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Posts posted by Flightrite

  1. I'll go against the general feeling on here no doubt gunna get shot down for it, Trump has done some good for the country. Sure he's odd he's not a politician but a businessman, remember pretty boy Obama said all the rights things, looked good on TV especially for the corrupt CNN yet his party was squashed, funny about that! The USA people had a choice they where sick of the country going down the toilet, go with Trump or war mongering Hillary who stood beside her husband the commander & chief at the time (got away with the impeachment, cunning move) and lied to the nation!

    That aside the people get to vote again soon and watch the next election, Trump is a sure thing I reckon!?

  2. I think any intelligent person could not for one second accept the nutters theories out there but human nature being what it is debunked theories are like a modern day 'Kool aid' drink, some simply follow & believe!

    Apart from the shear deviation of the NYC event, the lost lives, the misery that will live on forever for so many the terrorists have done their job well! Many years latter we are still suffering their dastardly deeds by way of tyranny and fear everytime we travel via that medium, everytime we go thru the pain of airport security, the bastards need never do another attack for its forever implanted in our minds! RIP to those victims that where to become part of the world's ugly history!?

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  3. How many people would have to be in on this? How many New york residents would have witnessed this event? Where are the literally thousands of people on the street that morning who surely would have come forward by now reporting the absence of aircraft? How many airtrafic controllers, how many baggage handlers refuellers? how many passengers at the airport observing these aircraft departing?


    Exactly! To 'hide' everyone involved would be fanciful at best!

    What about all the grieving families where they in on it too hiding their loved ones? The crazies out there live in fairyland!

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  4. In doing my researching I have found this.....


    The Jacobson Flare ™// Best Landing Technique for Pilots


    Anyone used the app?


    Whilst there's always something to be gleamed out of such info most pilots tend to overthink the landing phase. A good stable App is very important, from there landings are generally a non event! Personally I do the opposite to what most drivers are doing, I use pitch to keep the 'picture' where I want in the window and the gas pedal to keep the speedo where it needs to be?

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  5. The inter-tropic convergence zone between Darwin and Timor has Cu's to 60 OOO feet that look green like a wall of ice. There's more energy in tropical areas especially where there's a lot of ocean and some high country as well. giving lots of unstable tropical maritime air, the cradle of powerful cyclones and heavy monsoonal rains. The ITCZ follows the thermal equator. There's times of the year when the almost daily thunder and lightning display is worth being in Darwin to see and feel.. All fine if you aren't trying to get some where in a plane at that time. . Airborne weather radar enables you to find the bigger cells and if you are half smart you give them a wide berth. Nev


    Oh that brings back ugly memories! Did some contract work out of DN some years ago, the vertical development of some storms was staggering even though we where at 49K ft!

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  6. Are we meant to carry our log books with us? I always assumed not, so that some paperwork would be available after a prang, but a LAME who did my 50hr service castigated me for not having the logbook with me.


    I never said log books are to be kept in the plane but they should be up to date and made available to a maint organisation whom is about to or had performed maint.

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  7. Mid air collisions you might already be seriously injured or dead. If a passenger jet has a mid air with anything it's going down. THEY don't have anything like one, A fire you need to get on the ground FAST. Over water the chute may impede you getting out. especially if it's windy. Getting in cloud when you shouldn't have (well you shouldn't have). Anywhere near the ground it won't help you. It's a hazard to rescuers. It's a weight you carry all the time, and it needs servicing. The ROD with the chute extended is enough to still cause injury depending on how and where you land and the plane is usually a write off. That's the other side of it.. It's your decision and you don't have to justify it to anyone else. Nev


    I tend to think along the same lines. The BRS is more aimed at putting the airframe down in a "more" survivable manor from say an engine failure of basic structural failure, not guaranteed at all. As we all know flying is a risk, a calculated risk. We are somewhat fortunate here in Oz our WX is manageable & the terrain mostly survivable.

    I accept the risks cause I imimize them as much as I can without having to go as far as never getting out of bed,just in case?

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  8. That theory goes out the window when you find others reporting downwind and they're 3 miles out from the field or reporting base and 3 miles out or more but flying a LSA rather than a 747. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to be isolated occurrences. Someone is teaching people this stuff.


    That's a different story. You will always get idiots in planes who make it up as they go! Airmanship is a rare thing these days!

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  9. Took a mate to Marlo ( YORB ) yesterday. [ATTACH type=full]53311[/ATTACH][ATTACH type=full]53312[/ATTACH]He took these pics during our descent from 3500’into Bairnsdale. Flight was around 30 mins for near 50 nm,...... Bob


    [ATTACH type=full]53310[/ATTACH]


    I used to enjoy flying in to Marlo, nice spot ? On rare occasions Zipping along the 90ML beach @ 'exactly' 500' & lots of kts, lots of kts??

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