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Posts posted by Riley

  1. Given the open-fronted hangar plus the ferocity of the wind gusts in some of the storms we've had over the past weeks, I'd be tempted to guess that something bigger and harder than a mouse was being blown around in (or off) the hangar - say a part sheet of galvanized iron or the like. Was there any indication of corresponding damage to the wing covers in/near the positions of the dacron damage? Failing that, I reckon it could be Pol getting back at you for taking your wife flying instead of him.



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  2. (quote) I've done some more reading. If you have a half vw engine with the cyl head poking through the cowling to be cooled by the slipstream, that is not acceptable on its own. You also need scoopy things that direct flow to the hottest part of the cyl head which is also where the exhaust valve is located. Some reference elsewhere about air being directed into casting holes to cool the exhaust valve area. The same would apply to other engines, I am sure.


    Sapphire I find your "one size fits all" statement that the Hummelbird engine/fuselage design is unacceptable for proper cooling along with the "I read something, somewhere" treatise rather curious. Discussion with T. Hallet of Hummelbird in the USA reveals that there are quote, "700 to 1000" 1/2 VW-powered Hummelbirds flying worldwide with no heating problems that weren't resolved by a change to proper fuel, corrected fuel/air mixture or a review of propellor selection. Rather than to leave the above statement (specific in it's relation to 1/2 VW/H'birds et al) unchallenged and thereby a potential reference for someone in the future to quote as having "read something, somewhere", methinks perhaps more specific research or a statement qualification might be in order?



  3. I always, being a semi-illiterate bum, agonise over how I'm going to spell that word describing the machine I fly, with the result usually being "Airplane". From now on I'm going to spell it "Aeroplane", so don't come up with an argument why I should write"Airplane". By the way - I tend to use the term "Airfield" rather than any other term.Pud

    Provided you don't start entering '.hores' in in your logbook rather than 'hours', the quality of your flying shouldn't be affected by your spelling. Alternatively, get it wrong and Mrs Pud will most likely ensure that you suffer for the incorrect use of something. 067_bash.gif.26fb8516c20ce4d7842b820ac15914cf.gif



  4. [ATTACH=full]17758[/ATTACH]Most of the 80,s photos are slides I,ll have to upgrade.I will include the T600 photo if I can manage the system.My first flight in "ultralights'was a Jackaroo in1983,a broomstick without a windscreen,.then chinook,beaver then Gemini.allowable ceiling then was 300ft(idiots).There is a Kestrel which is a thruster lookalike I flew in N.T. Anothe good thing with a Thruster (unmodified) before the T500 is that it wont exceed VNE vertical dive making it pretty foolproof. There were many "prangs "in the early days and no one got hurt,at our school anyway.one pupil flew straight into a tree full power without a scratch. We even did some thermalling,and seabreeze front engine off flying. Its a different story these days,fast glass ships and much less forgiving. cheers

    I'm ashamed to publicly admit it (cause Thrusters of all persuasions, as much as I love them, are gawdawful fugly - forgive me Pud) but that's gotta be the prettiest Thruster that I've ever seen and it's got a bloody nosewheel too!! There, I've said it but how could I ever explain it to my dear old mother?



  5. By the way.We delivered 3 thrusters to Collie W.A. 1988 reg no 250177 was one.I still have the guys name.One got grass rash before we got there as the guys tried D.I.Y training . Doesnt work.

    Greetings Geoff

    Perchance, would the recipient of the T300s back in 1988 been either John Giles or Ray Sweeting who both farmed near Collie? Neither gentlemen are with us now however at least two of their former Thrusters (25-0176 and 25-0178) are still around (tho not flying) and your quoted rego nr indicates these would most likely be from the delivery you mention. I did a Condition Report on 25-0177 when it changed hands here in WA about 5 years ago and I believe it's back in the air near Albany; 25-0178 crashed during a simulated EFATO @ Bindoon 2 years ago; and 25-0176 is in my possession (bought it crashed & incomplete about 9 years ago) and is basis of my ever-ongoing Stitts-winged, Suzuki-engined, T300 Special thats been in my workshop for far too long. Great thing about 'rag & tube' is that (like my grandfather's favourite axe, you know - the one that's had three handles & two heads over the years) they bend and they break but most times they usually don't die - some mug rebuilds them. Cheers



  6. Another great weekend of aviating (by those who were) and aspiring (by those who weren't). You're spot on with your assumption re the h'winds. Had to leave the trikes in a hangar at Wylie on the outbound due to rampant gusting X winds. Ground party diverted to collect them on the journey home but conditions improved so all flew back into YBOO. I'll give you a bell re the battens as I need to confirm the profiles. cheers



  7. Well done Pud, or should I be giving congrats to Gay?? I must confess that the only time LeeNaa came up with me in the Thruster, it kinda pumped up my ego that my wife would put her life on the line just for her husband's idiosyncratic hobby. Mind you - she's never been flying with me again in either the Thruster or the LightWing so when you get Gay to the point of 'having a bit of a drive' let me know and I'll come over to get lessons in 'wife-whispering' from you. Again, congrats for achieving a milestone. Cheers



