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Steve L

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Posts posted by Steve L

  1. I'm back !!!! Hopefully for a couple of weeks this time. Day 20 and the tank extensions are nearly complete,


    Dry fitted the Rotax today, sat in the Explorer and made plane noises for awhile. The nose is heaps high I'll


    have to carry a milk crate to stand on to check the oil. ( and I'm six ft tall haha )


    image.jpg.ed0f868c7fe481910889f185f9f4ac26.jpg C





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  2. We arrived Friday about 2.30, with the gusting wind landing on 27 was interesting. About 1.5 hours earlier I landed at Griffith, wind there was stronger, more gusting and 41 deg. the Bulldog's fatigue meter saw an increase of four digits. Leaving Gawler we climbed to 7500 where the wind was 45 - 50 knots on our tail, saw a ground speed at near 150 at times, not so lucky returning home.


    The airshow was great and you gotta hand it to display pilots they're good. Temora aero club was very friendly.


    Downside was the organizers. . . . they didn't cater for private pilots, we were in a crowded campground with a noisy general public, 2 male toilets, 4 showers hence at daybreak the line was


    enormous. had to pay 75 frigging dollars for that privilege. After 4 pm Saturday there was no food or drinks unless you went into town. same Sunday morn not even a coffee unless a trip to town to the Warbirds Recovery Breakfast starting at 8 am. much too late for anyone flying a great distance back home. so we left tired, hungry and thirsty, fortunately I had another pilot along. Except for the monetary value I cant understand why we couldn't camp under the wing.


    With that off my chest the SHOW WAS GREAT. . . . . .



  3. Was at Emmdale two weeks ago and yes it still is a popular truckies stop. I used to fuel my truck there when I was working between adelaide and townsville / cairns the last two decades. Seen many manager / staff changes and it still kept that good reputation. There is ULP available but I'm sure no avgas.


    Fortunately I haven't come across any of these rip off fuelers yet but I know they're about. A database should be set up reflecting experiences at some of these refuelers, open to everyone then maybe some will pull their heads in.



    • Winner 1
  4. I'm with you PMc. Have been driving through Wilcannia since the 70s, nice feeling to be driving a shiny new Mack


    throught the town at night and have bottles pelted at me by the local Australians, on two occasions taking out front and side windows. Can't remember having friendly service at the last remaining servo either. So now I won't patronise the town, NEVER land my plane there. Back to the drum situation, its clearly marked on Oz Runways under Wilcannia info. not many aircraft would take a full drum or even hold that much, I know mine won't. and I'm sure the refueler knows that, handy if he owns his own plane.


    Yes Kaz I think BP should be notified.



  5. Hi Lyndon, I used the Carslisle tyres and with 6 psi in them they stand 18.5 inches tall. A lot of trouble, expense


    And weight to go to for an extra 2 inches in height if you import them. Carslisle's are available here.





    • Agree 1
  6. Hi Stefan, just spoke to Nuplex and they told me that Derakane 470 is about the best composit to use for aircraft


    tanks so I'll order some, you don't cut any corners eh. . . Would the seat be the same material as I'm going to fit two


    compartments under seat cushions to carry the heavier equipment like a few tools, tent and tie down pegs, couple cans of bakes beans, spam and don't forget the Vegemite haha! I'm presently in central QLD working at the moment which now they look like extending a few extra weeks buggarit, so no building for awhile.





    • Haha 1
  7. Thanks guys, I know which way I'm heading now . . . Kevlar. . . That's what's great about this forum. After contacting a few suppliers here in adelaide I was none the wiser, one even suggested I do my own testing, I guess I could have been talking to the wrong people, I contacted Phil Rockstroh yesterday he put me straight and can supply everything.


    Thanks Phil the link is most interesting.





  8. I'm about to build two fiberglass auxiliary tanks for my Explorer, they will only be about 15-16 liters each. Can anyone tell me what composites I need to purchase that will be immune to ethanol and adhere to aluminium which I plan to glass in for the fittings.


    Thanks in advance





  9. Been awhile since posting, near 3 weeks in the NT and now I'm off to QLD for a stint working, gotta pay the bills I guess. With all that time away I have still completed my 17th day on the Explorer. Working an average 5-6 hours per day it's coming along nicely. Today I removed the wings after dry fitting them, set one on a trestle and started sanding and epoxying the cap strips. Contemplating extra fuel tanks so now is the time to study and work out if more fuel is worth it. I'll also loose time sourcing resins and making temporary moulds but thems the breaks. Does anyone know composites available here in OZ that are suitable for mogas particularly ethanol? maybe I should start another thread on the resins.













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  10. Hi guys, just back in Alice after a couple of weeks in central NT with no coverage. Yes I am building an Explorer and welcome contact from anyone interested in building a rag and tube airplane. Im no expert but I can't believe how easy it is to build. The kit is coming along nicely, I'm on day 15 now ( when I get back home in about another week ) and the wing dry fitting has been completed. Then the wings are to be removed and engine and instruments dry fitted. If my work with the mining company holds off I'm sure the covering would only be weeks away. What I really like is being able to tailor the Explorer to suit myself, already I am adding extra fuel tanks and a larger roof window, pic below. Stefan from KFA is a world of info and answers any build questions immediately.







  11. I tend to agree with you Maj. Kitfox Are the original and still have parts, plus factory backup is still there even for the early models, I was looking at a 1200 mk4 myself as you know. But looking around at similar types I came across the Bushbaby Explorer, good stol and cruise performance, 600 kgs what more could you want. So I ordered an Explorer II kit. Before I could bat an eyelid it was delivered, the kit even included the covering material. Got some work ahead of me now . . . Don't know if your interested in a kit ausadvance but the Bushbaby would be worth looking at.





    • Winner 1
  12. The kit has arrived, all unpacked and assembly has started. Cant believe how many parts there are, I'm sure KFA have sent me too much stuff. Looking at the parts inventory every


    part, nut ,bolt and washer is part number tagged which corresponds to the assembly manual drawings very professional. I'm impressed even I cant get things mixed up. They have


    done a excellent job.









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