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Posts posted by horsefeathers

  1. I've been reading the regs about this in relation to my daughter's flying, and so far, in relation to the 200 hour CPL requirement for 100 hours PIC, it seems you need to do the flying in a "recognised aircraft". And try as I may, I can't determine if RAA Group A 3 axis aircraft fit as a defined "recognised aircraft" - you can do the hours in lots of different types (even gyros and motorised gliders), but RAA aircraft are not specifically mentioned, as far as I can determine.


    There is a thread on the wrinkly date website that mentions letters from CASA that "interpret" the regs to allow this, but as for a straight forward statement such as "RAA 3 axis aircraft are regarded as a recognised aircraft", I cant find it.


    Can some one point me to the ACTUAL reg that allows RAA hours to count towards a CPL.







  2. Another accident highlighting the importance of only flying over country you can land in. Makes you wonder whats being taught.

    Geeze maybe I'm over sensitive, but I have a 22 year old daughter doing flight training, and this incident scares the crap outa me. And a comment like the above, implying poor decision making by the pilot, really bakes my cookies.


    FFS, you dont know ANY details about this incident - it may have been structural failure for all we know - dont make it worse by making gratuitous comments about a possible incident.


    And if you take the OP comments, would you ever take off? - you may suffer an engine failure on takeoff over somewhere you cant land.





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  3. OK. So what is the motive behind the secrecy / lack of communication with members (Jim and John are specifically excluded from these comments). I have read just about all these postings, but STILL cant get my head around WHY the board is being so apparently obstructionist and non-communicative.




    FFS, I just want this board to stop playing politics - tell us if there is problems, register my plane and licence, and behave like grown ups. IT IS NOT THEIR ORGANISATION!!!


    WHY do they have to circle the wagons???Why do they see the members as the enemy??


    WHY take this bloody minded US and THEM attitude??? (Yes Gavin, I'm talking directly to you)


    its like a frigging kindergarten - I'm disgusted with this behaviour.


    (Oh and BTW, why do I have to pay an annual licence fee for my plane registration, when my annual licence renewal pays for insurance?????)


    </RANT MODE>



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  4. Hi Kyle


    Wow, you must have been feeling that way when you took time out to look at my radio problem - I'm really amazed that you still came round for a look, given the way you were feeling (and those worrying thoughts that no doubt were popping up).


    Wish you all the best for a full recovery





  5. They are safer. Nev

    So, is it true that a properly maintained wooden prop has an indefinite life? I ask as I have a timber 3 blade precision prop, and have been tossing up replacing it with something else to give a bit more performance (and a bit more of that magical "newness")



  6. A number of you have jumped to Antenna........If it works on the ground but doesnt work in the air.....what at the Antenna has changed?.........Im guessing nothing and as such it may be a red herring.Unless on the ground means aircraft within 100m and in the air means aircraft Km's away and range is therefore the point of difference.




    Also worth having someone else in the air work with you so you can find out if when you transmit they hear nothing at all ie squelch doesnt break so no Rx at all, or squelch breaks but nothing sensible is heard. The 2 are very differnt in fault finding outcomes. The first suggests Antenna/cabling may be an issue the 2nd suggests Tx is Ok but modulation for what ever reason isnt working.



    Hi Andy,


    well, your response certainly made me think - as you surmise, the ground transmissions are all very short distance - as you say, probably no more than 500m . I can receive other aircraft from a long way when airborne (heard transmissions from Noosa and the sunshine coast when over Gympie yesterday), so the prob almost cetainly lies in the transmission side - I was flying circuits the other day, and the other planes didnt hear me, or only heard some broken transmissions at the best.


    When you say modulation may be an issue, what do I check in that regard?






    And thanks for all reponses - radios are just black magic to me...



  7. Are you using an ANR headset? Or does the radio have some kind of ANR feature? The extra engine noise during flight may be causing the radio or the headset mic to block your voice as well. If the ANR or squelch levels are adjustable, you could try experimenting with those.

    Hi Scott - I AM using an ANR headset, and generally use the ANL feature on the radio as well.I will borrow a different headset, and see if that makes a difference. Also, I'll try the squelch, and also take Hongie and Kyles suggestions about the sideband - maybe the internal microphone is turned on (although i thought i'd checked that when i first set it up...)


    As I can hear myself whenI transmit, and the red transmit light comes on when I press the PTT (the green light also comes on when receiving a transmission), so i dont think the radio itself is the problem.


    Kyle, yep, well remember meeting you, your girlfriend AND your wife at Gympie clubhouse the other day. If you're down at Gympie tomorrow, I can see you there. I'll be the one waiting for the crosswind to stop blowing :)



  8. I'm using a Vertex handheld in a streak shadow, and have no problems with others hearing my transmisions when on the ground, even when taxying. When I'm flying, I can hear others quite well, but it seems others cannot hear me.


    i'm using a coax feed from the radio to a whip antenna, and the antenna grounded to the metal boom tube (so technically not a good ground plane, i suppose).


    Anyone have any ideas what the problem might be? I may replace the antenna with a dipole type, but the bottom section of the new antenna would be next to the boom tube, so dont know if that would be satisfactory.Any thoughts?



  9. I just heard that the Qld Courier Mail today was carrying some advertisment from CASA for a sport person to assist RAA. Has anyone seen or can find the advertisment and tell us what it said please

    Same ad is also in Fridays Australian page 31, for a Sport Aviation Technical Officer. Just the job for,oh I don't know,maybe an ex RAA CEO. :)



  10. Well, we made it onto TV. The local Channel 7 news out of Bundaberg/Wide Bay is reporting the news that CASA is not allowing RAA to process new registrations. Vision included a reasonably unhappy Jabiru factory spokesperson, citing the fact that no registrations = no income, and a couple of CFIs, talking of tens of thousands of dollars (???) of lost business.


    The reporter says registrations are expected by begin shortly.



  11. Ian, I take you point. Tiger and I recon the of the 13123 members of Ra Aus, if 1% know or even are interested would be most likely close to the mark. The rest would'nt give a stuff what was happening. All they want to do ios to jump into their plane anf FLY.IMWO the way the board is behaving , the answer to having anything on the website would be zero.

    I disagree Ches.


    I believe that most of the problem is due to lack of knowledge by the greater majority of RAA members of what is going on. Yeah, maybe people are blase about the issues, but that doesnt mean we shouldnt at least try reaching out - there MUST be a huge number who would be mighty pissed if only they knew.


    If you frame a message to the entire membership (or hell, even 25% of them), about the current longstanding issues, with the theme about its effect on each individual's flying privileges, you may be surprised about how vociferous the response might be.



  12. While I hear and understand the frustration on this forum about the membership's continued "apathy" towards the running of the RAA, I can't help but wonder how many RAA members actually know or hear what is going on, apart from those who frequent his particular website.


    I would hazard a guess most members don't read these forums, and given the almost total lack of informed communication from the board to members (where's the Treasurer's report, ffs), most would not know about the ongoing issues.


    Having said that, is it possible to get contact details from RAA to set up a mailing list or similar, to send out regular updates.


    It would seem that as the board has abrogated its responsibility for this function, that it be taken over by a relatively independent group - perhaps this could be implemented as an agenda item in an upcoming general meeting.



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