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Posts posted by slartibartfast

  1. In-wing fuel tanks are already an option. That creates problems with fuel gauges and flow, but if that's what you want, you got it.


    Come on guys. The engine came through the firewall. Backwards. The pilot is always going to have a crapload of drama when that happens. He got himself out (and put himself out). As good a result as could be expected.


    I'm happy to continue flying with the fuel over my feet. It just makes me a bit more careful. If I screw up, maybe a bit more dead. C'est la mort.



  2. Has there been a program released yet for Natfly 2011? I am trying to work out what sessions are on when so I know if I need to go down Thursday or Friday. I cant find much info at all on the web. Am I not looking in the right places?Scotty 063_coffee.gif.b574a6f834090bf3f27c51bb81b045cf.gif

    Forgot to point you in the right direction Scotty.


    The first post in this thread has the draft sessions schedule.



  3. get a broom stick, sit down on a chair, put the broom on the ground, with your feet either side of the stick, hold the stick between your legs, in the hand you use to fly with, push stick left and right, and your feet will follow. its not much but it helps with initial co-ordination

    If I practise that way, the wife will tell me to stick to my plane and stop using hers.



  4. I just received a PDF from Jabiru (via Garry Morgan) regarding the recent through-bolt failures.


    They have advised that the nuts should be replaced with wider 12 point nuts and Loctite 620 used.


    The buggers just sent me a new set of nuts a few weeks ago. You'd reckon they could have sent me the new ones.


    Anyway - the PDF is in the downloads section here.



  5. Have you checked out the amazing around the world (via Oshkosh) journey 2 Sth African guys did in their Sling in 2009?


    Check the route here.


    They flew legs of up to 21.5 hours behind a Rotax. They also had external weather support and (dodgy) IFR capability.


    The beaurocracy involved in each country was the hardest part.


    They also had their share of luck.


    To read their news/blog entries from the start - go here.



  6. Well covered David. The decreased pressure can also get you in other ways. I was once at nearly 10,000' (in a part of the country where you would need a tunnel to fly at 5000') and a loud explosion really focussed my attention. It took a minute to work out that the packet of chips in my flight bag had spontaneously opened.


    The best thing about the increased height will be the freedom to choose 5,500' when travelling east and 3,500' is too low.


    The turbulence avoidance is great too.



  7. Slarti, when you said the maroon one was sold, were you referring to 19-4407?

    Do you mean 4507?

    Mmmm - this thread was badly named.


    No 4507 was resold already.


    The maroon one was 5172 and it has been sold too.


    Like sands through the hour glass......so are the Morgans of our lives.


    You all wish you had one.



  8. "Did someone mention hot-bed?" asked Mavis wearing her new politically aware twin-set "Now that's what I call .................

    ... a member", she said admiring Tubbo's constituency. "Can I represent it?"


    Tubbo was taken aback, although not as far as he should be.


    "Well I didn't vote for you!", came a voice from stage right.


    Tubbo spun around and saw .......



  9. My through bolts looked fine, so I got the factory to send new nuts. I torqued them all up fine, then backed one of them off because I thought another thread on one side would be wise. On re-torquing that one, the thread on the bolt stripped - not the nut. Jab want me to send it to them to check it out.


    They sent a new bolt, but not new nuts. So they seem to be all the same as original (4 year old engine).



  10. Haven't got many pics done yet either.


    Here's a couple of shots of the crowd which I stitched into one panorama - just to give an idea of the turnout.



    I'll get some others later.


    It was a great show, although watching the weather to the west, I decided to bail early.


    Got "takeoff approved" right after a low pass by the Hudson and ran into a little of his wake on climb in front of 30,000 people.


    Good to catch up with those from here (congrats on the XC again Rachel).


    I won't get to Avalon, so this will have to do until Natfly.


    I wonder if an airshow has been approved for Natfly this year? It didn't make much difference to the display at WoW (this was the first airshow year), but it did make the display flying a little safer and more professional.



  11. That's the Corporate Air hangar at Goulburn.


    Garry was down there last week to show the Sierra to some people there, and at Tumut and Cooma. He was very impressed by the hangar.


    He hasn't started the new hangar yet.


    There are some very interested schools around the place, so Garry trailered the Sierra to Goulburn and based there for a few days to show it around.


    Where's the progress photos Alan?



  12. Nup. Mine's a 4.


    The 1 Hp gained will be lost in lowering the compression.


    Yes DJH, I'm reusing the pistons, so they won't be any tighter than they were.


    I couldn't go out to the hangar yesterday, so I'll do it on Wed.



  13. What was the main idea behind reducing the compression on your jab engine. I'm 22 hours into a top-end overhaul after 375hrs so you have got me interested.

    Hi John.


    I was talking to an engine guy at Jabiru (I forget who - not Don) about my plans. Forum member Rodknee very helpfully offered to chat on the phone about K-Liners (that's what makes this forum so great) . He mentioned shimming to reduce compression so I asked the Jab guy. He said it was worth doing because over the years the compression had crept up as they made engine changes. Mine is serial 2659, so fairly recent (about 4 years - it didn't go straight into the plane). He says the compressions had got a little higher than necessary, and lowering them through shimming would help with longevity.


    DJH, I don't remember the clearance we ended up with. About a thou. There are no oversized pistons for Jabiru because you can't take any more material out of the bores. The pistons are actually oversized Commodore pistons with a few mods, but only one size goes into the Jab. I got new rings, but the same as the originals.



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