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Posts posted by Riley

  1. Or there is no gasket. That too is missing apparently.

    So Motz are you telling us that it was returned from a factory bulk strip with no gasket installed under the inlet manifold, or is it meant to be a metal-to-metal face seal? Only back in the air 40 hrs - small wonder you're a trifle pee-ed. Like Alice in Wonderland, this gets "curiouser and curiouser". cheers



  2. Welcome home Big Boy. Lightwing refurbishment? - it's kinda like wiping ur Rs on a wagon wheel (viz) 'the more sh-t you get off - the more sh-t you get on', but we're gonna beat it. Flew it to the Calingiri gig last weekend but still not totally happy. Should be good for Wesfly. I expect to see you at Bindoon for the Battle of Britain Fly-In weekend two weeks hence, wherein we can discuss planning for the fly in you're gonna host at Pol's strip at Gabbin. And you are well aware that I only drink beer to give the wowzers a 'raison d'ete'. Cheers.



  3. I can imagine what you're describing Riley. I've never been on the ground in Northern Central Canada. But I did ferry an aircraft from Fairbanks across to Philly one clear, summer night. We were just inside the arctic circle at one stage, and there was a whole lot of rugged country below us. I distinctly remember sweet talking my engines to, "keep running". Fore there was no-where I'd have liked us to try a landing on our wheels, and that's for sure. Definitely skis or floats country. In a previous life I used to spend a bit of time going into places like Tapini in the PNG hi-lands and we used to think we were pretty special. Then, from up high, I saw the country the Canadian bush pilots operate into, and I've been tipping my hat to them ever since.045_beg.gif.b05ea876053438dae8f282faacd973d1.gif

    Slightly off-thread (but then, crunched classic aircraft aren't a good topic) however, when I was in the SE highlands of PNG I had exactly the same thoughts but 180 degrees in reverse. I reckoned that some old-time Canadian bush pilots (provided they survived) could add an exciting chapter or two to their prowess diary by flying off some of those New Guinea strips. Thankfully I was only ballast at the time so carried no responsibility for getting anyone home alive but I am still in awe of those charter and God-botherer pilots who threw themselves at any hole in the sky.



    • Like 1
  4. This be true. But it's OK, we're learning how to handle it... 038_sweat.gif.5ddb17f3860bd9c6d8a993bf4039f100.gif 032_juggle.gif.8567b0317161503e804f8a74227fc1dc.gif 038_sweat.gif.5ddb17f3860bd9c6d8a993bf4039f100.gifAs an aside, I can remember flying over Kansas USA back in the late '90s and seeing a HUGE concrete slab on the ground, 1 mile x 1 mile (640 acres), which I was told is one of the old airfields that were built back in WWII to train pilots. Now THAT was a proper landing field. YEE HAR! Landing and taking off into wind everytime with a minimum of 5,280 feet (1,609 mtrs)... But the concrete would have been hell on the tailskids...

    Quite true Wayne. Where I grew up in northern central Canada there were no airstrips, just lakes & rivers so it was floats in the summer and skis in the winter and absolutely no concern about cross-wind landings. Thinking then was 'why would you depart or land anyway other than into the wind'?



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  5. This letter from the president was posted on the RA-Aus website.Absence of the President at the September 12 AGM


    August 29, 2012 | members


    Ladies and Gentlemen,


    Unfortunately, due to work commitments, I will not be able to attend the Sep 12 AGM being held at Heck Airfield. This is regrettable but I can assure you that I have done everything I can to get away and attend the meeting as I see it as a very important part of my appointment as President. I will continue to attempt to get there but at the moment it is not looking good. I will also be unavailable to attend the board meeting that follows the AGM or the NORRA-Aus fly-in at Monto on the weekend 29 Sep to 1 Oct 12.


