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Everything posted by Tiger

  1. Captain, I did come down for the AGM (cost me a bit though). Interesting to see so few on the attendance register ( only 50 odd). I estimate there was about 150 at the meeting . My name is not there and I signed in. I spoke with some mates this pm who were there and they said their names were conspicuous by their absence also, and they all signed the attendance register. One said his mate signed next to him and his name is on the role, but not his. Missing documentation from the AGM. The treasurers thing is woefull. Incorrect dates, no report. They even said a financial statement and auditor report was presented. How could that be, as there was no signed Auditors report or signed board members report " at the meeting. This is an indicator of more cover up. How can you move ,second and carry an annual financial report when there is not one to be seen. I will have to go over the AGM notes a lot more in the next few days to see how many other errors I can find.
  2. I caught up with a copy of Runmancin's resignation email by a multiple of a friend, of a friend, etc. In it he said he had resigned as our North Qld . Representative with effect receipt of this email. Since that time I have taken it to mean just that resigned. The RAA website has shown that the "board" voted him back in. As far as we are concerned up here, he resigned as our representative and that is it. QED !!! If a member of parliament resigns, the Prime Minister, cabinet or a Premier cannot reappoint him just because he wants to get back into parliament. The board does not have more power than the government and they cannot do it. The board here just think that they have a "right" to do / say whatever pleases them and do not have to answer to anyone. They "generate' their own constitution as it pleases them. I will be going to the GM (hopefully) to add my support to kicking them out as John said above
  3. Did not realise there was another news item section on the RAA website. Shows how they discuise it, but them claim it is open and accountable. Great of the board, hide it so we cannot find it easily, I would basically call that a deceitful presentation. Your comment that board members contacted you Captain shows that they want the presidents resignation to go away. We are still waiting for the announcement of the by election for North Qld. If the Board had did the correct thing in the first place we would not be in this Constitutional crisis situation we are in now. They were emphatic they were closing during the Christmas. Sounds like the heat is getting at them and they are once again doing a turn coat. How many more crisis to crisis management decisions will be made before RAA sinks. The CASA audit report is "Board in Confidence". Just another secret issue from the board, must not let the members know. Well I tell you, the word is all out there now and all the threads, questions, answers are filling in the gaps for us fast. Shows us once more that the Board cannot govern or manage anything, even that thing that used to be out the back of your houses.
  4. We need to see the proxy forms. Can someone post one on this site please, maybe the general meeting thread, then I can get some to sign them here in NQ. Of course I am waithing on the calling of the by election. Don't know, but may run myself
  5. I hope to fly down south for the meeting, expensive from up here in Cairns, but that is what I feel I need to do to try and get things back on track. Re rego renewals, it is NOW 12 months too late for to be starting to get things back in order. The failure of the previous 3 audits would have only required a check list to be made then, and duly amended as they found differnt items, and we would never had had this situation. Lack of management, lack of skills , board who does not really care, etc, etc.
  6. turboplanner, based on what I have caught up with (scantily) I would put BIG question marks on any info that is on the RAA website, as they have a history of getting staff to tell members untruthful events, (for the groundings, staff were told to tell members it was an accounting problem / eft problem, will be fixed in 48 hours, etc, then 48 hours, still not fixed, will be by next Monday). For the Board / executive to get staff ( who are VERY, VERY GOOD AT THEIR JOB) to do this is abdicating their responsibility because they cannot face the members and tell them the truth. This is further evidenced in that the Executive has not called the general meeting that was proposed by some members down south, until a long time in the future. Is this so thay can go on a holiday and be further away so they don't have to face us ?? As CFICARE says, they are fiddling and cannot see that they have a bushfire all around them and are using baby fire extinguishes to try to put it out. We need big water bombers in NOW NOW, not when everything is burnt down as the fire is advancing at breakneck speed up the hill. Come on board, wake up, don't be proud, be proactive and call in someone who can help you. There has been offers on this site to help but what have you done. NOTHING. !! You are totally out of your debth and cannot breathe and you are not man enough to realise you are personally drowning each other. Hand over the reigns now while maybe some caring members still have a chance to rescue something. Don't forget you don't have a legal leader at this time.
  7. I will be working on my plane ticket now to Canberra
  8. Sent my thread to the forum without proof reading. it should have been "Sorry Steve, you were very helpful for RAA for some time but you have now wrecked it for everyone. If fellow board members do not do something about this now, then perhaps they should tender their resignations as well." Also had sent to me a thread reply to an aircraft importer from Steve Runcanmin, much the same attitude coming through to the importer as well. It shows the true nature of the individual. We cannot afford for RAA to keep him in any position in RAA because of the damage his vocalising has done to our members and to the wider public who read aviation forums. Why would anyone want to join RAA now !!. Is this why we are getting a trend of members leaving RAA ??
  9. As I said on another thread a couple of days ago, as far as I am concerned Steve Runmancin is not president any longer and no longer my board representative for up here in North Queensland. I am talking to some to convince them to apply for the position that is available in the coming by election for North Qld. Go to get started early on these matters. The procrastination in the threads above about whether he is / is not president is doing our RAA untold harm. Even if the board did reappoint him illegally, it is up to Steve Runmancin to be man enough and have the descency to resign absolutely now, as written language about a fellow board members and one of our fellow RAA members from anyone in RAA is unbecoming of any person in RAA. He has now lost ALL respect from most of the members and should just "fade away" and disappear. Sorry Steve, you were very helpful for RAA for some time but you have now wrecked it for everyone. If fellow board members do not do something about this now, then perhaps they should tender their resignations as well.