  8. Due to a sphincter-pinching twenty minute flight in an aged Thruster (it was still wearing the factory coackroach- egg GRP tank) over some not user-friendly terrain resulting from fuel starvation caused by minute glass shards partially plugging a clear vision see-thru fuel filter, I am now quite circumspect of an aircraft fitted with older fibreglass fuel cells. Despite a careful pre-flight, the de-laminated glass fibre particles (being clear), weren't discernable via the naked eye. Only after limping home did close inspection reveal that the gel coat had broken down and tiniest of glass fibres had accumulated on the filter screen. As geoffreywh stated above, with some degree of suspicion I've used 'Slosh' and 'Kreme' on vintage automobile restorations with satisfaction but I certainly wouldn't be comfortable with relying on it in an aircraft that was more than a few months old. That said ... how am I gonna put galvanized tanks in the Sapphire? cheers



  9. Don sent me (and David and Col) a copy of the By laws that David requested earlier Ive attached them to this post.Turbo's suggestion that like minded people look to get together and thrash this out is probably quite sensible, clearly unless we commit to something like that this thread and what it represents will liely die and then I guess we have no grounds to complain if we end up thinking UhOh groundhog day.


    Can I get an indication of who would support getting together face to face to build a proposal that would then be presented at the AGM for member consideration? For those that would support such a move, can you identify your home town so I can work out if there is somewhere sensible and central, or......(insert your thoughts here)


    At the same time can I get an indication as to members of RAA that believe that constitutional change is required and would in principle support something looking like Turbo's framework suggestions? Again, if we only get 5 members telling us that they support inprinciple improvment then despite comments being made it would appear that things need to stay as they are.... FWIW I believe that changes such as suggested can only assit in RAA evolution and struggle to see how they could harm us, but it would be useful to hear from a lawyer member if there are dangers in what has been proposed.



    There ain't no meeting venue that's sensible and/or central between West Australia and the rest of the world so I couldn't participate in any think tank but I would certainly look favourably at supporting any workable improvements to the current less-than-effective parts of our Constitution. Count me in!



  10. I would like to know simply because whenever some "leaves" the RAAus there is this attitude that the person leaving has been wronged in someway along with the cries of what is going on behind the scenes to cause these people to leave, so for me I'd like to know what is really happening, my fees pay for these people and frankly im sick of the rumors and innuendo , I believe as a member I have that right. I'm not after anyone's hide , I just want some transparency

    MM2 If you were around the traps a couple of years back and wanted transparency, you would have had to taken long service leave to conduct an autopsy behind the reasons for the departure of each and every operational AUF/RAA head-of-department since formation. If you feel you need a reason why Mr X or Mrs Y moved away from our organization (or from anywhere else that you believe your expenditure constitites a purchase of all things) why not ask them direct? Steve's contact details are on these forums, he is an honest man and he'll either satify your curiousity or tell you to p++s off because it's none of your business. Whatever the case, a public forum isn't a proper place to scratch your itches. I again suggest that we lay this foolish thread to bed as it's demeaning in both content and atmosphere. I'll say no more.



  11. Come on guys. Where are you going with this and for what purpose? For whatever reasons, the man no longer sits in the chair so unless you have grounds to suspect that Steve was a clandestine former executive of HSU and collected some 'technical nookie' on the wages you paid, I recommend that this thread be terminated. Moderators please?



  12. David, I believe the RPL would have to appear attractive to many PPl holders who are either facing class 2 medical pressures or are feeling exposed by the much-higher per hour maintenance cost loading of casual use GA machines as compared to RAA. Don't get me wrong, I applaud the revised status of both the new RAA mtow limits and the RPL (I could well end up with a foot in both camps at some time in the future) but if, as has been suggested, CASA ultimately handballs the administration/regulation of the non-commercial low end of aviation to a management body, be it RAA, SAAA or any other agency, I sincerely hope that it isn't RAA that gets the nod. At our present roll-call of some 10,000 members there are already demonstrated areas where we are not doing an effective job of self-regulation and/or administration. Woe betide us if we take on more responsibilites. It isn't my intent to bag RAA but, with the inevitable spill-over of RPL applicants and 'go faster' carbon fibre grease machines (that they will most likely be operating) potentially added to our current state of capabilities, I anticipate that "the squeaking hinge that gets the oil" won't be a few piddling little rag & tube ultralights. In earlier days I'd be running the risk of getting burned at the stake or at least horse-whipped for saying it publicly but I already sense a 'them & us' mentality amongst the low & slow (dare I say it, older) recreational flying fraternity. I'd be more than happy to eat crow if I'm ultimately proven to be talking crap. Now, down off my soap box. Cheers



  13. With reluctance in going on record with my opinion, I do believe that ozzie and M61A1 are both 'spot-on' in their above assessments. RAA (AUF) has done a commendable job over the years in gaining us fun flyers access to recreational airspace but I do not believe they have shown the capability to effectively manage the existing requirements let alone attempt to oversee the potential 'defacto' GA that seems to be facing us. Perhaps if and when it does eventuate, we of the 544 kg MTOW class can go back to enjoying our activities without all the razz & pizazz of the '100-grand-plus' ultralight society . Progress, be damned! 114_ban_me_please.gif.0d7635a5d304fa7bdaef6367a02d1a75.gif



