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Steve L

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Posts posted by Steve L

  1. A few months ago when I was internet searching for a 912, one site in particular ( among many others that most of us know ) came up called Craigslist UK and Craigslist London.


    On that site there were an abundance of 912s. and probably still is. I contacted a couple of sellers and both gave me the same crap run around. They had pictures, one even sent me


    more pics of different angles so I guess he had the engine. They claimed X hours in service but no paperwork. Wouldn't give serial numbers, and refused to take the engine to a Rotax dealer


    to complete a transaction. Its only a hunch but maybe some stolen engines are finding their way to Craigslist. Hence I didn't buy. Craigslist Ireland rings a bell too.




    ps. . . . I just checked Craigslist UK and there's 4 912s for sale now



  2. Here's the pictures of the gaps that I have left under the capstrips, top and bottom. Its the best way I could come up with to keep the fabric stitches all uniform.


    The stitching will be spaced at 80 mm even across the fuel tanks.


    I have a few days away again and when back I hope to get into the covering.







  3. No worries Stefan will do thanks mate. As you can probably see in the last picture I have left gaps under the capstrips so stitches can pass through. I have done this


    top and bottom, will post a couple of closer pics tomorrow. I can start to see the some progress now 012_thumb_up.gif.cb3bc51429685855e5e23c55d661406e.gif 080_plane.gif.36548049f8f1bc4c332462aa4f981ffb.gif



  4. I was told by the Apple store in Townsville that chips are installed in genuine leads and chargers, and the Ipad ( maybe all other Apple products ) can sense the chip and accept a charge, apparently this was done to stop fires that he claimed to have happened. My old Ipad charges on near anything but my new one which isnt quite a year old now is a nightmare to charge at times.


    I purchased a Chinese USB dash charger to fit to my Bushbaby, the Ipad wont charge from it, every other USB system I have works fine. So I'm going to take it and a small 12v battery and every lead I


    have along with my Ipad to the Apple store and demand they sort it,





  5. I was actually thinking of placing a thin sheet of polly styrene on top of the tanks below the fabric. My thinking is it should distract some of the suns heat from heating and evaporating the fuel.


    Has anyone had any experience with this? was wondering if it would be worth it.



  6. hi, I haven't posted for awhile so here's an update. First pic, applying glue to the lower edge of the tanks ( hope I have enough on there ) Second pics, tanks are fitted and only a couple of leading edge cuffs to go then sanding ready for the fabric. The fuselage is near ready for fabric too. Plan to get into the covering after Easter.











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  7. I found the only way to eradicate cowtrop on my property was burning it. After many years digging it, pulling it out or using near every poison recommended it seemed to come back


    stronger year after year. So I mixed petrol and diesel in a sprayer and set the ground alight for about 2 meter's around each plant that I found, pretty sure the seeds can germinate up to 7


    years after falling from the plant burning killed them too. Haven't seen cowthrop here for 2 years now.



  8. Has been awhile since posting. Tank extension pics below, still need to fit top covers and slosh them. Have dry fitted the wings for the last time to check the final pitot and fuel line routing and making sure the tank extensions work. Presently setting up the flapperon linkage, then wings are ready for covering.







  9. scre80, have a look at the Bushbaby Explorer, ( taildragger or tricycle ) has all of what you require. Wouldn't be many around 2nd hand but with a kit you can build to your own


    specs at your own pace, as the money is available, and at the end of the day doesn't cost much more than a 2nd hand plane, I know because I'm building one now. Another good


    choice as Bill mentioned is the Kitfox. There was one for sale in Vic, advertised in the RA AUS members market.



  10. Doesn't sound like you need much and small quantities of anything out of the norm costs an arm and a leg. The fabric was supplied in the kit, as well as near everything else needed to assemble. Not Sure what it is but I'll have a look tomorrow when I'm back at the plane. Nitrate and butyrate seem to ring a bell ( that's what's on the cans ) but as I have never covered an aircraft before I could be wrong. I'll ask Stefan.



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