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Ada Elle

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Everything posted by Ada Elle

  1. Yes, I am agreeing vigorously. I was just asking for endorsements of either: - Bob Tait PPL ($65 etext) - ATC PPL/CPL $260 or - Bob Tait CPL $370
  2. Any suggestions for PPL books? I can't remember what I studied from before for the GA BAK/PPL, but it was ok. not great, but ok. I was looking at the airservices site and they have the ATC PPL/CPL set for a fairly attractive price ($260). I don't think I will go onto CPL, but more knowledge is more, right?
  3. RNAC is a great club, I'm a bit sore at work for rostering me on for this weekend; I really enjoyed flying the P200 they used to have there.
  4. Pipistrel also make the Taurus Electro, a motorglider... I wonder if you can soar and then regenerate all in the same thermal. then you can use the stored battery power as extra range to find the next thermal.
  5. I've been flying the Alpha out of YWOL (the airframe that this is based on); it's quite a nice little plane. I can definitely imagine an hour of circuits in it with the electric engine; I wonder if the battery/engine placement puts the CG in the same spot.
  6. Curtis Aviation's website says that they have a VH-registered PiperSport. I wonder if they'll let me do the PPL test in that.
  7. How was the monash course? I was thinking of doing it, but with RAMPCs now the return from being a DAME seems to be less.
  8. Why not get an RAA license, a RAMPC, then an RPL?
  9. I want one... I just hope it's not another Bonanza.
  10. You're young, and you hopefully have the brains to go to university (since you're planning on that). I'd wait until after the exams are done with school, save up money, and go to the airfield every day. Bring a textbook. If the wind or clouds are unfavourable, sit and read. I didn't do any reading away from the airfield; I just went there 5 days a week for a few weeks, read while waiting for planes to come back etc, and didn't have any problems with the theory. It's not really that hard.
  11. I did my cert in a LSA55 exclusively... but in the 15 hours since I've flown 5 planes!
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