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flying dog

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Posts posted by flying dog

  1. Yes, in hind-sight.... But that is always good.




    Don' t worry. I'm not upset about what you say. I said: This was early in the piece so the experiance was a bit low. It is better now.


    Someone did say that we learn by our mistakes.


    YSCN was (litterally) JUST to the left. I was probably JUST outside their space.


    I turned left and on that heading I was crosswind. I don't have the charts handy, so I can't say where Wedderburn was at that time.


    My main point was that I did "adapt" to the change and diverted to YSCN and didn't press on regardless.





  2. Bob,


    Download it as is. I don't know why it wants to use RAR, but I'll get to that.


    It would seem I could not uplod the actual file. I guess there are security reasons why.


    Subsequently I "zipped" it. Then I could upload it.


    If your machine wants to use RAR that is fine. Simply un-pack it (Do you know how to use winzip or RAR?)


    From there, you load it into EXCEL.


    Good luck.



  3. Ok, there is a bit of confusion.


    I had the charts (but not IMMEDIATLY handy). And they wouldn't have told me the weather ahead.


    Usually when flying the flight plan is either beside my left leg, on the "dash", stuck in the ceiling (if flying a fox) or in my hands.



  4. :rotary:


    Is it a fantasy of mine or what?


    When the CTA things come in, I want to find someone who is good with a video camera and book a landing at YSSY early one morning.


    Man what a buzz that would be!




    So what about the landing fee!




    It would be so "kewl" I reckon.


    Get some other mates over near the tower and video you landing from the outside.


    Probably better to get rwy 25 too.


    But there again, rwy 16 (either) coming in over the city..... :big_grin::man flying:



  5. Brett,


    The actual "Bigger picture" of it works, it is just I tried to get too smart for myself and added a bit of extra fuel deduction if/when you mark an airport for landing/refueling.


    It isn't a good idea I now notice.


    In the "comments" column, you can put things like: Land or refuel and the sheet will mark these and give you flying times from the last place to there - I hope.


    I'd better shut up here as I would like a bit of a detatched view on how it is "documented" and layed out.



  6. Motzarmerv,


    I agree I wasn't in C airspace. But I was tracking north to YHOX I think just after Appin-ish.


    122.5 is the area frequency for Syd Radar so that was on the radio.


    Yes, I was below C airspace too, but see above.


    I didn't have too many hours up then, and though I *COULD* have made it back to YHOX, it wasn't worth the risk that when I got there that it could be XXXXing down.


    I asked Syd Radar for conditions ahead to make a value judgement - if you will.


    They suggested/offered YSCN (that's the right code?) but it eased off while all this was happening, so I re-assessed the situation - hold that thought - and said I would continue.


    When it started to rain again, heavier than before, I took that as a warning to NOT tempt fate, so I accepted the Camden offer and they told me the frequency and vector.


    Now, the situation:


    I said re-assess. I think it was more a dynamic analasys of what was happening:


    Clear/overcast getting dark.


    Slight showers. Check with Radar ahead.


    Showers clear, I descide to continue.


    Rain starts so update choice to Camden and commit to that.


    Though it is a good thing to remain "flexible" with your options you do need a plan and once made, you should stick to it. Otherwise it can getvery complicated very quickly.



  7. If you feel like it, take it for a spin and let me know your thoughts.


    I am sure there will be "bugs" and "I don't like this/that/the other" but I made it as best I could with what I knew at the time.


    Though the fuel layout is a BIT confusing - to some - it is the original layout I was shown. Since that is what I learnt, I thought I would stick with it.



  8. Nice.


    I did it because I have done the cross country course. I was interested but didn't like doing the maths over and over.


    Not so much lazy, but just doing things over and over becomes annoying.


    Mine is "similar" but different. ;) Just though I would mention it.


    I may upload it when I am confident enough to do so.



  9. 078_pc_revenge.gif.92f2d38a0e662b2e0b6cba4dc0ba5c35.gif


    I don't want to re-invent the wheel, but I am *NEAR* finishing a little project on which I have been working for a long time.


    It is a cross country planner.


    It needs EXCEL to work, and knows most/all the standard Australian airports/intersectins/etc.


    The user can enter points too, and one idea which I may adopt is for the user to make a table of their points so they can be referenced directly instead of lat/long.


    Stay tuned if interested.



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