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Posts posted by Lyndon

  1. I have been in touch with Reg. He tells me to cut 3 mm off the the spacers and leave the circlips in. I still don't understand what the spacers do. That are on the outside so they don't adjust the wheels position and surely the locking nut has a better seat on it than a thin spacer . Buggered if I know.





  2. Ok I have a circlip stopping each race from seating or to be precise this is what it seats on. Thus my bearings are 4.6 mm wider apart as each clip is 2.3 mm in width. I'm presuming this is why I'm running out of thread for the nut with the spacer and also the outside washer does not have enough purchase to be seated properly on the axle in lieu of the end with the thread which is smaller diameter. Wtf. I know they are golf cart wheels ??. Am I just unlucky getting this mistake or am missing something.







  3. The bearing is perfectly seated on the axle. That's one sure thing I can see. Will look at the rims. Seems odd as all three rims are the same. Maybe the same bloke knocked them all in not quite right. I take it the spacer is because you run of thread to preload the bearing. I have the opposite problem.





  4. No the races don't seem seated in the rims. But as they were already fitted I can't see if there is a step there. I have tapped them and they don't want to move. If your talking about the bearing. Yes it's seated properly. Lyndon



  5. There is no way the axle is long enough to fit the wheels. The races are seated properly on the rims. The out side washer which is the same diameter as the axle doesn't even fit. Just sits on the thread as the axle is just not long enough. Clearly I'm missing something. Lyndon





  6. Looks like I have two spacers but manual says use one. I'm presuming I have this set up correct. ???. If so once installed the nut only just bites a few threads ???. Any insight would great.









  7. Ok my build is going well. Rebuilt my motor. Wings and tail all painted. Under carriage all done. Fuselage is basically assembled. So I don't have many parts left in my house. Taking into account every part I ever lost I have found and there has been many. But I can't find the friction blocks for the throttle shaft. I have the bracket sf284 but I can't find sf417 which consists of four nylon parts and some screws I think. I'm guessing they will be in a bag. If anyone can think where theirs were. Maybe inside another part ??? Any help to what I'm looking for would be great.


    Thanks Lyndon



  8. Found. With no part number. Not in my parts book and the manual just shows a pic of the light and where to place it. I would never have even guessed where this goes. Thanks again





  9. Thanks Rick. It's seems very long and was expecting some fancy think to be in the end to catch wind. But I guess simple is good. I will wait till the wing is on the plane but will paint it with my tongue wing . Thanks Lyndon





  10. Gday. Pitot tube. I can't find it my manual. Is it sf621. Part number. Also fitting of the hella light in its little shroud. Any pics or info on fitting both of these much appreciated.





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