Nicely said Dave and the Jab bashers will give you heaps, I have owned two Jabs and flown many others and flown Rotax powered aircraft that I like very much, Jabs do need to be monitored carefully which is admititly not nessecary with a lot of other engines but I accept this and like the jab engine. I find my J230 a compromise as it has space, speed and power, monitored carefully during flight and climb to allow sufficient cooling should give good service. The Jab engine does need improvements but that's progress. My thoughts are if you think you can trash an air cooled motor and think it won't let you down is a big mistake, my lycoming powered C172 suffered a cracked head soon after I bought it and very expensive repair, my Jab 3300 will get a top overhaul soon as a matter of insurance to my peace of mind and due to the fact this can be done at a reasonable cost makes it a good choice compared to others, like I have said before it always comes back to affordability and Jabiru have a slogan than reflects that " keeping flying affordable" and the RAA mission is to keep flying affordable and if you want fully Certified, LAME maintained CASA scrutinised aircraft join the GA ranks and fly heavy metal, I've been there and still hold a current PPL and am a dedicated supporter of RAA and am happy to fly rag and tube two strokes too. If anybody picks on Jabs they obviously don't like two strokes, they also need care and attention and will give reliable service if treated right but as told many years ago "it's not if but when" it will let you down, so maintain and care will save your back side, Jabs glide very well and trikes only half as good although don't need much space to land for a trike, learn to land short, very short and it may save you in any aircraft !
I would love to see the Jab Man improve his engine as it will only get better, without Jabiru things will get worse much worse ! Happy and safe flying to all !