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Posts posted by bull

  1. Thanks John for that info,and yes i am a new member but learnt to fly back in 1980 in one of the first geminis and fisher koala,s,himax ,my point being i have watched the growth of our sport and not without missgivings .Now onto RAA is a regulatory body is it not?therefore it should be able to impose fines ,restrictions,for breaches of its regulations.scenario"a car crashes into a house ,not registed driver no licence ,cops turn up and say no rego ,no licence well no investigation and no charges...................get real people!!!!!!!



  2. why has our sport been hijacked by lsa pilots who want ga priviliges without the regulation [increased mtow,longer range more payload]think back to the roots of ultralighting it was for fun and to allow the average joe to enjoy the thrill of flight ,not go 700 miles and take the dog and the misses and 70kg of luggage this is ga territory.What happenned to weekend fun flying get togethers bbqs. Now its like g,day mate wheres the fuel bowser thanks mate ,as they fly off to the Ga airport of choice!!!



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  3. What a load of codswollop this was a raa trained pilot in an ultralight aircraft registed or not of cource it should be investigated and acted apon by raa, just because they changed the name does not change the fact that this was an ultralight aircraft.Licence or not he should be made face the laws of our sport [remember when raa was called :shock horror: Australian ultralight federation you know ULTRALIGHTS not cheap regulation dodging plastic cessnas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  4. not to mention jumping mavis.......or ......knocking off Sir Nobu and co who have taken sides with that evil witch in brisbane [she thinks FNQ means @#$%^&*(&^%$$. (*^%#$$%%^Queenslanders] Ithink i,ve got my old 303 buried somewhere,cried the Major .Call out the old guard ,lets see if we can get those old centurions going shall we ?



  5. When me and a few mates were picking tomatos in bone, we used to drink ourselves silly .Now there was this pub called the Merinda Hotel ,This place used to go off ,but the females where pretty rough,some of them could pick 200 buckets a day too,but you know after 6 stubbies things start looking better .....................



  6. as the locksmith approached [aviation term ]she started looking like his wife ,Oh NO he cried i,ll even clean out the ss he said to her, [in a soft coooing way ] just get me out of theses locks before the rat comes back out please..........................



  7. Just then,a jingling noise was heard ,as it got louder and louder ,the rat scurried under the house turbro was hideing behind his f16, and loxie [Well he was just being loxie]started grinning and clapping his hands together......................



  8. Bring out the pudding with with those two cherrys standing up proud on top,Meanwhile Sir Raticus was trying to get out from under the xmas tree [he had been tangled up amongst the tinsle and presents for a couple of hours now]How the hell did i end up here ,he said. Turbro said ,Dont you remember what you did last night raticus? You where playing with nanas...



  9. use this method.[developed and tested in dandyrong] to levitate ourselves onto a different plane and escape [any plane will do ,drifter/gazelle/lightwing.......SirNobu cried out---------------------...........Mal have you seen my fish net stockings? .I,ll need them for the..................



  10. your eye way]But now Sir Nobu and malcom frazer where stranded at that little motel outside Waggll Wagglll/The call girl stole all their clothes/wallets/phones/car.........Now what do we do "cried mal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Calm down Mal shouted Nobu........... .. Mgyver would find a way out of this?????he thought.......................



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