    I fully understand that this should be an opportunity for you to question me, as President, about past or ongoing issues and for me to be given the opportunity to answer in person. However, this cannot be helped. I wish to provide you all with the opportunity to ask your questions and for me to answer them. To that end I request members e-mail me any questions or points you wish to raise and I will provide an answer that can be read out at the AGM. My e-mail address can be found on the website and I am ready to take questions immediately.


    I offer you all my apologies for this inconvenience but, as stated, it is beyond my control.


    I look forward to receiving your questions and to meeting you again sometime in the future.


    Kind Regards,


    Steve Runciman





    Methinks, if Mr Runciman's personal or career requirements are suddenly so demanding that he must forego attending the AGM meeting that is so important to some 10,000 paid up members that he is supposed to be guiding, then maybe it's time he recognizes and acknowledges,(despite whether his past efforts have been effective or not), that he is not properly filling the position and as such, should tender his resignation. Nobody gave me the money that I fund my flying with - I'd hate to see part of it being used to finance an unnecessary and frivolous defence. Is it too hot in the RAA kitchen? I'm Not Happy Jan!



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  6. Greetings All. Just a follow-up note with public recognition and thanks for assistance received from forum members skeptic36 and Jack Harry. A very welcome result to my plea for Sapphire information was received in the form of a CD mailed from Victoria with a wealth of detail on the subject (and Jack wouldn't take any recompense). Once again Forum members have bridged the gap between wanting/needing to do something and being able to do it. Much appreciated. Riley



  7. Hi AussieaviatrixWelcome to the discussions here. Don't be put off by the grumpy old cumudgeons or swayed by the young lotharios... keep on with your training and get that certificate sorted BUT, please keep us informed on your progress, too!


    Best wishes



    Kaz, you've inspired a domestic between dear wife and self as regards what basis AA should be wary of me. I prefer that her caution should be lothario-based but dear wife opts for grumpy old curmudgeon (even added in something about smelly). We need some specific criteria here or I may have to cook my own tea. Despite all of that, welcome on board Miss AAviatrix. Hopefully both Drifters & Biggles books will help you maintain your equilibrium during uni. Great to have you on the forums. All the very best.



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  8. Hi all,I'm looking at buying some gear for trike flying, am in NZ so have a range of conditions temperature wise. I would like to know what the best flying suits, helmets etc there are on the market




    Greetings Ross

    Guess I could be labelled a doomsayer or bit of a nancy but... you would be wise to investigate the flame rating of any insulated (or otherwise) flying suit that you look at buying. In an accident when everything around you is turning to s++t, what you don't need along with spilt fuel and a hot exhaust is combustable nylon or synthetic clothing. Melted/ burning plastics make a horrible mess for plastic surgeons to patch up with skin grafts. Spend the extra bucks and go for Nomex or similar flame retardent materials. cheers



  9. Good one Wayne ...Anything that incurs the wrath of two daughters and a wife is ultimately veeeeery expensive in way more than monetary terms ... now as for my two boys ... well I guess they don't think like our women do they.

    Disclaimer: Nothing in this post should be construed by any woman as implying, suggesting, stating or otherwise anything derogatory or disparaging towards the wonderful females in our lives ... after all we wouldn't be here without then now would we ... LOL. It is just that frankly you have us all bluffed, we cannot, and perhaps were never supposed to be able to understand the wonderful workings of the female mind. We know you know something about us ... it is just that we don't know what it is you know ... LOL. God really did have a sense of humour when he made man and woman.