  10. I just heard that the Qld Courier Mail today was carrying some advertisment from CASA for a sport person to assist RAA. Has anyone seen or can find the advertisment and tell us what it said please
  11. Turboplanner,I see by the trheads down south that the legal opinion for the ex Runmancin reincarniation was actually information to the board in 2008 re John Gardon. A totally different case and circumstances. The tone of the post was that the legal opinion was "current" legal opinion. Just another little slip from the ex president and manipulation of the truth.
  12. Well if the board just decided to not accept the presidents resignation, then the board will probably do the same with the CEO's resignation as mentioned by riverduck. As I said we have lost our represenattive here in North Qld but according to JmCK they had OLD board advise they could reinstate the President. I ask the question - was the legal advise that the board could reinstate the President or reinstate a board member against the will of us the members up here. In my last post I said -We need board members that understand the constitution and will work with the framework of our Constitution, not write their own rules and own constitution and do what they want against our , the members, will.
  13. riverduck, I would say you won't get a reply from the board. At the AGM I heard one person ask the board why they hadn't answered a question from their club after 8 months And it was about some policy decision. There was no real response from the chair You will probably have to wait like them still
  14. I have not posted for some time, however I have been watching a little from the sidelines. I have seen that a general meeting is to be called by some members to discuss numerous board matters. Seeing the posts above I now fully realise what has been going on is worse than I suspected and I will now be looking to find a form to sign to indicate I want a meeting now as well. A resignation is a resignation. It appears that the Ex president Mr Runmancin has resigned as President - (he could be asked to come back ,be reinstated by the other board members into his old position, I see that as a possibility) BUT Mr Runmancin has also resigned as our North Qld Board representative. Hence he is now no longer our board member representative from up here in North Queensland and we will now have to find a replacement. Another election and we only just put him in there. I agree with what is in the threads above that anything our Ex president has said or done since receipt of his resignation email of Monday ( per JohnG statement) is null and void. If it is true that any of the other existing board members support his reinstatement, then they do not understand due process and our Constitution and should not be board representative as well. The other board members cannot reinstate the now ex president, now ex board member, only us in North Qld can do that and he has now lost my vote. I implore others to contact their local board representatives and point out to them that what they are proposing is illegal and not to reinstate the Ex board member Mr Runmancin without an election, as they have no power or authority under the Constitution to carry out this action. If they do I would hate to see the consequences and where it could lead. We need board members that understand the constitution and will work with the framework of our Constitution, not write their own rules and own constitution.
  15. By my reading the tech was sacked. It appears that the CEO was (pushed) into resigning. Ultimately he fell on his sword. Why isn't the President doing the same for that is the done thing when the troops go, so does the top brass
  16. I have been off line for a day and it appears that all hell has broken loose in Canberra looking at the threads.. I agree with Captain the rat and am397. Hopefully there is someone out there that can help get us out of this mess. I don't like what I read about the Ex CEO coming back. He couldn't do it before he was CEO, has stuffed RAA since he has been the CEO so why wouldn't he further stuff this one. I was going to swing over fully to RAA now think I will keep my GA license so I can fly. GOOD BYE for good Tizzo.
  17. I tend to agree with you fly-tornado because Tizzo always was blaming someone else for his inadequacies. Because of this the Board should have he should now have completed his time at the office and we can get on with business without him until early January. Adam is a "fall guy" for sure for Tizz and the board does not or do not want to recognize this. Because of Tizzos past, before his appointment , and what has happened since he became CEO we do not want him around the office anytime in the future or doing any role for us. The Board have refuse to have others help, let them now refuse to have Tizzo help, otherwise its smack of double standards.
  18. The CEO has been the first to fall, others will have to follow now
  19. The way I see it the Tech man has been made a "scapegoat" by the outgoing CEO and the Executive / Board. I have not seen that he has done anything wrong for he had no assistance in his role and as the past CEO said, that was the Tech's area, not my responsibility. Actually the Tech should have been getting help by the Board / Executive / CEO as it is the role of the association , not one person.
  20. Great that we could see the letter David. Makes for interesting reading. I have contacted one of my committee to see if we can organise a similar letter to the board and show our displeasure. We need a lot more members though to support this club in their endeavors to get the board to carry out some hard decision making with the paid staff as fly-tornado has said and I agree with his sentiments fully
  21. turboplanner I have now sighted a copy of the letter via another source and confirm it is authentic, has all the members of the Board (I think) on the header and also included CEO and Ops and Tech and was signed by their club secretary. I feel that someone has posted a shortened version of the letter here.
  22. Hey Ches what is this??? You discovered some back door to the Board !!!?? I didn't thik it was this bad. I know I said to watch this space but BOY o BOY. What do others think of this latest post by Ches??
  23. Interesting to see where this will go Ches
  24. You need to be able to hear the stall warning horn go off each time, basically try and keep the plane flying for as long as possible and resist any temptation to try and "put it on the ground"
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