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Posts posted by Riley

  1. Thanks for that Pete. I witness a larger participation at the dawn ceremony which seems to include more unaccompanied adolescents each year (and this is good as it indicates they aren't being 'pressed' into attending with mom & dad) however, I was disappointed this morning to see a tea & scones stand set up not 30 meters from the cenotaph. Granted, it was by donation only and the ladies shut down during the short wreath-laying service and no doubts the proceeds will be directed to a worthy cause but somehow it just didn't seem appropriate on the hallowed grounds. Dunno, maybe I'm just a crotchety old b+stard?



  2. Tonight I’ve been trying to get my head around where I am with the under revving and overheating issues with my blue head 582. Here’s where I’m at and what I’ll be doing next time I’m at the airfield….Summary of known conditions in no particular order-

    · Propeller. 12* pitch blocks on a 3 blade composite 68” Brolga prop, powered by a 582 blue head Rotax engine through a “B” reduction box 2.58:1 gearing. Propeller is second hand but in good condition. Number 1 blade weights 2 grams lighter than the other 2. Number one blade tracks 10mm to the rear of the other 2 blades at bottom centre of the propeller arc. No facility on this type of setup to adjust propeller blade tracking.


    · Maximum revs 6200 WOT ever since brand new including during run in phase.


    · Engine prone to overheating ever since new with temps wanting to climb through 80*c including during run in phase.


    · The Bing 54 carburettor slides show synchronised and full movement through the entire throttle lever range. WOT position shows slide as wide open.


    · Engine idles at 2000 RPM with vibrations felt until revs increased to 2200.


    · Engine has 30 hours since new, as shown on electrically activated hour meter – true running hours possibly 27 or so.


    · Tacho and water temp gauges are confirmed as reading accurate.


    · Thermostat is confirmed as operating correctly.


    · Enrichening circuits (choke) on the carburettors are functioning correctly with complete de-activation when levers returned to the ‘Off’ position. Engine starts with no trouble.


    · All 4 spark plugs exhibit consistent tan/light brown colour, indicating correct fuel/air mixture.


    · EGT gauges at 6000 RPM read 1100* identical on both cylinders.


    · Engine runs on Caltex unleaded 91 Ron fuel at 50.1 mix with Castrol Active 2T 2-stroke oil.


    · Air cleaners were brand new with the engine and are in as new condition.


    · Carburettors were brand new with the engine and have not been altered in any way, or checked for synchronisation apart from visual inspection of slide operation on both carburettors.


    · Exhaust system was brand new with the engine and has been slightly modified. Where the gases exhaust to outside air a 50mm long (or thereabouts) curved pipe has been added to direct the exhaust gases away from the wing skins. See photo in post # 52


    · The 2 part radiators are the smaller version radiators from the old grey head 582 installation. New radiators were not purchased with the new blue head 582 engine.


    Things to check when next at the hangar-


    · Remove overflow bottle from the radiator coolant circuit to check if there is airflow interference from the bottle interrupting airflow around the radiators and engine. See photos.


    · Fully inspect and check carburettors set up – All jets and needles, float levels, position of needle clip retainer in needle groove, position of white plastic retainer is above needle clip, pneumatic synchronisation of both carburettors, and full throttle slide movement (again).


    · Fit larger test radiators on loan from Riley to ascertain benefit from larger radiator capacity.


    · Check ignition pick up gap and timing of ignition.


    Is there any other checks I should do at the same time?



    G'day Pud

    I'm probably 'preaching to the choir' but when you next get up to the hangar and commence your overheating 'rat-killing', ensure that you knock off each of your check points & test individually before moving on to the next if not successful. We all stand to learn from your saga so have fun old son but no short cuts!



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  3. Having had the good fortune to partake of both Ms Richards and Mr Bell's abilities and enthusiasm a few years back when they came to WA for a super-charged RAA weekend workshop, I can say that you would be hard pressed to have recruited a more knowledgeable and capable pair of mentors. Much applause to those concerned and well done Mr Baker! I shall definitely lurk/participate in their respective forums.