    A sagacious old prophet (I think it was Pud) once said "The more I learn about women, the more I love my aircraft". Does this mean by default that Australia will ultimately get another bloody foreign migrant or is your daughter marrying an Australian ski instructor from Whistler? Enjoy yourself in BC and safe travels. cheers



  10. Well he's been on the road it seems, and now he's on our side of the country!....Will be at Farri's in Nth Qld. friday and Saturday, and I'm planning on jumping in the Lightwing and heading North early Saturday morning to meet the old Thruster driver ! I haven't seen Farri in a year or two so should be good fun all round !..I'll keep you posted !.........................................Maj...026_cheers.gif.2a721e51b64009ae39ad1a09d8bf764e.gif

    Pass on felicitations & regards when you do catch up with Pud. Also get his instructions as to how many beers I have to consume on his behalf at all the fly-ins that he's missing in the West whilst he's on the wallaby. Lightwings..... provided the refurbished radio/comms doesn't speak Urdu and not too much smoke escapes from the wiring when we flash it up, hope to get my 912GR in the air this weekend after many months of medication ( it, not me). cheers y'all



  11. Tomo


    Assuming you go with the alloy tank it's worthwhile (even tho it's a pretty compact vessel) to consider incorporating a baffle to preclude both surging and sidewall drumming. I had no end of hell in the progressive 'rat-killing' of weld cracks in the Hummelbird tank as they appeared due to vibration. Think I had the tank out on 4 occasions before the problems were resolved by going to solid rivetted, 'Pro-sealed' flanged tank-ends. Also IMO, tho it's a fine remedy for rusted vintage car fuel tanks, I'd stay well away from any 'Slosh' type internal coatings if you possibly can. cheers



  12. I've had the pleasure of meeting Tomo, Pylon 500, Biggles, gundby, frank marriot, jscruffle, windsor 68, kyle communications, farri, Yenn, Old Koreelah, Ian sitemaster, david see, david issac, don ramsey, steve runciman, Ultralights, slartibartfast and a few others at Natfly 2012 whose forum names escape me right now. Also looking foward to shortly meeting the legendary Pud next week here in the north................................................................Maj...012_thumb_up.gif.cb3bc51429685855e5e23c55d661406e.gif

    Maj Pud flies a Thruster - shouldn't that make him a legume rather than a legend? 074_stirrer.gif.5dad7b21c959cf11ea13e4267b2e9bc0.gif



  13. Just back fm the regular three-day weekend in the bush to find that the internet billy has been boiling in my absence. Muchas gracias to those who offered a possible resolution to my dilemna. I've been in contact with skeptic 36's referrral and now have the promise of a CD-full of everything I ever wanted to know about Sapphires being put in the mail shortly (thanks Bill). Again, my appreciation is extended to all. cheers



  14. Some months back a bent and totally dis-assembled Sappire LSA Mk 11 ended up in my shed. All the loose hardware bits & pieces arrived in a 60 litre drum without a bolt or fastening left on the hull. I'm now piecing it back together and, despite it being a very simple design, there are some areas where my bruised old brain just can't see the assembly process. I borrowed a 20 year old copy of a Facet Aircraft handbook but it doesn't contain much detail and absolutely no dimensions, so does any owner/builder out there have a modern build manual or assembly instructions that I could get a copy from? Very happy to re-imburse any resultant costs. Pm me with your contact nr & Ill give you a call. Tks in advance.

    So, from the total lack of response thus far to my plea for assistance/info, must I assume that I have the only Sapphire LSA Mk11 in Oz?? Surely a forum member either has the goods or could put me in contact with someone who does? The former owner/proprietor of Sapphire has shut down the operation and is now an interstate school teacher so isn't available for product queries. Standing by for some help here folks.



  15. Some months back a bent and totally dis-assembled Sappire LSA Mk 11 ended up in my shed. All the loose hardware bits & pieces arrived in a 60 litre drum without a bolt or fastening left on the hull. I'm now piecing it back together and, despite it being a very simple design, there are some areas where my bruised old brain just can't see the assembly process. I borrowed a 20 year old copy of a Facet Aircraft handbook but it doesn't contain much detail and absolutely no dimensions, so does any owner/builder out there have a modern build manual or assembly instructions that I could get a copy from? Very happy to re-imburse any resultant costs. Pm me with your contact nr & Ill give you a call. Tks in advance.



