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Posts posted by XAIRVTW

  1. I'm building an Xair Hanuman at the moment.There was a couple of reasons I did not like the skyranger fuel tank set up on the skyranger, Price to many extras to purchase which adds on to the price. I have flown both aircraft, my Xair has a VH registraion Sky ranger can by done the same.The xair kit goes together real easy instructions manual very clear , You get everything in the kit including wheel spats, the only exclusions are engine, prop, instruments. Personal choice thats what it all comes down too.





  2. Hi Taskman in the Sydney basin you have three main airfields Bankstown, Camden, Mascot (international). Outside the Sydney basin there are quite a few, too many to list here. Bankstown is a good area to fly out of, But my personal opinion is if you like traffic jams,Leaving home before sunrise just to get to work by 9am you will love living there.





  3. Hi Heon yes there is a lot of prep work to do, attention to detail will give you a great finish. As far as weight you are not buiding layers up. Cheap 2k paint wont cover you need to spend some $$$ & buy quality product. The paint system I use allows me to cover a panel in with top coat in one coat saves time money & weight not cheap 500ml in solid color $180 metalic or pearl $250+



  4. Your not sanding aluminium you are sanding the paint with a very fine grade of paper the only thing you have too watch out for is the head of the rivets & that is done by hand. Painting it individually is the way to go. If the paint has several layers then I would strip it.If you have any fibreglass parts dont paint strip.


    cheers Tony



  5. Hi Adrian I am Spray Painter i not only paint cars I also do aircraft wether its a full re spray or just panels with blends.This is the procces I would follow, bare in mind I haven't seen your aircraft which would help make the decission on what I would do. This is the procces I would follow. If the paint is not craised or cracking or paint is not thick with layers I would not paint strip, I try not to use paint strip as it can cause some problems. 1) reaction with other surface bondings. 2) Bit of a mess to clean up eg-: around rivets & in creavies eg.


    Sand the area to be paint with 240 grit paper feather out all egdes make sure surface is smooth,Prepsol down surface to be painted mask off any surface not to be painted, If using 2K (2 pac) makes sure anything you DONT WONT PAINTED IS COVERED this stuff floats in the air & sticks to anything, make sure you have a good mask & wear long sleeves or overall type clothing. Apply an etch primer which will seal aluminium surface similar to Alodine color build which is a primer allow to dry. Apply a guide coat if you have any grafite powder if not a lite spray of black paint not too heavy. Rub color build until guide coat has gone with 600 grit dry. You can use wet rub just make sure all water is clear of panel before painting you can use a flat block if you want surface to be flat.Clean surface with prepsol making sure all prepsol is wiped off re-mask if neccessary apply top coat allow to dry. Takes some practise you have to be able understand what the paint is doing when it leaves the gun eg-: is on to dry or to wet or am I keeping the paint even on the panel. Hope this helps .


    Cheers tony



  6. Hi David I would cover it in ultralam as far as price well the Xair Hanuman in ultralam is $300 more than the one in dacron that price is on the Xair.com.au web site.


    cheers Tony



  7. Hi David it is different it's less prone to oil stains as the outside of the covering is smooth with a shine to it, has a rip stop affect can be shrunk with a heat gun on a low setting,has a mylar thread weaved into it. As far as sun affect the manufactures claim it is more durable, but like with anything left out in the eliments for a period of time is not going too last long.


    Cheers Tony



  8. Hi Guys I'm building a Xair Hanuman the covering is ultralam which is made with mylar the wrinkles in some of the covering can be ironed out with a heat gun on low heat, same as covering a model looks great once it is done.


    cheers tony



  9. Hi all What a fantastic web site so much info to go through. I'm building an Xair Hanuman should be test flying mid year I've registered experimental VH-VTW. I look forward in getting flying so I can start going places.



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