  4. Actually most we dumped off the continental shelf there was a stack load off Moreton Island....it was to do with the lend lease agreement.I have a friend who has been chasing this stuff here in Australia and he swears he has seen 6 catalinas himself in a underground bunker in north queensland. They fought in the courts for quite a while to get access to them but as soon as they "come out" the government has full rights no one else and they will more than likely be destroyed. The court case didn't continue due to running out of money..the government has plenty my friend and his others involved ran out of money and were advised that it was useless to continue. I haven't spoken to him in a few years so might give him a ring and get a update

    Very interesting KC. Back in the early '80s I rebuilt a 1950's Fargo 1/2 ton pick up using some 'new' mechanical bits that had been written off by DND and buried in a bombing range north of Perth many years previously. Somebody knew somebody who knew something & eventually a couple of geezers made a project out of it and, in the dark of a number of nights, salvaged 3 large trailer loads of perfect parts still wrapped in cosmolene & greases paper. Forbidden fruit always seems to taste better so keep us informed if there is a sequel to your mate's story. cheers



  5. What I would like is a table of prop, pitch, reduction ratios, rpm for a number of combinations.For instance - 68" brolga 3 blade composite, 12* pitch, 2.58 reduction box on a 582, ? rpm.

    What about if it was a 3:1 reduction drive, or a 62", or 15* pitch?


    I think you get my drift, but I can't seem to find one anywhere - just drawing blanks at the moment.





    I'll leave a propellor book the radiators. It may not have all of your deired info but there are plenty of nomographs that will either ameliorate your lack of understanding or further enhance your state of confusion. cheers



  6. Right Pud


    Have rigged down & boxed the tall radiators and placed them by the back door as discussed. Didn't include any of the plumbing as it doesn't suit an R582 installation. Take as much time as you need as I'll be up to my a.s in alligators with other projects for some time to come. Hopefully I'll be home when you call thru but if not, the 'lations' have been advised of your visit and the dog doesn't bite (the wife does but she's overseas!). Best of luck with your over-heating identification & resolution. Cheers Riley



  7. AVWeb News


    'Pickled Squadron of Spitfires found in Burma' or "Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus"!!!


    More than 40 years ago whilst living & working in Singapore, via an expatriate British member of the vintage car register, I was told of the supposed existence of 6 (??) intact and crated Spitfires that were left laying in a godown (warehouse) somewhere in/around Rangoon after the war ended. On two other occasions since then in other parts of the world I've heard similar versions of the fairy tale repeated and thought 'wouldn't it be lovely - but it's obviously a Furphy'. I know a lot of people, like myself, wrote it off as a fanciful urban myth however, now we have it (or at least posterity has it)! What a coup for the persistant David Cundall and for aviation enthusiasts worldwide. Now, anybody got a lead on a couple of Lancs hiding in a backyard shed???



  8. OK Pud I'll up the ante. Make it a $2.00 long term loan and I'll throw a R582 tall radiator hookup into the deal! Seriously, if you find you have to go down that road in attempts to resolve the issue, I have a set of twin tall radiators on the Suzi 3 cyl experimental project (presently stalled) that I'd be happy to LOAN you for trial purposes to prove the possibility before shelling out for a replacement cooling system. And, while I can bear the pain & hurt from that unkind comment on my coffee, my dear old Mom used to tell me that coffee & smokes would stunt my growth so you better come around for more cuppas because, as I recall, your radial growth could do with some stunting. Give us a call if & when when you need. Cheers Riley



  9. I have often seen propeller pitch quoted as degrees of pitch such as "12 degrees", also have seen pitch expressed as "28", for example. I'm sure that is not 28 degrees of pitch!! But what is it, and how do you convert to degrees?Pud

    You already have the concept regarding the degrees of pitch so the other figure (28") is the distance that the prop will screw thru a large tub of soft butter in one revolution. You're an old chippy - think of a lead screw in a 'yankee screwdriver' (and disregard the butter if you're measuring the prop at home).



  10. For about the past 60+ years as an aviation afficianado, to attract my serious interest an aircraft had to have a high-wing, be tractor configured and have a tail wheel. This little wing really caught my attention and has punched holes in what I thought I thought. I'd love to get up close & personal with one. Thanks for the post Mr Deskpilot.



