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Posts posted by Flightrite

  1. O

    That was a real interesting comment Jab 7252 about flying to the right of the line. I tried to look it up but failed. Could you tell us more? Is it a regulation?

    I never heard of the idea but it is obviously a good one.


    Offest tracks can be flown but that guarantees nothing. No need for it if on CTA unless you deem it nesesary due WX for Eg.

  2. No, @octave has said [edit] why he thinks its a good idea to use it and [/edit] he finds it hard to understand the reasoning as to why people don't want to use the app.. Rather than a gratuitous excerise of "rights" and opinions, why don't you explain why you don't want to use the app so Octave can understand? We are all ears (well, eyes)...


    It sure bugs you guys!?Entertaining?

  3. Just what Australia needs, another billion dollar defence project. Just imagine if half of the joint strike fighter and the sub contracts was spent on public health and education, what it would do for Australia as a nation.


    Don't be silly doing such is not in the best interests of this nation, besides as a species we are destined to waste money on new ways to kill off ourselves!

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  4. But it can still have the same foibles as a straight out GPS network when it comes to Solar interference. I would put my faith in VOR long before GPS.

    Sometimes the best technology is not always the best:-)


    Well you better inform the Airlines that are using GBAS to land off in lovely WX that faith is the answer!?

    • Like 1
  5. It depdends on how the privacy laws are worded. In Europle, GDPR (general data protection regulation) is currently considered the gold standard of data protection. However, it clearly states that where it conflicts with other regulations, those regulations prevail. So, if you, as an employer or manager are responsible for providing a safe workplace and subject to regulation in doing so, and in accordance with H&S regulations deem the app necessary to provide a safe workplace, GDPR, if it would normally not allow an employer to force an employee to use the app, may not apply. It is a very grey area though, because one will be forcing the employee to download it on their private device or any device they take with them. Also, unless you take your device with you at all times, it is going to be a bit useless.. .There are all sorts of practicalities to be overcome. This goes back to my comment, we are all in it together and we should do what we need to as a community to overcome it.

    ......thin end of the wedge! Dangerous area ahead!

  6. I will go flying..


    It's not a them and us.. it's a "we're all in this together." We all have choices - we make them.. I am certainly not judging (not that anyone would care if I did)..


    Ahhh... I was missing Flite Bhindi.....


    Been doing that since the nonsense started! (Flying)??

  7. Hopefully a vaccine will come then we can have the anti vaxxer debate ?


    Now I'd love that! There's gotta be some spirited debate in that nonsense for sure!? Trust us ( as they stick the 'cool-aide' in you ) we are the Govt!?

    • Like 1
  8. Returning from Airventure at around 7500 feet it was really turbulent & I slowed down to 75-80 knots on ASI but noticed the GS was just shy of 170 knots. The highest GS for the trip was 177 knots. I got home in 2 1/2 hours.


    Wow! I've never seen 90-100 kts that low, that would be a hazard alert if ATC knew about it!

  9. I agree.. But in the case of the App, what is the risk.. someone could get who you are and where you have been and maybe if you have the virus (though I doubt the latter).. Unless it gets access to your account payment details (whcih I don't think it can), what is the worst that could happen and what is the probability it could happen? This has to be weghed up against the good it can do.


    I would imagine your energy company, ATO, state vehigle registration, all necessary institutions we have our details with - and probably far more sensitive (unless you have something to hide), and there is every change that your details get leaked from there, too.. Same with yur mobile phone operator. You don't have a choice with these - you have to have to have an energy supplier (unless you are totally off grid) and they could also have a bad apple in them.


    I am not



    "You make a risk assessment and make a decision".


    I did and I have, thank you for allowing me to do so?

  10. When I started to learn how to drive planes now over 40 years ago I bought a Tandy 'Realistic 2020' VHF scanner (I've still got it!) & hung off every word that pilots & ATC said, at the time I thought it as so complicated! Phraseologies have changed somewhat over the years but what I've noticed most these days is very poor R/T even from some so called professional drivers! A busy W/E around multiple 126.7 CTAF's and it's astonishing what one hears!

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  11. You have no airspeed range to apply at that level either. Too high for the stuff I was driving... You know the lower stuff gets priority anyhow because it's in your way. Nev


    Could reduce a bit at that height, say back to M071. Yeah I know lower traffic hold you up for decent but who's up there in my way anyway?

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