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Posts posted by hihosland

  1. ...Drifter and her German Shepherd. Justice Gobbo did ask this after a tweet from Loxie identifying this dog as the cause of the interesting scar patterning on Loxie's posterior; these injuries having been inflicted when Loxie was unfortunately foolish enough to venture off in the direct5ion of the atore mentioned Drifter he having heard a rumour of some serious performance enhancing modifications carried out by Turbo Enterprises.


    The Captain being suffused with illusions of his own importance and immunity to verbal traps did not see in this line of questions any potential for his own entrapment, or even downfall, cheerfully answered "Yes!! M'am"


    " And what was the dog's reaction to your approach to the Drifter"


    "One of submission and adoration, Your Honour"


    Ms Goobbo so armed, then asked " Captain, now cast your mind back to ................".

  2. ..............Mavis/Mavette in regular monthly installments via the gaming machine account of the Ruby Princess. This state of affairs (Turbo ref) the investigation team labeled very fishy and decidedly fishy beyond any hand sanitizer's propensity for laundering of money or even of Turbo's socks, especially Turbo's socks since they ..............................

  3. "Customers understand that at these prices there is no guarantee of arrival." It was one week to the much anticipated lifting of the travel restrictions when a customer advocate noticed that TE's mission statement as well as not guaranteeing arrival, did not guarantee departure, did not guarantee refunds in the event of any event whatsoever and completely failed to .......

  4. ......still part of the Moroccan female dress utilised whenever there is a need to pull up short of a fort wall, cf the male dress in which flaps (avref) allow direct utilization of the wall surface under similar circumstances.

    After being made aware of this situation Capppy extracted thumb and had a Turbo (NES ref) moment and........... .

  5. ......free ride in the pride of the French Airforce a Rafale-B in appreciation of his services to the Foreign Legion over many years,


    his pre fight briefing described all the necessary services and actions to take in an emergency including the ejection proceedure.

    This later point was a bit lost on Turbo whose attention was totaly focused on leading aircraft woman Maviette with her golden epaulettes,

    and generous Rubenesque proportions.




    While his focus was thus intensely focused he failed to notice the spooling up and initial roll out, but when the angle of attack (Not Mavis nor Maviette ref) reached 47 deg he suddenly...............


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  6. A vastly expanded collection subsequent to the raid on TE wharehouse/whorehous and featuring in pride of place a complete range of the various iterations of the turboencabulator culminating in the pretty in pink model created especially to meet the demand ...............

  7. ..... the coughing started, and 50 million could not buy any respirators, there being none to be had anywhere in the world except at turbo enterprises who in 2005 had taken to heart President Bush's message seen here in marvellous retospectroscopic youtube



    and had stocked up on respirators, defribillators, masks, gowns, and gallons of homeopathic oral vaccines, this later being 1000s of small glass vials bought as a job lot at Lourdes and topped up with Ganges water.


    Turbo once again stood to make himself a motza until it turned out that deep in the innards of the respirators was a ZX81 computer running Sinclair BASIC off a Stringy Floppy that in order to boot up required a........................

  8. Getting the women back in the kitchen, especially in light of what happened when I suggested it to Mavis at the bns ball.

    Things can only get worse now that Turbo has joined up with you know who to spread the corona virus via the new 5g network in which he....

  9. ......in isolation for 14 days and will miss all the easter bunny fun, with or without its furry skin, what a nasty notion that skinning story.

    Smothered in creamy chocolate creates a much more friendly idea to the mind and does rather remind one of that night that Mavis and Cappy ............

  10. ....................our friends at CASA, they already have been well supplied with wide screens and cellphones.

    The free "first time, short time" that vouchers the Cappy brought back from Questra Casa at K should do the trick, all we need to do is discover where that cunning chappy Cappy may have squirreled them away in his warehouse.


    "first place that I'd look would be amongst his most memorable memorabilia especially those dating from his youth with the Turbohorn.F.C............."

  11. ........ low profile trials meant that low life Doubtfire saw herself on the front page of the Sun as the arresting officer of the serial offender Onesie, a jury-rigger from way back.


    However Doubtfire in her enthusiasm to create an impression had left the red and blues flashing, all the radios humming, the siren sirening and her new Turbohorn roaring finally noticed an increasing quietude as the Landcruiser's 24 volts faded to SFA.


    Contemplating a long walk back to the station while dragging a reluctant and recalcitrnt Onesie behind her, Doubtfire had a flash of inspiration and decided that jury rigging was not quite such a serious crime after all and hauling out the handcuff keys ..............

  12. ... "don't you Pell me!!!" barked Cappy gripping the thermometer in both hands and driving it into a rather vital area,


    Turbo doubled over, executed his pest parachutist's shoulder roll, (historic avref) and lunged out with his left foot connecting Cappy's left foot and they both proceeded to roll entangled at an ever gathering speed down.....................

  13. '... feel a Wuhan coughing fit coming on can I borrow your hankie?

    Nothing short of non starting Harley shatters a Capital Trooper's equanimity like a threatened Wuhan coughing fit and he immediately excecuted a smart reversal of direction and barreled into a passing black 4WD festooned with an echidna array of aerials and left the scene.


    Turbo feeling rather elated and mildly excited eventually realised that the excitement was coming from a small vibration in his pocket an indication that Cappy still had his mobile number on speed dial and was at that moment trying to ..............

  14. .................criticize an Australian PM, especially one with a swimming pool named after him.

    Turbo after visiting that aquatic edifice saw yet another potential money making venture and Drifted off to ye grand ol USA with plans for the JFK shooting gallery complete with a row of pink doors with the targets affixed.


    Due to a slight timing confusion the US of A was in a state of lock down when he finally arrived at the front of the immigration queue at LA's Tom Bradley terminal where he was asked in a most polite manner (bs ref) to place his fingers on the fingerprint reader. 'twas then that the bells started ringing and 6 officers sporting a meedly of 7 flashy uniforms and brandishing 8 assorted weapons and one well licked ball point pen and announced in turn...

    "having just arrived from South Africa you shall forthwith self isolate for 14 days,

    " having turboencabulator-burned finger prints you shall follow me

    " being a Morant you are a banned person so it's off to Qunataninmo for you

    " for breaking a Star Wars icon, it's a light sabre up the kyber for you

    at which point and with still two official proclamations to go Turbo elected to ..................

  15. ............... stuff all potatoes. Given the nutritional value of long toe nails the afore said potato farmers are a rather slim and miserable lot, not given to fore lock tugging in the presence of lickspittles even those who arrive in turbo enhanced Drifters full of themselves and boasting of their adventures and achievements at the pink Questa Casa,.

    Being rather poorly in the casa department and totally devoid of anything pink, when they heard of Mayor Bingle's tingle they merely shrugged and...........,

  16. ....sans kingdom

    sans horse

    and blending in as well as a Ramulet at a Capulet wake,

    they were instantly recognized by Doubtfire who was trying to negotiate a round of drinks with the thyristor confiscated from one of the ladies in pink who she'd apprehended behind the bike shed where she was trying to trade it for...............

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