  11. I only did a 'river run' once, with an instructor, and found it extremely useful for sharpening up skills. We followed the Avon River from York to Beverley and what an adrenaline rush it was.Pud


    Betcha I flew the same river with the same instructor (probably around the same time) but in the T300 not the Gazelle. Did it again on the Moore River shortly after being cut loose but was on my own so was nowhere near as close to the vegitation. I agree, what great fun it was for a newbie. cheers



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  12. [ATTACH=full]16916[/ATTACH] Hiya Fellas, Gotta join in this thread about the lighter side of flying. I have just finished the 95.10 in the pic , it has a Kawasaki 440 with a 5 belt drive on it but not enough power to lift off. It weighs 156 kg's empty. Do you think the Kwaka has enough pull to do the job. How heavy is your thruster?Cheers.

    With regards your lack of power concerns - I suggest that you turn the dog around 180* so that when cable-tied to the engine, both the dog and aircraft tails are pointing in the same direction. In this manner the combined Kwaka HP and the 1 dogpower will undoubtedly shorten your takeoff run immensely and get you into ground effect much quicker. Now, having resolved that issue, you might next look at either a 'quick release' feature on rotation for the dog or perhaps change out the cable ties to a belly band or something similar for creature comforts whilst doing circuits? Always ready to help with life's little problems.



  13. Hi Folks,I live in the Perth northern CBD and I'm looking for a place to fly & store my microlight for 5-6 months. Does any one know any land owners out here with a flat paddock & shed? happy to pay rent & cut the grass for them.


    Grateful for any info folks



    Three trikes hangar and fly off of Bindoon CAC airstrip (Superlight A/C Club of WA) about 100km north of Perth. Any and all airspace closer to Perth seems to be owned either by the RAAF or CASA. Happy hunting at any rate.



  14. Haven't done anything about the prop balancer yet but over the weekend I thought I'd check how the blades were tracking on my 3 blade brolga. 2 blades track very close to identical but the third blade is tracking approx 9mm to the rear of the other 2. Is that to be concerned about? I don't notice any particular vibrations except at slow idle when the Rotax jumps around a bit - smooths out at 2200 revs or a little more though. Idle on the 582s should be 2200 anyway.Pud


    Despite that you have no noticeable operational vibrations with your dipsy doodle Brolga blade, a 9mm variance in tracking is quite a bit outside normally acceptable limits and can't be doing any good. Generally speaking, blade tips should track within about 3mm. I'd suggest a bit of time be expended in fine tuning that miscreant - even if it doesn't feel bad at present, you'll feel good about having done it. Cheers



  15. Thank you for your input Alan, especially the last sentence eh?Pud

    Mr Pudestcon.

    A slight drift off thread but, before we resolve any propellor imbalance situation first we need to sort out an obvious nationality problem!


    Viz: - Australians (especially banana-benders) finish off a statement with the conjunction "But" .


    - Canadians on the other hand usually finish off a statement with the query "Eh"?


    Given that you were definitely OZ at the time of our last meeting, I insist that you desist in your purloining of the canuck bastardization of english grammar!!!


    Now onto prop balancing. I do have a two-blade prop balancer (upgrade from the EAA one that Powerin referenced) available to anyone here in the West who needs it but for lack of any better process, I took my three blades down to the local post office with a can of spray paint and got the lovely lady to match weigh them as I sprayed up the tips of the lighter ones. It's a small country PO and she (not being overly busy at the time) was quite intrigued with the process. As regards Pommie John - Hell (much to his accountant's dismay) he'll happily look at doing anything aviation rather than earning some money by actually manufacturing a saleable product in the factory. Let's put it on him. Cheers



  16. Is anybody doing such a thing out of Bindoon Riley? What about if my mate wanted to have an hour or so with an instructor type to get him current again? I can take him for a ride but that's it!Pud

    There isn't a low inertia/hi drag, rag & tube taildragger on line at YBOO anymore. The school uses a Sky Fox but, because it's handling idiosyncrasys are distinct from the Thruster, I'd imagine that one wouldn't expect to jump into it from a T300 and knock off a BFR without an hour or so of type familiarization beforehand. My former T300 still resides at Bindoon but she's been 'ridden hard and put away wet' by her current owner and as such doesn't have any immediate potential for check flights or BFRs. A possible solution is that you organize an overnight fly-in to the farm and we bring one of the SI's along and put him to work on-site. How much time we got? Give us a call. Cheers.



