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About bull

  • Birthday 21/01/1965


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  1. ............he had won an old nag in a bet and raced it . Now this was just before the great Horse replication scandal and........................
  2. .A sort of smoker and enlisted the aid of the internet to ...........
  3. .continued until a few days later ,when a new scandal arose after a video from the late 1980,s surfaced of Turdy and Ratty aka Capitanio/captain flying small dangerous ultralights in Australia with similar rifling on the old 303,s left over from the Kyber Pass fitted under the wings[disclaimer: the validity of any names and facts presented in this arrangement have NOT been fact checked and are liable to some if not all being true or being BS] Now this video was very hard to obtain but the resolute old Bull brings the goods for your pleasure...https://studio.youtube.com/video/7hGY8Qjx-Fg/edit .........The antics of these flyers really upset the..............
  4. ..............breeding only female children [as so far amongst the 45 children he has already spawned on the island there is no males,so they believe he will only produce females so therefore is a sought after commodity.] .and advancing the tribe on the global scale. Turdo gave a slight gurgle and cough and looked for a way out, then suddenly a rotax at full scream could be heard as OT came banking [avref] around the corner in his seaplane and landed and taxied up to the beach. As the aircraft grounded a massive roar could be heard as................... [Turdo,s harem with a sex prisoner wearing the yellow hat in the background sulking cause he has also run out of viagra]
  5. What are mates for old Ratty????
  6. ....suddenly found his feet bound in vine and 4 of the before mentioned crusty members had taken him for their sex slave and dragged him off into the bush ,the sat phone left laying on the sand. We are not some backward simple tribe my man ! one of the crustier members stated. We know the Quality of these imports you seek are very inferior to Turdo! Now we demand................
  7. I'm sure the crusty "big"members of the tribe will keep him busy ,lol
  8. ..........to appear impartial, as a small fight began when a rather large and crusty version of the tribe began demanding more "attention" then the young nubile members from Turdo. {and as his supply of viagra had run out ] he had to call in reinforcements with more supplies, So out with the sat phone and straight onto the speed dial for................
  9. .Just for the info of our esteemed NES members This tribes location has been a very well kept secret amongst Turdine/CApitinano/Bovine conglomerate head members.And will not be disclosed on a public forum 😉
  10. .............amongst a tribe of sex starved female natives in the massive jungles of.........
  11. ..amongst the Indian {bottom photo ] community and the Indian [top photo] about cultural misappropriation and deceit of [decent]avref .Now as this war was starting to brew Turdine industries could see an opportunity to make a few bucks and............
  12. ..........the appalling accident rate of these inflight instructor transfers, This practice has been........................
  13. .....:dervish !Now Cappy had just about returned to "normal" [if there is such a thing with Cappy] When out on the field OT had just pulled the stick back to "rotate [avref] ps: [could never really understand why pulling back to climb is called rotate? I,m not about to turn around at lift off!!!] Well after everyone had their fill of icecream the war began anew. Suddenly the sound of a rotax with a fouled plug could be heard approaching at full throttle from the south . The crowd of ice-cream lovers all scattered in all directions and Turdo began to...................
  14. ..Now for months afterwards he has shown a tendency towards leather and tight pants muzzles and leads and such , and whenever he hears a siren he would do these weird..................
  15. .the bloody greenies got involved,now all on the NES would know of Bull,s distain for greenies and he.........
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