  16. [ATTACH]18383[/ATTACH]Well Finally after all these years and building I have flown my Plane :) When I woke up yesterday I had no idea really today was going to be the day so I had no expectations on me and no pressure at all. I had been just doing a few things on the plane like sorting some radio issues and carb adjustments and went out for another taxi test to see if I had this Aerocarb set correctly. Tail up down the runway,engine running sweet , mild headwind, nice cool buoyant air, no traffic around at all, so a split sec decision was made and off I went around for the first lap. Had a slight left wing roll hands off but nothing really apart from that. So basically I just flew a circuit set up for final ,,came in and wheeled the sucker on then pulled up at the hanger ... I cant say I wasn't a bit nervous and on the ground I realized I had broken out in quite a good sweat considering it was such a cool day but when I was flying I barely even noticed . Just concentrating on flying the plane and keeping the speeds up . So as you can imagine it's been hard to get rid of this stupid Grin ,, but hey ,, why try :) What an amazing rewarding feeling ,,so hard to describe.

    Onya Brett. Guess this means that the next time we see you at Bindoon, it'll be in the new machine?? Will PM you a listing of what's happening down south over the next few months & hopefully you might be able to join in (even if it means drving to the first few events). Congratulations.



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  17. Yes Riley, The Airknocker Champ and Chief are two of my favorites also. I once had the pleasure of putting a very original Chief back into the air that needed some serious love. I still remember the absolute simplicity of the design.......but surely (don't call me surley !) the most beautifull TD of them all has to be the classic and rare Monocoupe 110 special ?????..(google it !)...045_beg.gif.b05ea876053438dae8f282faacd973d1.gif......................................Maj...024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gif

    Maj. I googled & I concur however, take your age & add my age and divide by two and you're bound to find a bracket full of whole bunch of geezers who reckon that anything with a high wing, radial power plant, tractor configuration and a tailwheel (or tail ski, I recall as a kid) such as the Monocoupe is beyoodiful. Even more so if it drips/oozes oil all over everything. Love em!



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  18. Certainly not intending to put down any of the lovely 'newby' taildraggers pictured in this thread (currently own & fly L/Wing GR912) but if we're talking pretty, have a dekko at this sweet little number (and it got a hell of a lot sweeter when it was brought unto the RAA register as a '25' series rego under the new weight limits). 1946 Aeronca Champ 7AC w/ 85hp Cont. I'm too old for lust but I'm certainly in love again (with my wife's permission)





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  19. I now have my hands on both sets of plans (the correct ones), although the DVD still hasn't arrived from Hummel I have gone over the plans and manual for it and all seems well explained in a step by step kind of way so i would feel comfortable enough building it. I have had a brief look over the CX4's plans and have found them, well, confusing. There is allot of colour photos throughout the builders manual but seems to lack "method", but like its only been brief. For example, the spar and wing construction is listed on the first two pages of the manual and isn't to much more descriptive then " the wing spar and center section spar are clamped, drilled and set for the 7" dihedral" then starts with fitting the ribs.I haven't ruled out it yet but at this stage the hummel plans are much better written and drawn, but i do prefer the CX4 as an AC.


    If anyone has built a CX that can give me some info or feedback would be great


    AGGGH! Decisions

    You have a PM regarding an experienced sardine can builder.



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  20. I have a smile a mile wide..........That beautiful Jabi was here again,,this time was offered the ride of a life time,,,Thank you so much Helmet your a true insperation,- and have a heart of gold...enjoyed a very loverly 45min cruise to wellington and suround and then was to be the first pax to land on my strip....yep the jabi landed in 300 meters 2 up,,,awesome flying skills.:beg:this jabi is a awesome performer,,love it

    all this after an enjoyable flight in the supercat this morning,,what a day.what a life..

    Flyerme, I got both amusement and great pleasure from your enthusiasm displayed in this post. You share Helmet's inspirational status to lukewarm aviators. Cheers



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