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Status Replies posted by Garfly

  1. Hey Methusala,

    Admin closed the discussion just as I was about to send a post explaining what I meant by the admittedly cryptic comment: 

    "We all need our self-affirming certainties challenged from time to time.  But 'hair of the dog'  ain't much of a remedy."


    All I meant was that it does us all good to have our certainties challenged but maybe not  by rival certainties alone. (Like curing rabies with the hair of the dog that bit us - as the saying goes  ;- ) There was certainly no intention at all to make any kind of personal attack but I can see now that it was a bit weirdly worded. Sorry about that.


    European wars aside,  I hear that you keep your Thruster at Tumut these days.  I used to keep my Ranger there - in Peter's hangar. Now it's hangared up at Taree although lately I'm spending more time in Canberra than up there.  Anyway, all the best. Hope to catch up some time. 



    1. Garfly


      Thanks for getting back Don.  Yes, we must catch up for a drink sometime.  Maybe in Tumut!  Thanks for the Kate Bush link!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. Hallo, I am looking for bush wheels for my sky ranger swift, do you have an address to order?

    Thanks for information



    1. Garfly


      Dear Gerhard,

      in Europe, I believe the source for all Skyranger supplies (and advice) is Flylight Airsports in the UK.      https://www.flylight.co.uk/


      There may be a German agent, too, but I'm not sure about that.


      Good luck with your Skyranger!



    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. Hi Gary;

    How are you keeping with all the COVID going around down there?

    Just responding to your latest response to flightrite. I haven't encountered anyone quite as negative as that guy before.

    1. Garfly


      Hey Scott,

      good to hear from you. I've been thinking I should call you for a nice catch-up. 

      I am surviving okay. Actually staying in my little caravan at Taree airport at the moment.

      I was wondering how your eyes are these days.  I had an operation on the right one last year for a retinal tear.  And I was due for one on the left next week to remove a membrane on the macula but that has been postponed due Covid. But my vision is actually okay at the moment.Anyway, the more recent Flying Around vids are reassuring; they show you're back in the sky -saddle.

      I hope that you and Chris are doing well up there.  

      Let's hope the nightmare ends sooner rather than later so we can hook up again.


    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  4. Hi Gary;

    How are you keeping with all the COVID going around down there?

    Just responding to your latest response to flightrite. I haven't encountered anyone quite as negative as that guy before.

    1. Garfly


      Hey Scott,

      good to hear from you. I've been thinking I should call you for a nice catch-up. 

      I am surviving okay. Actually staying in my little caravan at Taree airport at the moment.

      I was wondering how your eyes are these days.  I had an operation on the right one last year for a retinal tear.  And I was due for one on the left next week to remove a membrane on the macula but that has been postponed due Covid. But my vision is actually okay at the moment.Anyway, the more recent Flying Around vids are reassuring; they show you're back in the sky -saddle.

      I hope that you and Chris are doing well up there.  

      Let's hope the nightmare ends sooner rather than later so we can hook up again.


    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

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