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Posts posted by Flightrite

  1. 5 weeks waiting for a class 1 assessment, according to Avmed’s website the average time to issue a med cert is around 10 days, seems bullshit runs right thru CASA’s inept departments! A class 5 will only add to the problems but hey why not we already live in a two class society anyway!

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  2. I believe that a more competency based training/checking  system for those converting to RA from PPL (& beyond) would see more take up that level of driving planes, the current 5 hrs is an insult to most experienced drivers!

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  3. 26 minutes ago, BrendAn said:

    We have an aeg 58 volt mower ,trimmer and chainsaw . They work good but  1 battery has failed and the other is not healthy. $340 each and only lasted 2 years . I could have mowed our lawn for years with $340 worth of petrol.

    Like I said EP is for fairies, power to the people with fuel!😂👍

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  4. When you factor in purchase price, hangarage, insurance, Maint inc unforeseen Maint, fuel, club fees (if any) ldg fees (bastards!) it’s expensive to  own/operate a decent plane you can go places in with another person.

     My VH machine costs me$225 an hr based on 50 hrs a year, not everyone can afford that but it’s my time machine at 180 kts, my other machines are puddle jumpers but very limiting.

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  5. That corny statement “ the good ‘ole days” (or words to that effect) always pops up in such conversations, life has no rear view mirror, it’s always forward and we are our own worst enemies.....wanting more, bigger & better, faster, more space, more comfort and more of the gizmo’s to entertain us, (humans love to be entertained) just look at the stuff most people have in their houses, the fancy cars, it’s the same as A/C but that costs more so the concept of affordable flying is well behind us now, the way of the future!


  6. The AUF then RA was born out of people wanting a cheaper simpler choice to fly, same as the LCC (low cost carrier) concept but like the LCC which people wanted more frills but keep the cheap fares the basic/cheap end of flying got expensive as people simply wanted more, more frills and oh how the plastic fantastics have boomed! It’s a dog chasing it’s tail!

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