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Everything posted by RetiredRacer

  1. Simon, do you have the commercial version of X-Plane or just the standard version?
  2. Congrat's guys, welcome to the solo club. Hey Tomo, I was booked in to do a nav-ex to Dalby yesterday, but I had to cancell it once again because of work. The way things are looking I won't have time for a few weeks or so to do it, but who knows I might run into you when I do.
  3. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!! Well done Simon.
  4. It sounds like it would be worth doing anyway. Thanks guys
  5. Thanks for that Skydog. The stress and workload I can relate to, and yes, it is almost impossible to study during those periods.
  6. Pay back to "Herr Director" was executed beautifully.
  7. Skydog, you bring up some interesting points here for me. We chose and are building a RV9a, and have a O-235 Lycoming motor for it. The RV9a has a 38kt stall and a MTOW of 750kg (with the 0-235 Lyc), and we have been gambling on the 760kg being in by time we get the plane built. But the way things are looking we most likely will have the plane built well before the 760kg MTOW weight comes in (if it ever does), so we may need to get our ppl to fly it. As I am 67yo the old sponge in the head is a little hard and does not absorb as well as it used to when I was young, I'm a little concerned I may have trouble getting my PPL. I'm still going for my RAA, I have 23.5 hours up so far and as I elected to do the XC endorsment as part of my certificate, I've still got a few hours to go. The exams I've done so far I've passed (each 84%). But I have still got the BAK & XC exams to do. I guess what I am asking here is, did you find getting your PPL any more difficult than getting your RAA.
  8. And chuckle I did, he he
  9. Congratulations Peter, well done. I can relate to a lot that you have said in your post Peter, especially this quote here. I Now have nineteen and a half hours up of which two and a half of them are solo. Two hours of those solo hours have been off doing some local flying, and while I have been up there by myself just flying around enjoying myself, there have been no nerves at all. But as soon as the instructor jumps back in I become tense and nervous again. I'm not saying I do not want the instructor to be snaping at me, I want him to be tough with me because I want to be a good pilot. But I am looking forward to getting that peice of paper that says I can go flying by myself when ever I feel like it. ;) But because I elected to do my XC first so I've got that endorsement as well when I get my licence, I've still got a few more hours to go yet.
  10. Congratulations Bec, it's a great feeling knowing you did it by yourself. But as Brett said when you get to fly for more than just a circuit it really sinks in just how enjoyable it is flying the A/craft around the sky all by your little old self.
  11. Congratulations, and it sounds like you really had some fun doing it, all the best for your test flight Brett
  12. Yes, good one Bec, well done. It sounds like you had a good day. :thumb_up: Inexperience breeds inconsistency so you will still have days when you will feel like you have lost the ability to put it down but as time goes on your good landings will get more consistent and you will go home smiling every time.
  13. Here guys, Watts Bridge Watts Bridge Memorial Airfield
  14. Good onya Tomo it sounds like you'r doing well. :thumb_up:
  15. Here Adrian you can work from this to give you an idea http://www.vansaircraft.com/public/compcost.htm
  16. Try this shaggs http://www.rvproject.com/
  17. Sorry mate, Ive been working on it and it should be up tonight. (There are not enough hours in a day) But in my defence I did post my solo on here so it gave me more time to update my blog :hittinghead:
  18. Congratulations "very happy Mike" well done. I did my first solo on Monday so I know how you are feeling.
  19. I am 67, and like you I have been around aviation all my life. Both of my brothers started flying when they were teenagers and I wanted to as well, but because of circumstances I never did, until recently. I now have 11.1 training hrs up, I did my first solo 2 days ago and I am enjoying the challenge. My elder brother lost his life about 14 yrs ago practicing aero's, so when I started to think of learning to fly I also had reservations as well. My advise is go for it, you will not forget your friends accident but it will make you strive to be safe as possible while your up there flying and be very thorough on your pre-flight aircraft inspections etc. And that has got to be a good thing
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