  14. Just surfed across notice of a very interesting executor's clearing sale of a lifetime collection of 30's thru 70's vehicles & machinery at Coolamon (near Wagga) on Sat, 12 May. Amongst the myriad of multi-interesting lots (to a junkaholic anyway) are a single seater JEEP ultralight (looks quite complete except for wheels) and a rough XXXX?? two-seater pusher (less engine & prop). Anybody from Holbrook Ultralight Museum planning to attend? View catalogue with pictures at <<http://www.millerandjames.com.au/clearing_sales>> Worth a look. cheers



  15. Further to Turb's above post, I seem to recall fm my revhead youth days that speedway freaks used a rule-of-thumb that 1 hp required a minimum of 1 cu inch of radiator volume. Anyone ever used and proved it or am I having a senior's brain fart?



  16. Is it a pusher?Pud

    Further to Pud's query - what's the dia? Methinks as it's ex-582, probably too big a spin for my requirement. Gotta confess to not having big enough testicles to take a hack saw to the tips of a Warp Drive. Thanks for the contact.



  17. Not quite sure I understand if this is to be a full VW, or a 1/2VW?Or is this the anticipated total cost?

    If it's a full 4cyl, with start and dual mags, it will be very heavy and as ugly as that black and yellow thing (sorry to the owner, but look at the front of that thing ah_oh.gif.cb6948bbe4a506008010cb63d6bb3c47.gif)


    Next point, if it's to be a 1/2VW, you will be lucky to get 25hp out of it, really!


    Dave King and Brian Gabriel before him could both see the only way to go is a 2 stroke.


    You can probably get a reco'ed 503 cheaper than the VW(which will also be reco'ed), it will be lighter and it will put out 50+hp.


    It wouldn't take a lot of work to clean up the exhaust setup.


    The weight saving of a 503 would offset some larger tanks in the centre section to avoid CofG changes.


    I've recently been trying to test fly a machine designed for a 503, that was fitted with a Revmaster, it's not looking good.


    The motor feels like it's putting out about 40hp, and the aircraft came out a bit heavy.




    The net result is minimal performance.053_no.gif.1b075e917db98e3e6efb5417cfec8882.gif


    Just found another two stroke Hummel here in Oz; http://www.lmacrc.com/Photos/2006/Home Built.htm


    I think some large side cheeks could hide the exhaust on one side, and the carbi's on the other side......


    Dont get me wrong, the half VW Hummels are out there and working, BUT, the good ones have no electrics, are hand start, and take off from 1000 ft of concrete.


    Arthur I agree with most of what you say so if someone can show me how to mount a R503 to my Hummelbird without having that pug-ugly exhaust system ruining the whole picture, I'll pull out the 1/2 VW and power a lawn mower with it. Whilst the Rotax-powered longer nosed H'bird presents and performs significantly better, that bloody muffler makes it look like a topless Pamela Anderson in a bikini bottom with road kill tied around her neck (IMHO). Cheers



    • Agree 1
  18. I Have a 3 blade Utah Precission 50 inch as used on Shadow Ultralight it is wooden laminate ground adjustable only done 10 HRS yours for $500 regards old chook ph Canberra 0418415539

    Tks for the kick-back. I'll do some sleuthing and get back to you. Cheers



  19. Can anyone tell me who would be the closest L2? I'm in Oakey, near Toowoomba.I will be wanting a condition report done soon, I am a L2, but RAAus won't let me do my own. Are people charging for condition reports these days?

    Don't know what the norm is over East but I've never charged for time spent doing an aircraft inspection/preparing the resultant condition report paperwork however, there have been occasions where an appreciative new owner has forced a carton on me later. Pity that I'm too busy this weekend to hop in the Thruster and whip across to get you sorted. Good luck. cheers Riley



  20. I started with training costs at $11 per hour, can't remember what wages were but Living away from home allowance was $25 per week. Oh for the good old days!

    Yah beat me by a buck Yenn (so that must make you older than me?) In Canada in 1959 I opted out of PPL lessons at the 17 hour mark after realizing that I couldn't afford to fly, drink beer and chase girls (only three things that mattered at the time) on my serviceman's wage. Lessons in an Aeronca Champ or Taylorcraft 12BC were $12/hr dual & $10/hr solo. However, putting these figures into perspective at the time, a surface labourer working at the local mines was earning $2.05/hr. Thinking back on it, perhaps I should have kept up with the flying lessons as I seem to recall waking up with far more beer hangovers than I ever did gorgeous girlies. I ask myself, were they really the good old days? Cheers



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  21. Promises to be a great event as Gordon & Gary at White Gum Farm have developed some degree of fame for both the facilities and their hospitality on their previous annual fly-ins. WA flyers will be doing themselves a dis-service if they don't participate in this first (for a long time) RAA sponsored/supported event.



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