  17. Master H.


    Can't say for sure that he's still in harness but Jim Cuthill, CFI of "Falcon Hawk" ( near Benalla) was doing taildragger instruction in his T300 up till a year or so ago and Benalla ain't that far away from the Dandenongs. He used to answer calls on (03) 5828 6428. Give him a hoy and see what you arrange. Cheers



  18. First hand, timely communication emanating from a meeting of our Board - it's like a breath of fresh air! After ten years of information drought from Canberra we now get a Board meeting precis within days of it happening from state reps on both sides of the country. What a significant step towards restoring RAA member confidence (and it's had one hell of a caning over recent years). A big thanks to both John McKeown (SE Qld) and Gavin Thobaven (WA) for their informative posts to the members they represent. I much like the portent of this new approach. Keep up the momentum gentlemen!



  19. Bill, Not sure why you would want to go with a 532, other than it must be free !....The 532 was Rotaxs first Watre-cooled aircraft engine (single Ign). It was quickly replaced by the 582 Dual Ign which was really a better engine all round, with more capacity and HP, and a more developed cooling system, in the same size/weight package. The 532 has been discontinued for some years now, and I don't even know if you can still source parts for them. On the other hand there are lots of 582s around, and is still a current engine supported by Rotax..............................Maj...024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gif

    Further to the Maj's post, it's a certainty that the 532 crankshaft/rods assy is no longer available from Rotax although there are a few Rotax gurus in the US who profess to be able to supply 'rebuilt' 532 cranks??? Apart from that, I believe most if not all other components are still available via CPS or the like. Confirming that single spark plug and Bosch contact breaker ignition with the 532 vs dual plugs and Ducati DCI sparking in the 582 certainly make the latter a much more desirable hook-up even if it is considerably more expensive. Having said all of that, there are still a lot of 532-powered recreational machines out there that have flown hundreds of hours and that will continue to do so as long as they're looked after.



  20. If the coils are Bosch parts, try a Bosch agent. I had an Alfa Romeo years ago with Bosch distributor. When I broke the dizzy drive shaft I went to a local auto electrician with the Bosch model number of the dizzy. Of course you can't buy just a drive shaft but a whole new distributor was a quarter of the Alfa price.

    Flyerme - from your other thread it would appear that you may have identified the woolie boogers in your little 447. Should it still not be 'on song' when you get the suspect carbs/fuel system sorted, get back to me & I'll find a couple of used coils for you to try.

    Deltacharlie - tell us more about the steam traction engine in you avator -I'm envious as hell! cheers Riley



  21. How about "CHICKEN MAAANN, he's every where, he's everywhere!"BP Pickabox with Bob and Dolly Dyer.

    Kid Grayson Rides the Range


    And of course, Dad and Dave



    Chickenmaaan?? Cripes Pud, I suspected you were old but I never figured THAT old. Up till now I reckoned it was only myself and my 150-year-old ex-NZ flatmate from Perth that would remember the 'fearless white-winged warrior'... and now YOU! I can only assume that your professional counselling sessions have had no positive effect but no matter, me and yer Mum are still proud of you (despite what the neighbours say).



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  22. There is another test, something about using your nail and looking for fibre damage......but at the end of the day the Betsometer test is the definitive test and selling an RAA Aircraft requires an aircraft condition report to enable the rego change, so I cant see how it can be sold without the test being done....... Major?Andy


    Curiously (is that a word?) , there is provision in an RAA Aircraft Condition Report for recording Bettsometer readings of the flying surface fabrics on a weightshift wing (95-32) but no specific requirement to do so with any other category of registration. Common sense (both from a vendor's and/or purchaser's viewpoint) dictates that the test should be performed and recorded at least at every 100 hourly even if the aircraft is normally hangared. As the Major says, tieing down outside, even short term, is to be avoided if at all posssible. Cheers Riley



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