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flying dog

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Posts posted by flying dog

  1. (I'm going to get a reputation with all my posts - but here goes.)


    Years ago now - Can't remember the date. Check the RAA mag for an article: A sqwark in time.


    It shows how important it is to contact Radar if you get in a sticky situation.


    The story explains how when flying back from a trip, flying from Goulbourn-ish to Mittagong-ish turbulance was encountered and the pilot contacted Sydney radar for clearance to get back home.


    Radar were quite helpful and cleared them. In the end everyone was ok.


    No, I agree, they don't bite your head off if you ask/inform them of important things with short questions/transmissions.


    Safe flying.



  2. Kind of sticking my neck out here.....


    I was flying back from the Snowy Mtns. Sunday. I think it was October. Can't remember exactly.


    Flying into Sydney (YHOX - when it existed) from YGLB, APN, YHOX.


    I got to Appin and was tracking north (360) direct YHOX. Daylight was getting scarce too! (Dramatic sound...) :ah_oh:


    Then: It started to drizzle. Got onto Sydney Radar and checked the situation. They offered Camden if needed, but I said I would *TRY* to continue to YHOX.


    Alas, then it started to RAIN! thumb_down


    Oh, poo! "Sydney radar, diverting to Camden." I was just in the right place to join cross wind for the north-ish runway.


    Switched frequency, joined, landed and all was ok.


    Ofcourse as soon as I landed, it stopped raining.


    But I don't regret the decission to divert to Camden.



  3. Slarti,


    Errrrr....."The pussy"? (It's been a long hard week on the brain, also my feet.)


    I don't want to speculate only make a fool of myself. (Well, not this time anyway.)




    Where I got Vic? Not sure. :(



  4. Facthuter,


    I agree with you.


    Back to what I was saying, XPonders are handy in CTA.


    Radio transmissions should be susinct, acurate and informative.


    Yes, there are times when there are exceptions.


    I think by the mear nature of having a rule, there will be exceptions.


    We should know of their existance and when/how to use them without "abusing" that fact.



  5. Well, yes and no ther Bill.


    Though I agree we are recreational pilots and the issue of flying a heading at an altitude is not something we need to do, there are still problems.


    Pilot 1: "Traffic, this is 55-1234, flying south over cooks road at 2000 feet."


    Pilot 2 is flying near there but doesn't know the road is called cooks road. There is a problem.


    Going to the extreme of even using multiple land marks, there is ambiguity with terms/reference poits.


    Another example:


    Pilot 1: "Traffic, This is 55-1234, flying south over cooks road, 3 miles west of dam at 2000 feet."


    Pilot 2 is around there hears the transmission and is busy head on map determining where that point is not looking out and ...... BANG, collides with other plane.


    As valid as your examples are - and how weak mine probably are; there are many factors which determine the validity of radio calls.


    And again I re-state *THIS* post is more about XPONDERS than radios.


    Also, remember the three "rules" of flying:


    Aviate, navigate, communicate.



  6. Ok, why I suspect it is a fake - followup.


    Ok, I stand corrected the speed may have been overstated by me.


    Even so, 50Kts, that's 100 KPH.


    Fuel: Why "full"? Well, ok maybe not FULL, but here is my thinking.


    I don't know the fuel consumption/hour of one of those, but what say it is 20 L/HR.


    You couldn't take off with less than 15L anyway. (45 mins) but if you are going to fly, they you would need fuel.


    I'm guessing it would not have less than 30 Litres of fuel. Well 30 Litres would slosh around a fair bit and though it is not determined if the tank was ruptured, it would burn.


    Yes, we don't see much after the crash, but that is a point as well. If it was real there would most likely be a fire. If it is fake, the fire wouldn't happen and as we don't see that far down the time line, I would be suspicious it is a fake.



  7. OK, I've caught up on the other posts since last night.


    a: This is about transponders more than radios.


    b: If we go "digital" then all the people out there who have radios in their planes will have to buy a new one. This would/could be money wasted on the new one they just installed. No, we don't need digital, just better frequency allocation.


    127.0, 126,7, and other CTAF frequencies.


    WRT the glider, receiving transmissions from aircraft 100's of k's away. Errrr, how is that good?


    All you need is local traffic stuff. Be it a plane is flying locally, with/out a radio, if they don't broadcast their position *YOUR* radio's range is accademic.


    Ok, say I am flying over "no-where". (Indulge me for a second.) why would I be inclined to broadcast my position? After all I am in the middle of "no-where".


    Really what *SHOULD* happen is I look on the ERC-LOW, VNC or what not, see there are gliding op's near by and then determin that it is a good idea to broadcast.


    If I don't have a raidio, I avoid the area. Pretty simple in my mind.


    Now, how about we concentrate on XPonders. Like I said in an earlier post: They are good in CTA. Out of it, they are a bit handy if you want flight-following.



  8. Ok, slightly off topic but it was mentioned:




    Oh boy can they be a pain in the ****


    3 airports, 1 frequency, 12 planes doing circuits.




    (sorry but it is a real situation)


    "Way back when........" planes didn't have radios, Xponders or any "fancy nancy" stuff.


    Pilots could and DID fly circuits without problems.


    More recently with radios, multiple planes (like 10+) doing circuits. ONE (maybe TWO) calls per plane per circuit.


    "Turning base" and maybe a "Short final" if the plane in front was a full stop landing -- not touch and go.


    XPonders - as mentioned in other people's posts - are for CONTROLLED air space.


    Sure, if you want to fly there, maybe make them mandatory there, but outside? Why?


    INSIDE, Radar has you. You have told them where you are doing and all that.


    They make sure all is ok. (No I am not trying to give them "extra" responsibility or "blame" them.)


    OUTSIDE, well, it is up to you: The pilot. Stay away from those big fellas. Use the radio where/when needed.


    Fly VFR. Eyes outside.



  9. Don't get confused. Transponders and Radios don't stop collisions. Have a look at the most recent mid-air's in Australia, they would likely have all been using transponders and radios at the time, but admittedly without TCAS the transponder is not much chop.Precise radio calls in this situation should easily suffice.


    Well, yes and no.


    Eyes open and outside the plane stop/reduce collisions.


    People making "Precise" radio calls is open to errors if they don't know where they are.


    Yes, it helps, but that is *you* putting faith in the other person's accuracy/honesty in their report of where they are.


    *you* know where you are and looking around your immediate area is the best way to stop hitting another plane.


    "See and avoid" I believe is the saying.


    Ok, I appreciate it is difficult when you are an ultra-light and the other plane is a Jet - or the like. However, that is my thoughts on it.





  10. Any of you with dogs?


    Have you ever wondered why dog's noses are cold and wet?




    (Think about it.....)




    So they don't burn each other's bums.




    Ok, someone had to say it.


    May as well have been me.



  11. I was at Gympie a couple of times. Once years back when I was learning.


    John flew up there and I "came along for the ride".


    The other time was I flew in there ....... Ooooh, a while ago in a fox.


    Someone there was planning a flight somewhere and we got on talking.


    Probably wasn't you, but it is worthing asking.




    Yes, fly safe.


    This weekend I am off to Luskintyre. Tigermoths are flying.


    I hope to take a J160 there from YWOL for Sat/Sun - weather permitting.



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