep it all secure. There's a bunch of other pockets left.


    The main bit always has the ERSA, AOPA guide, knee board and other stuff, but still has lots more room.





  4. Folks,Come the new rules for radio (see threads elsewhere) you are all going to need an up to date copy of ERSA from Airservices.

    There is a complete section is ERSA that deals with the proper actions in an emergency, including advice on which frequency to use. I commend to you the need for a proper understanding of emergency communications.


    There is no "HGFA" or "RAOz" way, if anybody is teaching contrary to what is in ERSA (which is ICAO standard) they have it wrong.



    I've never been a fan of evangelism.


    We have always been required to carry a current copy of ERSA Bill.



  5. I was concerned over Bill's apparent lack of knowledge of area frequencies too. Then it transpired that he was HGFA trained. Maybe Bill can answer that. Are you cross-country endorsed Bill? If so, let's hope it was a failure of your instructor and not the syllabus.


    I don't think any RAAus trained cross-country endorsed pilot would not know about area frequencies, or not even know about Melb and Bris centre.


    No slight on you Bill - good on you for asking.



  6. At Temora a meeting was held to provide an update on developments for the creation of a second (GA/RA friendly) airfield in the Canberra region.


    Since then, an email was sent by Michael Monck, the vice-president of the Canberra Region Aviators Association, to all people signed up through the website.


    Below is the content of that email.


    If you fly in the Canberra region, of even think you might one day, I urge you to check out this website and show your support. The RAAus have even expressed interest in relocating their head office to the new airfield, so members will be able to fly in for a visit.


    The current airport owner is actively pushing all GA out. He is more interested in building offices and factory outlet malls than in supporting aviation. The last remaining flight training facility is now closing (there's some bargain 172s available, and even a Duchess). There were 10 FTFs not long ago.


    Anyway, here's Michael's update:


    A meeting between CRAA and the Chief Minister was held on the Thursday before Easter. During this meeting the prospect of establishing a second airfield in the ACT to meet the needs of sport and recreational flyers in the region was discussed. The meeting itself was positive with Jon Stanhope displaying a level of enthusiasm and support that we did not expect.



    Although the Chief Minister was not in a position to commit to financial support on the spot we do expect to see a small allocation of funding in the next budget due to be handed down in May. The intention of this funding is to further investigate the feasibility of a site within the ACT and examine the issues surrounding the environmental, social and other impacts of such an airfield.



    Talk of further funding, should the findings of the above studies be positive, also took place. This discussion was very conceptual in nature but we left with the impression that the Government would be supportive of the airfield and that they would consider offering more support in the future to develop the project into a functioning airfield.



    In addition to this, the Chief Minister was surprised at the number of people within the region that held some sort of pilot qualification and was impressed at the level of support CRAA had gained already. A positive side effect of having an incorporated body to further our interests is that it provides a mechanism to manage the airfield into the future and relieves the Government of the ongoing responsibilities associated with it. This was raised as a key concern of the Chief Minister and he was pleased that we could address it. He suggested this was a critical issue and welcomed the opportunity for his staff to work with CRAA on this project.



    It should be noted that the support of CRAA has been won with little, if any, formal marketing effort and it is important that we all play a role in spreading the word further to build this support to even greater levels.



    The outcome of the meeting was extremely positive and one that we are very pleased with. Despite this, we should remember that we face significant hurdles further down the track and, no doubt, resistance from others. Being able to show a significant level of support and demand for the project will go a long way to addressing some of these issues we will encounter.



    In addition to the meeting with the Government, we had a successful meeting at Natfly on Easter Saturday which was attended by around 35 people. While there were some familiar faces we have seen at the Canberra meetings last year, there were a lot of new faces and enthusiastic support.



    One important result from that meeting was the necessity for those of you who know people who might be interested, to direct them to the website – www.craa.org.au.



    Over the next few months we expect to see some developments. While we can communicate the broader objectives and progress via print media such as the RAA magazine, the long lead times of these publications makes them unsuitable for regular updates. With this in mind, it is necessary to communicate electronically to keep people in the loop. If people are not signed up to the website this will not be possible so please, let people know about the website and encourage them to sign up.



    In the very near future we will be ready to accept financial members. Most of you will realise that without a substantial number of members we will not garner the support of the Government and the project will face a very uncertain future.



    It is probable that the ACT Government will offer some sort of financial support for this project which enhances the value of your membership. Your committee will also be investigating other incentives to encourage membership and increase this value even more in the coming months. Another email detailing these incentives will be sent in due course.



    We still have some way to go before our goals are realised and there are some significant challenges ahead. That said, the positive outcomes of our meetings so far suggest that with your support and ongoing enthusiasm we can make the vision of a second airfield a reality.



    Please note that we are now only sending information to people who have signed up to our website. This means there may be some who are not aware of our existence or what we are trying to achieve. If you know someone who you think may be interested then please forward this email to them. This includes those who are not located in, or near to, Canberra as they too might benefit from the success of our project here in the Capital.





    Michael Monck,


    Vice-president, CRAA Inc.


    On behalf of the committee.



  7. for example: "bunbury traffic this is _ _ _ 10 miles north east (and say where you are)

    Hi Jay. I just want to point out that we should be advising people to use the standard phraseology. In this advice, "this is" should be omitted, 10 should be spoken as "one zero", "(and say where you are)" should be "(and say what the reference point is - 10 miles NE of where?)".


    Don't forget to include your intentions. If it's "inbound", the reference can be assumed to be the airfield (Bunbury in your example). You should also include your height, and consider an ETA at the circuit - "estimate circuit time zero fife" - so people have an idea of your speed and can take that into account when forming their mental picture of the area.


    Easy huh?


    Of course your instructors will cover all that during training, and certainly before you are cross-country endorsed.


    So the correct phrase should be (instructors please further correct if I'm wrong):-


    Bunbury traffic,


    <call sign>,


    one-zero miles north east at one thousand fife hundred feet,




    estimate circuit at time zero fife,




    There's so much bad radio use around I just felt the need to point that out. 025_blush.gif.9304aaf8465a2b6ab5171f41c5565775.gif



  8. Ian,


    There's a whole thread on it here.


    OziExplorerCE is only $40.


    I've been able to supply Mio units to people already hacked and loaded for as little as $260 all up - depending on what I paid for them. I took 2 to Temora and they sold in the first few hours.


    A couple of forum members tried the no-name 7" units and found the screens weren't bright enough. The Mio and Navman units are fine though.


    For VFR nav use they rock. I carry two now.



  9. Indeed, at a RAPAC, one "airline" pilot was complaining that, when he was doing 250 kt in the circuit (Yes!, that's what he said, 250) "small" aircraft were hard to see, and therefor should be excluded while he was about. The idea that he should slow up and fit in was rejected --- because he could lose 2-3 minutes ---- professional???? Putting money ahead of good airmanship.

    Putting money ahead of the rules.


    The maximum speed in a circuit area is 200 knots IAS.


    He owned up to repeat offences?



  10. If it is unlocked, it will reboot once during startup and leave you in a desktop with lots of icons.


    If you have followed the instructions you found for setting up MioPocket, you will get there.


    It's almost impossible for me to guess where you went wrong. That's why I offer to do it for people. The most likely is the name you used for the folder on the SD card where you put all the files. If you have a Mio 300, it should be Cobia_400_64_AU.


    Feel free to post it to me and I'll get it working and send it back - gratis. PM for my address.



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